Dear Colleague
Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclasses
forYear 6 in Spring TermatWycombe High School
Wycombe High Schoolis delighted to be able to offer Primary Mathematics Masterclasses in association with the Royal Institution (Ri). Ri Masterclasses aim to stimulate, encourage and inspire young people in the art and practice of mathematics and to develop a sense of enjoyment in the subject.
We would like to invite you to nominate up to 4pupilsin Year 6to attend the series of 5RiMathematics Masterclasses. These will be held atWycombe High School, Marlow Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP11 1TBfrom 1:15 – 2:45pmon the followingWednesdays: 31st January; 7th, 21st and 28th February; 7th March 2017
Nominated pupils should have an aptitude and keenness for mathematics and are judged to have potential and interest in the subject.The pupils will need to arrive at and depart from the venue with the adult representative of your school. If this adult is not travelling with all pupils we ask for all members of the school group to meet at Handy Cross Hub where there is ample free parking and walk across to the venue together. We will not be able to admit unaccompanied children, nor have capacity for more than one vehicle per school on site. Theaccompanying adult will need to give us the pupils details forms on the day, and important information will need to be emailed in advance of the sessions. The adult is required to stay for the duration of the session and join in the activities. The accompanying adult needs to be the same person for all sessions and a teacher (the sessions provide a great opportunity for PD within your teaching team). The accompanying adult will be required to bring with them some identification and DBS details to the first session as our HR manager will need to see these in compliance with our safeguarding.
The nomination procedure is:
-Duplicate the parent information sheetand pupils details forms to give to your chosen pupils;
-Collect forms back in and confirm which students are attending;
-Send an email that contains all the following nomination information to[Name] at [email address] by[deadline]:
School name and phone number,
Name(s) and on the day contact numbers for adult(s) attending each Masterclass,
For each student please give us:
Name, any information that organiser needs to know in advance about student (eg medical, accessibility) and if theyhave Ri photo permission
It is important that you do include in this email if the students have Ri photo permission(as worded on the pupils details form). On the day, it is important that the adult bringsthe pupils details form with the medical details and emergency contact details for the students with them. There may be a short refreshment break so it is important that allergy information is available. Please ensure you arrive promptly.
Please note that pupils areexpected to attend the entire series of 5. Places will be offered to schools on a first-come-first-served basis. We MUST receive fully completednomination emails in order to be able to allocate your pupils a place, if there is still space. We will email you to confirm whether your school has a place,on receipt of your email. Do not assume your school has a place unless you hear from us confirming that this is the case.
I hope your students can participate in the Masterclass series this year.
Yours sincerely
Rachel Walters
Maths Teacher and Primary Transition Mathematics Lead
Wycombe High School