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California Department of EducationExecutive Office
SBE-002 (REV. 01/2011) / memo-ilsb-plsd-feb17item01
Date: / January 11, 2017
TO: / MEMBERS, State Board of Education
FROM: / TOM TORLAKSON, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
SUBJECT: / California Global Education Summit Update and Final Report
Summary of Key Issues
In May 2015, the California Department of Education (CDE) received a grant award of approximately $20,000 from the Longview Foundation for World Affairs and International Understanding to support a two-day California Global Education Summit (Summit). Summit activities were led by the Professional Learning Support Division (PLSD) in the Instruction, Learning, and Standards Support Branch. Grant funding also included the publication and printing of a limited number of copies of a final report detailing Summit findings and recommendations.
Beginning in August 2015, project leads from PLSD worked with a team of CDE staff (CDE Advisory Team) and education partners from around the state (External Advisory Team) to plan the activities and identify participants for the Summit. Invited participants included pre-kindergarten through grade twelve teachers and administrators, educators from institutions of higher education, policy makers, and business and community members.
The overarching goal of the Summit was to explore existing statewide efforts and develop recommendations to improve and expand globally-focused teaching and learning in California. Both days of the Summit included keynote speakers and panels of experts who shared their perspectives on global and multilingual education and provided insight into models for professional learning and classroom implementation. Following panel discussions, participants gathered in small groups to engage in dialogue around three key questions: (1) how can we build global competence in California’s students, (2) how can local, regional, and state policies and leadership support this goal; and (3) how can we leverage neighborhood, community, and business resources and perspectives to accomplish this goal?
Summit activities ultimately resulted in nine recommendations which are detailed in a report titled, Educating for Global Competency: Findings and Recommendations from the 2016 California Global Education Summit available at
To support and connect the global education efforts of local education agencies after the Summit, grant activities also included establishing a California Global Education Network (CGEN). CGEN members, which include Summit participants and other interested members of the public, receive regular updates on global education efforts in California via listserv. A core CGEN leadership group, composed of Advisory Team members and CDE project leads, meets regularly to explore how to build upon the successes of the Summit. They will continue to work to connect state efforts and initiatives, including state standards and curriculum frameworks, the Seal of Biliteracy, Civic Education, Career Technical Education, and Environmental Literacy that share the vision of preparing students for college and career by supporting and expanding their global competencies. CGEN leaders will also continue to disseminate the report and explore possibilities for funding future global education efforts.
The attached documents provide additional detail on Summit activities, a list of CDE and External Advisory Team members, and a printed version of the final report.
Attachment 1: External Advisory Team Members for the California Global Education Summit (2 pages)
Attachment 2: Agendas for Both Days of the California Global Education Summit
(3 pages)
Attachment 3: Dissemination and Follow-up Plans for the 2016 California Global Education Summit (2 pages)
Attachment 4: The California Global Education Summit, Informational Flier (1 Page)
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External Advisory Team Members for the California Global Education Summit
External Advisory Team (AT) members were selected in consultation with the California Department of Education (CDE) AT members and approved by the Deputy Superintendent of the Instruction, Learning, and Standards Support Branch. External AT members provided input into the planning of the Summit, including providing suggestions for invitees and speakers. External AT members with asterisks are continuing to work on the CDE’s global education effort as leaders for the California Global Education Network (CGEN). The CGEN leadership will work on implementing the Summit report and sustaining the work of the Summit.
*Sarah Anderberg, Director, California County Superintendents Educational Services Association Statewide Arts Initiative
Nicole Anderson, Diversity and Equal Access Executive, Association of California School Administrators
*Yvonne Chan, Principal, Vaughn Next Century Learning Center
K.Y. Cheng, Senior Vice President, East West Bank
Lawrence Corio, Program Coordinator, University of California Office of the President
*Ronda DaRosa, Deputy Superintendent, Yolo County Office of Education
*Justine Fisher, President, California State Parent Teacher Association
*Stacey Greer, Director, The History Project at University of California, Davis
Jan Gustafson-Corea, Chief Executive Officer, California Association for Bilingual Education
Thomas Herman, Director, California Geographic Alliance
Christine Lanphere, Director, Capital World Language Project
Michael Matsuda, Superintendent, Anaheim Union High School District
Nancy McTygue, Executive Director, California History-Social Science Project
Rosa Molina, Executive Director, Association of Two-Way and Dual Language
Nina Moore, Diversity and Engagement, University of California Office of the President
Yolanda Munoz, Vice Chair, Curriculum and Instruction, California Teachers Association
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Laurie Olsen, Director, Sobrato Early Academic Language
Anjelica Ramsey, Associate Superintendent, Santa Clara County Office of Education
*Francisca Sanchez, Leadership Council Member, createCA
*Emily Schell, Executive Director, California International Studies Project
*Duarte Silva, Executive Director, California World Language Project
Shelly Spiegel-Coleman, Executive Director, Californians Together
*Pam Spycher, Senior Researcher, WestEd
Leo Van Cleve, Director, California State University, International Programs
*Yee Wan, Director, Multilingual Education Services, Santa Clara County Office of Education
Tanya Zaccone, Executive Director, California Language Teachers' Association
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Attachment 2:
Agendas for Both Days of the California Global Education Summit
Agenda for Day 1
February 11, 2016
Santa Clara County Office of Education
Welcome: Jon R. Gundry, Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools;
Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, California Department of Education (CDE); and Thomas Adams, Ph.D., Deputy Superintendent, Instruction and Learning Support Branch, CDE.
Federal Initiatives Update: Mohamed Abdel-Kader, Deputy Assistant Secretary, International and Foreign Language Education, U.S. Department of Education.
Keynote “Transforming Education for a Global Era:” Anthony Jackson, Vice President of the Board of Trustees, Longview Foundation for Education in World Affairs and International Understanding; Vice President for Education, Asia Society.
Panel #1: Champions for Global and Multilingual Education
· Introduction: Shelby Jennett, Grade Eight Student, Bullis Charter School, Los Altos
· Moderator: Duarte Silva, Ed.D., Executive Director, California World Language Project
o Mohamad Abdel-Kader, Deputy Assistant Secretary, International and Foreign Language Education
o Nicole Anderson, Diversity and Equal Access Committee, Association of California School Administrators
o Lizabeth Fogel, Ed.D., Director of Education for Walt Disney Imagineering, The Walt Disney Studios and The Walt Disney Company, Corporate Citizenship; Chair of the Board for the Partnership for 21st Century Learning; Member of the board of directors for the North American Association for Environmental Education.
o Justine Fischer, President, California State Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Panel #2: Seal of Biliteracy and Pathways to Biliteracy
· Introduction: Eric Heiner, Grade Eleven Student, Gilroy High School, Gilroy
· Moderator: Yee Wan, Ed.D., Director, Multilingual Education Services, Santa Clara County Office of Education
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o Ana M. Hernández, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Multilingual and Multicultural Education, Coordinator of the Bilingual Authorization Program and Global Learning Networks, School of Education, California State University San Marcos
o Rosa Molina, Executive Director of ATDLE - Association of Two-Way & Dual Language Education
o Shelly Spiegel-Coleman, Executive Director, Californians Together
My Name, My Identity Campaign: Yee Wan, Ed.D., Director, Multilingual Education Services, Santa Clara County Office of Education. Assemblymember Chu Presents California State Legislature Assembly Resolution for My Name, My Identity Campaign to Santa Clara County Office of Education.
Panel #3: Models of Global Education in Schools
· Introduction: Vivian Bahn, Grade Twelve Student, Milpitas High School, Milpitas
· Moderator: Emily Schell, Ed.D., Executive Director, California International Studies Project
o Dave Long, Ph.D., Former California Secretary of Education; Former President of the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association
o Nicole Naditz, World Language Teacher, Bella Vista High School, San Juan Unified School District; Instructional Quality Commissioner
o Michael Switzer, Lead Teacher, Savanna High School (California’s first P21 national exemplar school), Anaheim Unified School District
o Brent Wozniak, Instructional Director, Vaughn International Studies Academy, an Asia Society International Studies Schools Network School, Vaughn Next Century Learning Center, San Fernando
Facilitated Breakout Sessions: Summit participants gather in small groups to engage in dialogue and develop recommendations around three key questions: (1) how can we build global competence in California’s students, (2) how can local, regional, and state policies and leadership support this goal; and (3) how can we leverage neighborhood, community, and business resources and perspectives to accomplish this goal?
Closing Remarks, Next Steps, and Reflection
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Agenda for Day 2
March 30, 2016
Yolo County Office of Education
Welcome: Jesse Ortiz, Ed.D., Yolo County Superintendent of Schools, and Thomas Adams, Ph.D., Deputy Superintendent, Instruction and Learning Support Branch, California Department of Education (CDE)
Panel: Career Technical Education and the Case for Global Education
· Heather Singmaster, Assistant Director of Education, Asia Society
· Russ Weikle, Director, Career and College Transition Division, California Department of Education
· Ronda DaRosa, Deputy Superintendent, Yolo County Office of Education
Table Sharing Session: Participants share classroom perspectives of what global education looks like in one or more content areas; examples of efforts supporting global education through mission statements, curriculum design, and professional development; partnerships between schools and outside organizations; and immersion or other language programs.
Work Sessions: Stacey Greer, Director, The History Project at UC Davis. Participants gather in small groups to refine recommendations from Day I.
Closing Remarks, Next Steps, and Reflection
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Attachment 3: Dissemination and Follow-up Plans for the 2016 California Global Education Summit
The tangible outcome of the Global Education Summit is a final report titled, Educating for Global Competency, Findings and Recommendations from the 2016 California Global Education Summit. The report is available to interested stakeholders at no cost online, and a limited number of printed copies will be disseminated during conferences and meetings, beginning in early 2017.
Project leads will build awareness of the report, its contents, and the California Global Education Network (CGEN) through ongoing conference presentations and committee updates. For example, over the past year, the project leads have provided regular updates on the California Department of Education’s (CDE) global education efforts to groups of education leaders, including but not limited to, the California Association for Teachers of English, the California Private School Advisory Committee, California’s Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee and sub-committees, the Bilingual Coordinator’s Network, and the Secondary Literacy Partnership. The leads have also disseminated the report to these groups and to several listservs electronically. The project leads are using the Global Education Twitter account (with over 400 followers) to tweet out key passages from the report and drive interested followers to the Web page where the report is posted.
The project leads also presented a Global Education related session at the Winter Professional Learning Day for CDE staff in December 2016. This activity provided an opportunity to raise the profile of the CDE’s Global Education efforts by disseminating the report, making new connections within the CDE, and engaging new voices in dialogue around possibilities for future cross-divisional global education activities. In January 2017, a large format lobby display helped make these global education efforts visible to other members of the public who visited the CDE.
The CGEN leadership will work with the CDE to use the report to advocate, strategize, and prioritize actions related to building California’s global education efforts and connecting them to ongoing work around standards and curriculum frameworks. For example, to support dissemination efforts the project leads have teamed up with members of the External Advisory Team to present interactive sessions at several conferences in 2017, including:
· The California Language Teacher’s Association, February 16–19
· The California Council for the Social Studies, March 3–5
· The California Association for Bilingual Educators, March 29–April 1
As opportunities arise, the project leads are also planning to present the report and explore additional options for dissemination at other meetings such as the State Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Environmental Literacy Task Force meeting and
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the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association’s Create California Conference.
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The California Global Education Summit
In 2015, the Longview Foundation awarded the California Department of Education grant funds to host a two-day summit to explore and expand upon global education efforts in California schools. These efforts include courses, programs, approaches, partnerships, and other supports designed to build global competence in students. Global competence is defined in Chapter 10 of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework as “the capacity and disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance.”
· The Summit took place in early 2016 at the Santa Clara County Office of Education and the Yolo County Office of Education. Speakers included Anthony Jackson, Vice President for Education, Asia Society and Mohamed Abdel-Kader, Deputy Assistant Secretary, International and Foreign Language Education at the United States Department of Education. Panel themes were “Champions for Global and Multilingual Education,” “Seal of Biliteracy and Pathways to Biliteracy,” “Models of Global Education in Schools,” and “Career Technical Education.”
· Participants, including educators from preschool through postsecondary educational institutions, policy makers, and non-profit and business institutions, explored the status of global education efforts in California and generated a list of recommended actions to strengthen those efforts.