Gravity Grease Interceptor Installation Guidance
All restaurants, caterers, school cafeterias, hotels, hospitals and other food preparation facilities must conduct operations in a manner which avoids causing blockages to the City sewer by fats, oils and grease (FOG). All new and existing facilities are required to use grease recycling/rendering companies for disposal of bulk waste FOG.
In cases where the City determines that FOG discharged by an existing facility without a pretreatment device is adversely affecting the sewage collection system, that facility shall be required to install a Gravity Grease Interceptor, or other pretreatment device approved by the City. Adverse effects to the system include, but are not limited to, occlusion or blockage at sewer connections, lines, lift stations, mains, or other sewage conveyances.
When replacing existing interceptors, new interceptor sizing must be evaluated using the most recent approved version of the Uniform Plumbing Code guidelines.
All new facilities, or rebuilt or remodeled facilities where there are food preparation process changes (e.g. newly added or expanded fryer equipment) and /or facilities where there is an ownership change are required to install a Gravity Grease Interceptor or other pretreatment device approved by the City. The minimum capacity of the interceptor will be determined by using the appropriate table in the most recent approved version of the Uniform Plumbing Code. Contributory sources shall include wastewater from kitchen areas including pot sinks, pre-rinse, dishwashers, floor drains, and mop/ kitchen mat sinks. The facility shall use the most recent approved version of the Uniform Plumbing Code to determine the Drainage Fixture Unit Value (DFU) for each contributory source.
All units regardless of size shall be fitted with a standard final-stage sample box. Rebuilt facilities include those replacing their sewer lines. Passive type grease interceptors are preferred within the City of Santa Monica.
NOTE: Food grinders are prohibited in restaurants within Santa Monica.
All new, rebuilt, and existing kitchen facilities must dedicate a specific area for the washing of kitchen floor mats and related equipment. If indoors, the drain of the wash area must be connected to the pretreatment device prior to discharge to the City sanitary sewer system. If outdoors, the wash area must be bermed, and the bermed area must be protected from rainwater intrusion. Preferably, the drain in the bermed area must be connected to the pretreatment device before discharge to the sanitary sewer system
Enclosed garbage bin areas that are used to clean garbage bins must have a drain that is connected to a grease interceptor or other pretreatment device approved by the City and the drain must discharge to the sewer system after pretreatment.
All installations must be performed by a state certified plumber under permit and inspection of the City of Santa Monica Building and Safety Department (310-458-8355). Site Plans must have the specific approved model number and size calculation(s) outlined on the plans.
To receive a partial listing of vendors that supply approved grease interceptor units, please contact the WRPP.
Requests for variance are considered on a site by site basis, and must be approved in advance by the WRPP.
For grease interceptors to function properly they must be periodically serviced. Consult business-to-business yellow pages under "pumping contractors" or the WRPP at 310-458-8235.
NOTE: The most recent version of the approved Uniform Plumbing Code guideline in sizing Gravity Grease Interceptors is intended as a minimum requirement and may be modified at the discretion of City staff.