March 2006Haltom Spirit Booster Club
Visit the Cheer Website – Click on…
ALSO: 2006-2007 Cheer dates added!!
**31 Days**
April 1st, 2006
@ 1:00 PM (HHS)
* Exercise Daily!
* Eat Right!
* Get plenty of rest!
* Drink plenty of water!
* Practice Jumps twice daily!
Booster Club News
- “General Membership” Booster Club Meeting – Monday, March20th@7:00 PM, HHS Library. We encourage all parents & cheerleaders to attend all general meetings; everyone is welcome! Remember, meetings are generally every 3rd Monday of each month, please mark your calendars! Also, if you missed a meeting, please visit the website for archived meeting minutes!! We look forward to seeing you!
Meeting Agenda:
- Coaches & Executive Board Reports
- Budget & Fundraising
- 06-07 Welcome Tea / Try-out Planning
- Senior Scholarship Applications
- Treasury Review Results
- Booster Club Officers – As a reminder, THREE positions (maybe 4 if we loose our webmaster?) will become vacant this April, and SIX more April 2007… Yes, their cheerleaders will be graduating, which means Mom & Dad graduate too. (No crying!) WE NEED YOU!!! Attending regular meetings allows you to be apart of the MANY important functions we support throughout the year. Not only will this allow you be apart of the decision-making; it will also allow you to learn the positions that will become vacant, and hopefully takeover!! A list of positions are below and their current chairperson. Please note: The Booster Club is designed to support the cheerleaders and most importantly our coaches!!
All positions are voted on and followed by the By-laws & UIL that govern Booster Clubs
- Yard Signs –Postponed until 06-07. After try-outs we will take orders. Est. cost $25.00. Be looking for order forms at the Tea or during practices.
- Varsity, Jr. Varsity& Freshman Cheerleader & Football Banquet – What a BLAST!! Thank you to all parent s for your help. Congratulations to all Award recipients!! (See page 5 for winners!)
- Moved or Moving? – Please submit changes to Connie Webb; this will ensure there is no delay in receiving this newsletter. I will also update contact lists for coaches & Booster Club. Thank you!
- Monthly Newsletter– For additions, corrections, or news you would like to share about yourself or child, please submit to Connie Webb by the 15th of each month via email:
Executive Board Members
President:Sherri Gearen – 12th817-281-8536
Vice President:Debbie Anderson – 11th817-788-4924
2nd Vice President:Mickie Hamilton – 11th817-485-7840
Treasurer:Connie Webb – 11th817-605-9301
Secretary:Sheila Winkle – 9th & 11th817-281-1109
Fundraising Chair:Keelie Kennedy – 11th817-788-9272
Hospitality Chair:Teresa Frausto – 11th817-485-5553
Publicity Chair:Christine Gifford – 12th817-838-7239
Newsletter Chair:Connie Webb – 11th817-605-9301
Communications Chair:Amy West – 9th817-281-1721
Webmaster:Mike Potter817-281-1201
Haltom Spirit Booster Club, February 2006 Page1 of 2
Haltom Spirit Booster Club, February 2006 Page1 of 2
From the desk of the Booster Club President: Sherri Gearen…
Dear Booster Club Members:
So much has happened and time has passed so quickly. Everyone's hard work has provided us with: The first ever Cheerleading calendar, it was a lot of hard work to create, but we pulled it off and the calendars looked great! We provided the coaches’ fund $2,000 towards bills and supplies, a bus to the Dallas Cowboy football game where our cheerleaders performed at the half-time show, treasury again remained in the black all year, a second year scholarship is being written for a graduating cheerleader, and most importantly new friendships.
I would like to thank all of the cheerleaders, coaches, parents and Booster Club board members for all your hard work and sweat over the year, you are greatly appreciated!
I wish everyone good luck next year and I hope you succeed in all you strive to accomplish.
Thanks again!!!
Sherri Gearen
Haltom Spirit Booster Club, February 2006 Page1 of 2