SEMESTER II, 2015-16


1.  Academic Requirements

All third year students are subjected to PI (third year CORE course) in semester 2. This course is worth 16 AUs. Students who defer their PI to the following semester will need to register for courses as per normal.

Please refer to the curriculum structure by clicking on the link below for the recommended AUs to take in semester II.


The following Upper level Prescribed Electives are offered in Semester II, 2015_16:

CS4020- Magazine Publishing

CS4071- Special Topics (Media in Singapore)

CS4054 – Asian Cinema

CS4079 – Issues in Cinema Studies

CS4160 – The Korean Wave: A multidisciplinary perspective

CS4260- Film Festivals: History and Theory

CS4029- Advertising, Creativity & Copywriting

CS4028 – PR Writing

CS4131- Risk Communication

CS4030- Crisis Management

CS4075 – Special Topics in PR: Evaluating & Producing Campaign Results (pre-req: CS2008)

CS4035 – Strategic Communication Management

Students are allowed to register for one Practicum, regardless of the Track they are in:

CS4081/CS4181: News Practicum (pre-req: CS2021)

CS4083/CS4183: TV Practicum

CS4087: Online Magazine Practicum (pre-req: CS2021)

Registration and Add/Drop Periods

The Registration schedule for Yr 3:

CORE/PE/GER-PE: Thursday, 10 Dec 2015 (1.30- 4.30 pm)

UE: Thursday, 17 Dec 2015 (1.30 -4.30 pm)

The Registration Study Year is your study year in SII AY2015-16 and which is determined by the following:


Add/Drop period: Tuesday, 11 January – Sunday, 24 January 2016

The normal load for Semester 1 is 15-16 AUs. Students can choose to take unrestricted electives provided that they have not exceeded the maximum of 19 -20 AUs. Registration of additional subjects (beyond 20 AUs) can be done 2 weeks before registration or on the first week of the Add/Drop period.

Please complete the course overloading form downloadable from the following site:


Please allow up to 5 days for the UG team to process these applications.


It is the responsibility of the students to follow the registration procedure and to complete the required AUs from year to year. Students are encouraged to write to for course related enquiries. Alternatively, you may contact the Peer Advisors at

Any changes to the registration schedule will be notified via the School’s website and if necessary, through students’ NTU email account.