
Direct Payments Forum - All Saints Day Centre – 19.05.2014

Minutes taken by Chantel Gonzalez Page

Present: / Chantel Gonzalez – LBM DP Team Administrator, minute taker and chair.
Pauline Mclean LBM Direct Payments Officer
Jean Spencer – LBM Social Work Team Manager
Sheila Malone – DP Customer
Marcia Brown – DP Customer
Darmatt LaPierre- DP Customer
Jean Brown - DP Customer’s friend
Sarah Henley- DP Customer
Edwina McCarthy- DP Customer
Lorraine Griffiths- DP Customer
Melva Lashley- DP Customer
Oscar Lashley- DP Carer
Marcia Gilder- DP Customer
Chris Bourne - DP Customer
Doris Adu-Yiremkyi - DP Customer’s Parent
Carole Mathurin- DP Customer’s Parent (MCIL)
Saleem Shah- DP Customer
Sheila Martin- DP Customer
Apologies received
from: / Patrick Daly – DP Customer
Slim Flegg – DP Customer and Chair.
Agenda Number 1 – Apologies
Patrick and Slim’s apologies werenoted.
Agenda Number 2 - Minutes from the last DP Forum
The last meeting’s minutes were handed out to the DP forum attendees. No comments were made, the minutes were agreed.
Leading on from the last DP forum a DP customer asked if Merton Community Transport have decided on a multi service annual fee for their customers. Chantel will send Roy Dowson an email to see if anything has been agreed.
Agenda Number 2
Chantel spoke to the DP forum about the next DP Forum. The DP team are thinking of arranging anopen day at the Hub centre in Mitcham. The idea is to invite along service providers to give information and answer question DP customers may have. The forum discussed what service providers they would like to attend. The list is as followed:
  • Occupational therapy
  • Fish Insurance company
  • Premier Care Insurance company
  • Pay packet
  • Mascot
  • Care agencies
  • Social Worker Managers
  • APS (Pre-Paid Card supplier)
  • MCIL (Merton’s Centre of Independent Living)
  • Financial Assessments Officer
  • Welfare benefits Officer
Chantel will contact everyone on the above list and create an invite which will be sent out to all DP customers once the time, date and location has been agreed.
Agenda Number 3 – Jean Spencer – Social Services Team Manager
Jean Introduced herself as one of Merton’s Social Service Managers.
The daughter of a DP customer asked when customer care reviews are held.
JS explained that customers are supposed to have annual care reviews, but if you feel your needs have changed, or the support you receive in no longer sufficient you can contact your allocated care managerand request a review.
If you do not have an allocated Social Worker you can contact the MAAT (The Merton Adult Access Team) and they will arrange a home visit from a social worker to carry out the review. The MAAT team’s phone number is 0208 545 4430.
A DP customer’s carer asked how customers are allocated to different social work teams. Jean explained that some of Merton’s customers are split into groups by their care need i.e.: Learning Disabilities team,Mental Health teams.
Some of the larger customer groups like the Older People teams are split into different teamsby which GP they fall under. They are called the West, East & Raynes Park Older Peoples Team. Some customers may fall under more than one group. If you need to find out which team you have been allocated to, you can contactyour DP support officer, or your social worker and they can check on our internal system.
No further questions were asked. CGclosed the meeting.
The Next DP forum date is as follows:
Monday the22nd of September from 13:30 – 15:30 / CG to email RD
CG to send out invite once agreed