Unit 3-Motion and forces homework=orange activities=blue
6th grade science-T.Yantz tests=purple opening assignment=brown
Unit length: 5 weeks(Nov. 5th-Dec.15th) learning styles=green differentiation=red
Day 1Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.) I can identify balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
Opening Assignment:
MC/with justification
Lesson:1.)Introduce the following vocabulary in the notes= chp. 5 forces +motion by making orange flashcards(visual , auditory, kinesthetic,+tactile learning) for each voc. word:
force(sec. I), balanced
forces(sec.K), friction(sec.
G), air resistance(sec. H),
gravity(sec. J), velocity(sec.D), unbal. forces / newton (sec.L)
2.)class demo: tug of war
3.)teacher will demo.1-4 q. pg. 1 h.w. using a truck, a stuffed animal, and a brick.
Differentiation: Form A(avg.-low students)1-16q. mc.
Form b(advanced students)12q. open ended-not much m.c. questions. / Day 2
Daily Objective:
1.)I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.) I can identify balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
Opening Assignment:
MC/with justification
1.)Review voc. From day 1.
2.)Continue day 1 / Day 3
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.) I can identify balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
Opening Assignment:
MC/with justification
1.) Review voc. From day 1.
2.)Finish day 1 / Day 4
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.) I can identify balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
Opening Assignment:
MC/with justification
1.)Introduce the following vocabulary in the notes by making orange flashcards(visual , auditory, kinesthetic,+tactile learning) =
chp. 5 forces +motion:
average speed(sec. A), instantaneous speed (sec.B), constant speed (sec.C), deceleration(sec. E), and Acceleration(sec.F)
2.)Teacher will demo 4-9 pg. 1q. h.w. / Day 5
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.) I can define + identifyNewton’s 3 laws of motion.
Opening Assignment:newton’s laws(10 ex.)
1.)Introduce the following vocabulary in the notesby making orange flashcards(visual , auditory, kinesthetic,+tactile learning)=
chp. 5 forces +motion:
Newton’s 1st law(sec.P), inertia(sec. o),
Newton’s 2nd law(sec.Q), and
Newton’s 3rd law(sec.R)
2.)Teacher will demo. Questions 10-13 from pg.1 h.w . using a truck, a stuffed animal, and a brick.
Day 6
Daily Objective:
1.)I can define + identify Newton’s 3 laws of motion.
Opening Assignment: newton’s laws(10 ex.)
MC/with justification
1.)Review voc. From days 1, 4, + 5
2.)Finish day 5
3.) Students will grade independent practice h.w. pg.1 in class.
4.)Q+A session after grading
5.) AssignIndependent
pg.2 Section 1
Motion)(pgs. 48
And 49)
Additional Practice:
Differentiation(low+average students)
Pg. 3-Putt Putt Golf(19 questions) / Day 7
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
Opening Assignment: newton’s laws(10 ex.)
MC/with justification
1.)Introduce the following
vocabulary in the notes= chp. 5 forces +motion by making orange flashcards(visual , auditory, kinesthetic,+tactile learning):
work(sec. M) and net
2.)Teacher will demo 1-9q
Pg.4 h.w.Large marble+ping pong ball/bowling pinsusing a golf ball, a ping pong ball, and miniaturebowling pins.
3.)Students will grade independent practice h.w. pgs. 48+49 in class
4.)(Q+A) session will follow allowing students to ask teacher about why questions were missed / Day 8
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
Opening Assignment: newton’s laws(10 ex.)
MC/with justification
1.)Review voc. From days 1,3,5,+ 7
2.)Continue teacher demo. From day 7 (ping pong ball +large marble/bowling pins)
3.) Students will grade independent practice h.w. pg.3Putt Putt Golf in class
4.)( Q+A) session will follow allowing students to ask teacher about why questions were missed / Day 9
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
Opening Assignment: newton’s laws(10 ex.)
MC/with justification
1.) Review voc. From days 1,3,5,+ 7
2.)Finish teacher demo. From day 7 (large marble+ping pong ball/bowling pins)
3.)Assign Independent
Practice(h.w. pg. 5=Newton’s Three Laws of Motion pg. (103-105) / Day 10
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
Opening Assignment: newton’s laws(10 ex.)
MC/with justification
1.) Review voc. From days 1,3,5,+ 7
2.)Teacher demo. of open response question on study guide
3.)Teacher will use these materials(book, piece of carpet foam,different sized/different masses balls) to experiment on how to slow down and accelerate the speed of the ball coming down the ramp. (visual+auditory learning)
4.)Grade in class
pg. 5=Newton’s
Three Laws of
Motion pg. 103-105)
( Q+A) session will follow
Day 11
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
Opening Assignment: newton’s laws(10 ex.)
MC/with justification
1.) Review voc. From days 1,3,5,+ 7
2.) Teacher demo. of open response question on study guide
3.)Teacher will use these materials(book, piece of carpet foam,different sized/different masses balls) to experiment on how to slow down and accelerate the speed of the ball coming down the ramp.(visual+auditory learning)
Part 1 on study guide unit 3 1-22 questions
Day 16
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.)I can define+identify Newton’s 3 laws.
Opening Assignment:
MC/with justification
1.) Review voc. From days 1,3,5,+ 7
2.) Continue Smartboard acitivty: Isaac Newton’s laws of motion(visual,auditory,tactile,+
kinesthetic learning)
3.)quiz after activity(10 mutiple choice questions) / Day 12
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
Opening Assignment: newton’s laws(10 ex.)
MC/with justification
1.) Review voc. From days 1,3,5,+ 7
2.)continue day 11
Day 17
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.)I can define+identify Newton’s 3 laws.
Opening Assignment: calculating avg. speed(5 days)
MC/with justification
1.)Review voc. From days 1,3,5,+ 7
2.)Show+discuss video: Motion+Forces video(19 min.) (visual+auditory learning)
3.)Assign questions on the study guide
(part 2:questions 23-35) Unit 3 / Day 13
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
Opening Assignment: newton’s laws(10 ex.)
MC/with justification
1.) Review voc. From days 1,3,5,+ 7
1.)Finish day 11
2.)Grade part 1 questions 1-21 on study guide unit 3
3.)Q+A session -students ask about questions missed
Day 18
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.)I can define+identify Newton’s 3 laws.
Opening Assignment: calculating avg. speed(5 days)
MC/with justification
1.)Review voc. From days 1,3,5,+ 7
2.)Show+discuss video: Motion+Forces video(19 min.)(visual+auditory learning)
3.)Assign questions on the study guide
(part 2:questions 23-35) Unit 3 / Day 14
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
Opening Assignment: newton’s laws(10 ex.)
MC/with justification
1.)Review voc. From days 1,3,5,+ 7
2.) Smartboard acitivty: Isaac Newton’s laws of motion (visual,auditory,tactile,+
kinesthetic learning)
Day 19
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.)I can define+identify Newton’s 3 laws.
Opening Assignment: calculating avg. speed(5 days)
MC/with justification
1.)Review voc. From days 1,3,5,+ 7
2.)Finish showing video: Motion+Forces
(visual+auditory learning)
video(19 min.)
3.) Grade part 2
questions 23-35 on study guide unit 3
4.)Q+A session -students ask about questions missed / Day 15
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
Opening Assignment:calculating avg. speed(5 days)
MC/with justification
1.) Review voc. From days 1,3,5,+ 7
2.) ContinueSmartboard acitivty: Isaac Newton’s laws of motion
kinesthetic learning)
3.)Grade in class
4.) Q+A session -students ask about questions missed
Day 20
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.)I can define+identify Newton’s 3 laws.
Opening Assignment: calculating avg. speed(5 days)
MC/with justification
1.) Review voc. From days 1,3,5,+ 7
2.) Show +discuss video:
Newton’s Laws (15 min.)
(visual+auditory learning)
Day 21
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.)I can define+identify Newton’s 3 laws.
Opening Assignment:
MC/with justification
1.)Allow students time to practice answering open response question on study guide
2.)class discussion about the answer to the o.r. question / Day 22
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.)I can define+identify Newton’s 3 laws.
Opening Assignment:
MC/with justification
1.)Allow students time to practice answering open response question on study guide
2.)class discussion about the answer to the o.r. question / Day 23
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.)I can define+identify Newton’s 3 laws.
Opening Assignment:
MC/with justification
1.)UNIT 3 TEST(20 multiple choice questions) / Day 24
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.)I can define+identify Newton’s 3 laws.
Opening Assignment:
MC/with justification
UNIT 3 / Day 25
Daily Objective:
1.) I can define balanced forces, unbalanced forces, friction, speed +velocity.
2.)I can define+identify Newton’s 3 laws.
Opening Assignment:
MC/with justification
1.)(Q+A) session –students will ask about m.c. questions missed
2.)Students will be given the opportunity to rewrite o.r. question if needed.