( Physics )



1) Informant raise alarm:

a) Any person who discovers emergency situations such as fire, explosion, gas leak, flammable liquid and hazardous chemical spills, or any other serious incident shall be communicated immediately to the Security Post at FoS, NUS & the Incident Controller (Dr Sow C H) of the respective building.

b) To report an emergency, the following means are available:

- "Break Glass" fire alarm call points strategically located in the various

locations of the faculty.

- Direct telephone lines

- Emergency telephone number to FoS Security Post

c) When reporting an emergency, the following essential information shall be given:

- Blk number/ Department/ Location of emergency

- Type and nature of emergency

- Number of casualties, if any

- Name of person reporting

Attempt to extinguish incipient fire if possible.

2) Building Incident Controller checks/declares emergency if necessary.

The Building Incident Controller (BIC, see details in Appendix), Dr Sow C H will proceed to the location to confirm the incident and declare the emergency if necessary. He will assess the situation and direct all activities of the Emergency Response Team (ERT-see Appendix for appointment name list and responsibility).


If evacuation is necessary, you will be notified by alarm and told verbally by fire warden from Emergency Response Team.

Do the following if you are ordered to evacuate by the fire wardens:

1) Stop all work.

2) Leave by the nearest, safest exits.

3) Walk promptly, do not run.

4) Do not stop at locker to get your personal belonging.

5) Head straight to the assembly area (EA2 as shown in the map).

(Take care of vehicular traffic when crossing the road)

6) Emergency Response Team (see the attached name list)ERT, if you are involved in the evacuation,

7) Line up at your signage point designated according to block nos./floor levels.

7) Fire wardens of respective floors properly organize and count the men under your care.

8) Fire wardens report any missing persons to the roll callers (Teo H H/Wu T M)

9) Roll caller report any missing persons to Faculty Safety Office (FSO).

10) Stay at the assembly area until “all clear” is announced.


In any radiation emergency, personnel protection comes first, confinement of radioactivity next.

In each case, notify the Department Safety Committee as soon as practical because the emergency many demand immediate action by those on the scene.

1. Serious Injury and Exposure with Contamination

In the event that personnel have received high radiation exposure or radioactive contamination in addition to physical injury requiring immediate medical assistance, call 995. Inform emergency personnel that the patient is/might be contaminated.

It would also be helpful if someone familiar with the incident would accompany the injured to provide information such as the nature of the injuries, radiation levels, the physical and chemical nature of the contamination, etc.

2. Fire or Fire-Related Emergencies in Radioisotope Area

If you discover a fire or fire-related emergency such as abnormal heating of material, hazardous gas leaks, hazardous material or flammable liquid spill, smoke, or odor of burning, immediately follow these procedures:

  1. Activate the building fire alarm system (fire pull station). If not available or operational, verbally notify persons in the building.
  2. Notify the Fire Department at 995.
  3. Isolate the area and evacuate the building:

Shut down equipment in the immediate area, if possible.

Close doors to isolate the area.

Use a portable fire extinguisher to:

Control a small fire, if possible.

Assist oneself to evacuate.

Assist another to evacuate.

Provide the fire/police teams with the details of the problem upon their arrival. Special information you know may be helpful in mitigation of consequences due to radioactive materials.

3. High Radiation Exposure without Contamination

Terminate or limit the exposure so as to prevent others from being exposed by using available shielding materials. If there is a significant exposure to all or any part of the body, notify the Department Safety Committee or Faculty Safety Officer.

4. Accidents Involving Large Sources

If there is any reason to suspect that a large source such as the gamma-cell is unshielded or leaking in any way, you should immediately evacuate all personnel to a safe area.

Inform the department safety committee immediately.


APENDIX A) Emergency Numbers
Dean’s Office / 3092
Science Faculty Safety Officer
(Mr Subbiah Annamailai) / 1310
University Health Service
0830 to 1700 hours (Mondays to Fridays)
0830 to 1330 hours (Saturdays) / 67761631
National University Hospital / 67725000
Fire/Ambulance / 995
Campus Security,
Bio-Science(S16) Security Guard Room / 1616
Police / 999
APPENDIX B) Fire Emergency Response Team

1) Incident Controller: Asst Prof Sow C H.

2)) Roll Call Leaders: Mr Wu/Mr Teo.

3) Blk S11

a) L4 - Kang Nguang Heng

b) L3 - Ong Pang Ming

c) L2 - Lim Teck Seng

d) LM01 and L1 - Tan Choon Wah.

3) Blk S12

a) L4 - Chin Pei Pei

b) L3 - Chen Gin Seng

c) L2 - Tan Chin Yaw

d) M01 - Kek Chun Peng (Ben)

e) L1 - He Jun

4) Blk S13:

a) L5 - (Computational Science LOs)

b) L4 - Lim Hwa Ngee

c) L3 - Dicky Seah

d) L2 - Cheong Mun Yin

d) M01 - Ho Kok Wen

e) L1 - Liu Yan Jiao

5) Fire fighter:

a) Abdul Karim s/o Idroos

b) Foong Chee Kong

6) First Aiders

a) Wong How Kwong

b) Ng Tong Hoe

APPENDIX C) Adapted from Faculty of Science



Blk S16 Level 9, 6 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117546

Tel: (65) 68743092 Fax: (65) 6779 4279 Website: www.science.nus.edu.sg


Contents Page

Section 1 Objective / Definitions 3

Section 2 Duties and Responsibilities 4-6

Section 3 Report of Emergency 7

Section 4 Classification of Emergency 8

Section 5 Handling of Emergency 9

Section 6 Activation of Emergency 11-12

Section 7 Evacuation Procedures 13-14

Section 8 Assistance 15

Section 9 Disabled Occupants 16

Section 10 All clear message 17

Appendix I: List of Items at main command post

Appendix II Emergency contact numbers

Appendix III Emergency organization chart

Appendix IV Roll call attendance record

Appendix V Emergency exercise observer’s record

Appendix VI Assembly Point Map





1.1.1  The objective of this ERP is to set out procedure and measures to respond in case of emergency situations such as fire, chemical leaks / spillages, explosions, biological emergencies, structural collapse, multiple fatalities, terrorist attack and natural calamities.

1.1.2 The purpose of this Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is to provide adequate information for all safety measures provided in the FoS, NUS and includes the faculty layout and evacuation procedures:  To safeguard human lives & properties in the event of an emergency.  To establish a systematic and orderly evacuation plan.  To ensure prompt activation of the alarm and marshalling of all fire fighting and rescue efforts.


1.2.1  ‘Faculty or FoS ’ means Faculty of Science.

1.2.2  ‘Dept’ means Departments under Faculty of Science.

1.2.3  ‘MCR’ means Main control room in FOS, NUS @ Dean’s office.

1.2.4  'Unaffected Block' means any block other than the block under the purview of FoS.

1.2.5  'Incident Command Post' means the building emergency command post established at the Department or block where the incident took place.

1.2.6  ‘Emergency Main Controller’ means the overall person-in-charge in the Faculty.

1.2.7  ‘‘Incident Controller' means the person-in-charge of handling the emergency at the Affected Dept/ Block.

1.2.8  ‘Internal emergency’ means incidents which are affecting the normal operation of the labs / facilities/ building.

1.2.9  ‘University emergency’ means incidents which could affect the nearby faculty/ office building due to fire, gas leaks etc.

1.2.10  ‘‘FAA’ means Faculty Assembly Area.





2.1.1  Emergency main controller (EMC) will be the overall in-charge for emergency response plan.

2.1.2  He will liaise with Building Incident Controller (BIC) & Faculty Safety Officer (FSO) to manage the emergency situation effectively.

2.1.3  He will communicate with the University and other Govt. Agency if needed.

2.1.4  He shall appoint an investigation team to study the cause of incident.


2.2.1  BIC shall proceed to the location of the incident and direct all activities of the Emergency Response Team (ERT).

2.2.2  Ascertain the nature of emergency and determine appropriate action.

2.2.3  Ensure that the appropriate agencies are notified.

2.2.4  Determine the wind direction and decide the assembly point (if necessary).

2.2.5  Determine the course of action to control and mitigate the emergency situation.

2.2.6  He shall report to the EMC on the status of the situation and provide appropriate advises for further actions.

2.3  HSE (Health, Safety and Environmental) ADVISOR

2.3.1  Evaluate situation & advise EMC on safety & environmental factors affecting fire fighting or suppress of emergency.

2.3.2  Access & advice on environment & safety situation.

2.3.3  Liaise with FoS survey group on matters affecting environment & safety of the faculty & Government officials arrived at the incident HQ.

2.3.4  Lead the investigation team in studying the course of incident and submit a report to the EMC.


2.4.1  Call the NUS Security / SCDF by operating manual alarm point or telephone.

2.4.2  Check the fire doors and smoke doors are properly closed.

2.4.3  Search offices/labs on the assigned floor to ensure all persons are accounted for.

2.4.4  Ensure orderly flow of persons into protected areas

2.4.5  Assist with fire fighters to fight fires, which are at incipient stage.

2.4.6  Commence evacuation if the circumstances on their floor warrant this.

2.4.7  Implement the emergency procedures for the assigned floor

2.4.8  Communicate with the BIC and obey his instructions

2.4.9  Check the floor for any abnormal situation

2.4.10  Advice BIC on action to be taken

2.4.11  Assist in the assembly area to take attendance.


2.5.1  Instruct others to assemble in their assigned locations

2.5.2  Maintain orderly assembly

2.5.3  Account for personnel in the Assembly Area and to list out missing persons.

2.5.4  Provide the list of missing persons to the BIC.


2.6.1  Rush to the fire location and fire according to fire warden’s instruction.

2.6.2  Wait near the fire zone until SCDF arrives.

2.6.3  Assist SCDF in fighting fire.


2.7.1  He shall report to the incident command post immediately upon activation of emergency.

2.7.2  The first aider shall render first aid to the injured.

2.7.3  He shall co ordinate with the ambulance (if necessary).

2.7.4  If any chemical / gas exposure is involved, he should make ready a copy of material safety data sheet (MSDS) along with the victims.

2.7.5  He shall accompany the casualty to the clinic /hospital.


2.8.1  Once you hear the fire alarm, stop all your works and get ready to listen to the fire warden’s instructions.

2.8.2  If the emergency is confirmed, switch off all the equipments and follow the fire warden’s instructions.

2.8.3  Rush to the assembly points calmly.

2.8.4  Co-operate for roll call at assembly point and don’t leave until the “all clear signal” is given.


2.9.1  All contractors and visitors shall immediately report to the nearest Emergency Assembly Area (EAA) of FoS, NUS.

2.9.2  Wait until the “all clear” command or siren is given.

2.9.3  Follow the instruction of FoS, NUS personnel if evacuation is announced.




2.1 Any person who discovers emergency situations such as fire, explosion, gas leak, flammable liquid and hazardous chemical spills, or any other serious incident shall be communicated immediately to the Security Post at FoS, NUS & the Incident Controller of the respective building.

2.2 To report an emergency, the following means are available:

2.2.1  "Break Glass" fire alarm call points strategically located in the various locations of the faculty.

2.2.2  Direct telephone lines

2.2.3  Emergency telephone number to FoS Security Post

2.3 When reporting an emergency, the following essential information shall be given:

2.3.1  Blk number/ Department/ Location of emergency

2.3.2  Type and nature of emergency

2.3.3  Number of casualties, if any

2.3.4  Name of person reporting

2.4 The Building Incident Controller (BIC) will confirm the incident and declare the emergency.




3.1 Faculty emergencies:


Any incident which is considered to be minor in nature and has no potential risk of threatening other faculty or facilities in the Faculty and is within the capability of faculty personnel to handle shall be classified as Alert I emergency. Typical examples are: minor fire involving equipment, building and minor spillage of flammable or hazardous substances. Alert II emergency

Any incident which is considered to be serious in nature and, though it is still within the capability of the Affected Dept and/or FoS to handle, has a potential risk of threatening other faculty or facilities in the Faculty shall be classified as Alert II emergency. Typical examples are: fire involving flammable storages or facility equipment, spillage of flammable or bio/ hazardous substances, and gas leak of relatively large scale. Alert III emergency

Any serious incident considered to be beyond the capability of the Affected Dept and FoS to handle and requires the assistance from external emergency services shall be classified as Alert III emergency. Typical examples are: major gas leak due to rupture of storage tank and major chemical/ bio spills, radioactive contamination, terrorist attack etc.




Quick and effective action taken in the early stage of emergency situations can easily save lives, prevent injuries and damages to the faculty. Employees of FoS should follow the under-mentioned actions and all concerned shall discharge their duties stipulated in section 6 to control the emergency situation effectively.