Our Responsibilities toward God
Lesson 3:Enjoying God
Day One:Welcome to a week of delighting in the Lord your God! Let’s begin with a little self-assessment.
On a scale of 1–10 (10 being the most), how much do you enjoy God right now?Circle a number.
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1.The creative genius and massive power of our all-wise God is on display in the following text.Please read Genesis 1:1–2:3.Enjoy Him as your Father and Savior!
a.What special insight did you glean from your reading that delighted you about our Creator God?
2.Moses statement, “it was so” is recorded six times in Genesis 1:1–2:3.As this phrase relates to creation, what two attributes of God are in view and why?
Day Two:
1.On day one (Gen. 1:3–5) and day four (Gen. 1:14–19), God created light.What is the significance of each day?
Day One—
Day Four—
2.When God saw His work, what did He say(v. 18)? Fill in the blank: .
3.What happens, and why, to our light source in the New Jerusalem?Please enjoy reading Revelation 21:1–4, 22–23 and Revelation 22:5–7.Who is coming back to get us soon?
4.Extra Credit:Pick one: (a) Star gaze one night, and praise and delight in your Triune God and Savior! (b) Look up stars in the encyclopedia and stand amazed at the brilliant genius and power of your Almighty Father.What two facts “wowed” you?
Day Three:
1.Complete the following:
a.Day two of creation talks about the “firmament.”What does God call it (v. 8)?
b.Worship and enjoy the Lord as you read Job 36:24–33, 37:5–13, and38:1–36!
c.Jot down two to three favorite verses from above which relate to those things that occur in the sky.Who is utterly sovereign?
2.Please read Genesis 8:20–9:3 and 9:8–17.Briefly state God’s special promise (8:21). What is our Lord’s sign of the covenant (vv. 13, 16)?This covenant is between God and whom?
Day Four:
1.Please re-read Genesis 1:9–13.Summarize why day three of creation would be “cataclysmic” in nature?
(a)What is the highest mountain that you know?
2.What is the importance of the phrase “whose seed is in itself” (v. 12)?
3.To further understand/appreciate the vast wisdom of our Awesome God, explore the importance of the plant section in the encyclopedia.Consider the part on “plants and the cycle of nature.” How does the earth’s vegetation work like “lungs” for the whole planet?(If you don’t have an encyclopedia,use a dictionary and define“photosynthesis.”Describe the reason why it is critical to all of life on earth.)
4.Extra Credit:Take an extra five minutes shopping for your weekly produce.Examine or perhaps taste some new fruit or vegetable, and delight in your wonderful God.Thank Him for his fabulous creative ways.
Day Five:
1.Complete the following:
(a)Read Genesis 1:25–31 again.God’s crowning glory was created on day six.Explain why you are so special and what dominion you have that is decreed by God?
(b)Does this include “killer whales” at Sea World and/or San Diego?
2.Consider the trinity of God (v. 26). Who is the actual creator and sustainer of man (i.e., you) according to John 1:3, Colossians 1:16, and Hebrews 1:2–3? (Fill in the blank). Support your answer with a verse above.
3.Complete the following:
(a)Interestingly, God was the first to change our dietary patterns. Contrast Genesis 1:29–31 with Genesis 9:1–3.What happened?
(b)Review Romans 12:13 and 1 Peter 4:8–9, name one way you can please Jesus with this pleasant activity (of eating) and plan to do it with joy in 2005.
Ah Lord God! Behold, Thou hast made the heavens and the earth by Thy great power and by Thine outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for Thee. —Jeremiah 32:17
Anna SandersWinter 2005