Dr. Tom Brady
Central Connecticut State UniversityNew Britain, CTDecember 2006
Ed.D in Educational Leadership
Dissertation: The effect of the use of graphing calculators on student achievement.
Saint Joseph CollegeWest Hartford, CTMay 1998
Master of ArtsConcentration: Curriculum and Instruction
Central Connecticut State UniversityNew Britain, CT May 1995
Bachelor of ArtsMajor: MathematicsMinor: Physical Education
College/University Teaching Experience-
Delta State University-2014-present
Interim Chair- Teacher Education, Leadership and Research
Coordinator- Unit Outreach and Innovative Programming
Coordinator- Master of Arts in Teaching
Assistant Professor- Teacher Education, Leadership and Research
University of Mississippi-2013-2014
Director- Mississippi Teacher Corps
Assistant Professor of Teacher Education
Bridgewater State University- 2006-2014
Graduate Coordinator- Accelerated Post Baccalaureate program
Associate Professor- Secondary Education
Other University/College teaching experience
Stonehill College- 2005-2007
Tunxis Community College-2003-2004
High School Teaching Experience- Mathematics Teacher
BMC Durfee High SchoolFall River, MA2005-2006
Lewis S. Mills High SchoolBurlington, CT1998-2005
Selected Scholarship:
Harvard 21st Century Forum Conference4/15
- Presentedon developing digital literacy in teachers and students
The Field Experience Journal 3/11
- Published “Reforming Teacher Education Programs through the use of Electronic Portfolios”
The Beginning Teacher 4/12
- wrote book on Teaching and Learning via Rainmaker Publishing
- Project was released Fall 2012
Society for Instructional Technology in Education International Conference3/08
- Presented on the use of graphing calculators and student achievement
Teachers Teaching with Technology () International Conference3/07
- Presented on the use of graphing calculators and the impact on achievement in calculus.
National Student Teaching Conference4/10
- Presented on the use of electronic portfolios in the collection of evidence towards teacher licensure standards
Massachusetts Department of Secondary and Elementary Education4/10
- Wrote an algebra module in a publication published by the DESE for use in the training of elementary teacher education candidates in the passing of the elementary mathematics section of the MTEL exam
Massachusetts Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Conference11/08
- Presented on alternative teacher preparation program
Educators’ Professional Day- Islamic Conference10/10
- Presented about assessment and grading in the high school
Educators’ Professional Day- Islamic Conference10/11
- Presented about assessment and grading at all K-12 levels
Presentation for Kuwait Senior Education Officials for the Harvard Executive Program on Educational Reform 10/07
- Presented on secondary education teacher preparation programs.
Presentation with South African Education Officials6/08
- Presented with educational officials from South Africa regarding the importance of mentoring to teachers in our two countries.
Framingham State College E-Portfolio Conference1/08
- Presented about the use of e-portfolios with teacher candidates.
Bridgewater State College Educational Technology Day1/08
- Presented about the use of e-portfolios with teacher candidates.
Center for the Advancement of Research and Teaching Conference5/09
- ePortfolio 2.0's Role in the Future of Learning: A Demonstration and Discussion
Center for the Advancement of Research and Teaching Conference5/08
- The Use of Computer Graded Assessments Panel
Guest View for South Coast Today6/09
- Changing careers to teaching not insurmountable
Guest Commentary for the Patriot Ledger. 5/08
- Learning in the digital age- the natives are getting restless.
Other Educational Experiences of Interest:
Former Treasurer and Webmaster for MassMATE non-profit educational organization
Project funded by the Brockton Area Workforce Investment Board to identify the reasons students drop out of school in their town.
High School Redesign Task Force- Met on several occasions with representatives from colleges, universities and State high schools to make recommendations to the State about how to improve the high school experience for all students
State of Connecticut Department of Education Internship- I provided support for the division within the department of education that determined nexus of special education students that were placed in other districts.
Worked in pre-school special education/regular education integrated setting, including specific responsibilities furthering the cognitive development of an autistic child.
Trained BEST mentor by the State of Connecticut Department of Education
Governor’s Service Award Honoree- 2001
Project to Increase Mastery in Math and Science (PIMMS) researcher- 2000