Tutor Training How-To Guide
Welcome and introductions (10 mins)
Walking around and find someone you don’t know
1)Tell the person who you are
2)Tell the person what one object you would want if you were stranded on a desert island
3)Tell the person why you have volunteered to tutor
4)Tell the person what subject do you tutor and your favourite thing about your subject
Practical information (10 mins)
Brief overview of organisation, tutoring programme and success
Objectives and expectations of the morning – co-create
What is tutoring? (40 mins)
[Huggy bears to get into groups]
1)What is tutoring and what do you think are the differences between teaching and tutoring?
2)Why do you think this view of tutoring is effective and useful?
3)IkamvaYouth uses a 1:5 tutor ratio – why do you think this works?
4)What do you think are the most important things to get right as a tutor?
Watch tutor pedagogy video
Challenges and solutions (45 mins)
[Huggy bears to get into groups]
Challenges;in pairs brainstorm and write down challenges on pieces of paper that you are having as a tutor or think that you may have as a tutor. Stick up on wall in clusters.
Solutions; in small groups each group takes a theme and works through the challenges and creates solutions
Presenting solutions; each group presents back clearly what they have suggested as solutions. Has anyone tried that? Was it effective? How could it have been better? What did not work? Does anyone have any other suggestions?
How to tutor (30 mins)
[Huggy bears to get into groups]
1)What are some qualities of an ideal tutor?
2)What actions could you take when you first arrive to establish a good relationship with the learner?
3)What questions could you ask a learner who is struggling with a problem? Each group has a different exam question (record on flipchart) – plenary discussion.
4)What do you understand by ‘constructive’ feedback? (whole group) Why is it important? How could you give constructive feedback?
Tutoring pedagogy in action (30 mins)
Parking the car exercise;
1)Split the group into groups of 5.
2)Each person gets a turn at playing the role of the tutor or you can select a couple per group. Explain that the tutor must use what they have learnt so far and act that they are approaching a new group of learners.
3)Decide on a topic i.e. How to park a car, how to make a cup of tea, how to tie a shoe lace.
4)Selected tutor leaves the room
5)Decide who is playing what character - namely the level of understanding about the topic. Let them have brief discussion about the roles and what they might look like
6)Invite the tutor back into the room and role play the scenario for 5 minutes or until you feel that the group has a sufficient understanding
7)Have a debrief session as whole group;
What did you find difficult?
What did you find interesting?
How did you try to overcome challenges?
How did you feel whilst doing it?
How do you feel now?
What could have been done differently?
If time swap topic and characters and play again.
Close (15 mins)
What are you taking away from today’s training?
Shared by IkamvaYouth TM