The Yarrawonga Chronicle and Riverina Advertiser
A most melancholy drowning fatality oc- at Yarrawonga on Monday last, when two boys named James Smith and Patrick Quinane (#208), aged 12 and 10 years respectively, were drowned in the Murray. It appears from information gleaned from some other .youths of a similar age, who were witnesses of the catastrophe, that after the children attending the RomanCatholicSchool had beendismissed for their lunch. a number of the boys wandered down to the Murray at the well• known bathing place some 400 yards above the bridge.The cause of this unusual act at this time of the year was, apparently a desire to put into effect; and to witness, a challenge thrown out by the two victims of the lamentable occurrence as to ,'which of them was game to strip off and plunge into the water.Arrived at the recognised bathing place, Smith and Quinane peeled off their clothes and the younger lad (Quinane) stepped into the water.The Murray justnow is. running with a very strongcurrent and -the - bank of the river at the water's edge is of a very soapy and treacherous nature. YoungQuinane would appearfrom the statements made by the boys who were looking on-tohave slipped off the soapy clay immediately he took to the water, and, being unable to swim and caught in the swirl of the current, was immediately carried off his feet and placed in the jaws of death. Seeing his companion's extremity, Smith made a plucky attempt to grip Quinane and haul him out of danger, but the drowning lad threw his arms round Smith's neck and dragged him into the water after him.The two poor boys were then left struggling with their joint extremity --their companions on the bank being incapable of rendering the least assistance. The remorselesscurrent speedily had the drowning lads entirely at its mercy, and they were swept away and were soon seen to sink and rise no more.
Two of the boys who witnessed the tragic occurrence picked up the clothes belonging to the drowned lads and ran with them to the homes of the stricken parents. In the case of little Quinane, the messenger rushed unceremoniously into the house where the drowned boy's grandmother - Mrs. Ryan, mother of Mr. Patrick Ryan, of Yarrawonga, -lived,andexclaimed"here'sPackie'sclothes, and Packie’s drowned! "The poor old lady, who was waiting for her adored grandchild to come home to his lunch, was nearly driven out of her mind with the sudden and awful intelligence, her grief being terrible to witness and ever since the occurrence she has raved and moaned with such ceaselessanguish that her friends feared for her life and reason.
In the other case, the messenger who bore the clothes and tidings of little Smith's death to the home of the parents'-who live in very straitenedcircumstances near Mr. Robertson's sawmill-would appear to have shrunk from the mournful but self-imposed task of breaking the news, and, finding no one at home- Mrs. Smith being away washing - left the clothes in the house. On returning home the father-who is very aged and infirm – thought he recognised the clothes as those worn by his son, and further inquiry subsequently acquainted him with the lamentable tragedy that had occurred.
The police at once net to work to drag the river, and late in the afternoon little Smith’s body was brought to the surface with the grappling irons in mid-stream about 150Yards below the spot where the boys entered the water.The police prosecuted their search for the other body throughout the remainderof the day and all day Tuesday, but without success, and having lost 4 grappling irons, through their being caught on snags in the river, they were obliged to suspend operations until yesterday morning when, fresh grappling irons having arrived, they resumed their mournful search, but, so far without success. The search will be continued indefinitely, and today Prince Ferguson (black tracker), who has been sent for, will be set to work diving.
Little Smith was buried in the Yarrawonga Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, the Roman Catholic School children and other sympathizers following the body in procession order to its last resting place. The burial obsequies were performed by Rev. Father Moore. Prior to the interment a magisterial inquiry was held on the body by Mr. M.C.M. Crockett, J.P., and a verdict of accidental drowning was returned.