Sacred Heart Catholic ChurchWeek of August 11, 2013
Masses/ Misas de Esta Semana
Saturday August 10th
5:00 pm
Ralph Hernandez by Gloria Paez
Roy Garza by Gilbert & Esther Garza
Sunday August 11th
Intentions for the Lopez Family
9:30 am
Patrick & Amy Hamilton (anniversary blessings)
11:30 am
Jaime & Lucio Vega by Familia Vega
1:30 pm
Ignacio & Demetria Castillo by the Castillo Family
Monday August 12th
Eric Tello (birthday) by Grandma Lily
Tuesday, August 13th
8:00 amNO MASS
Wednesday August 14th
Frank Anthony Fuccello by Joe & Becky Joseph
Thursday August 15th
Friday August 16th
8:00 am
Frank Anthony Fuccello by Jerry & Mary Joseph-Fisher
Saturday August17th
5:00 pm
Angel Martinez by Vera Martinez & Family
Al Gonzales by Connie & Sydney Villarreal
Breakfast By/Desayuno Por CRHP
Altar Server Schedule
August 17th 5:00 pm
Frank Castillo, Madissen Lawhon, Oscar Carlos
August 18th 7:30 am
Omar, Elsa, & Victoria Mendoza
August 18th 9:30 am
Emilio Renteria, Cenovio & Aron Vasquez
August 18th 11:30 am
Chuy, Jasmine, Jennifer & Justin Leon
August 18th 1:30 pm
Noah & Eli Gonzales, Christian Martinez
Healing Mass, Friday, August 16th, 7:00 pm
Santa Cruz Catholic Church
1100 Main St., Buda, TX
Contact: Christina Turullois at (512) 563-7851
Regular Collection SundayAugust 4th$6,291.77
Youth Collection$193.35
Special Collection$2,259.10
Thank you for your donation/Gracias por su donación
Calendar of Events for the week of August 11th
2:30 pmHigh School Youth Group
7:00 pmTalleres de Oración y Vida
7:00 pmFiesta Meeting, RE Library
7:15 pmClase Básico de Biblia en Español, RE Salón #2
7:00 pmFinancial Council Meeting, RE Room #1
10:00 amBible Study
1:00 pmSew & So
7:00 pmOración Divina Misericordia
8:30 amAdoration in Queen of Peace Chapel All Day
3:00 pmAdoration in Queen of Peace Chapel Ends
3:30-4:45 pmConfession in the Church
4:30 pmRosary (church)
Prayer for the Sick
Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep.
Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ.Rest your weary ones.Bless your dying ones.Soothe your suffering ones.
Pity your afflicted ones.Shield your joyous ones.
And for all your love's sake. Amen.
John Badders, Oralia Becerra, Bill Boyer,
Consuelo Carrizales, Timmie Cherry, Debora (sickle cell), Jimmy Everage, Irma Gonzales, Elitania Guerrero,
Abby and Phil McCormick, Muriel McGuire
Walter Palmquist, Ann Pease, Arthur Renteria,
Luis Rodriguez, Jenny Runde, Denice Stingl, Kyle Thomas, John Ubias, Guadalupe Villarreal, Mary Villarreal
and Louise Wright
May Perpetual light shine upon them and may they walk in the presence of the Lord.
Deceased:Joshua James Moore & Antonia Vasquez
Ben & Barbara Knapek are the new parishioners who are the $50,000 matching donor. Let’s get those dollars in to get the Renovation and Expansion going!!!
Sandra Hicks, Kim Mason and Deborah Currey and all the ladies who prepared the luncheon for Bill Morris’ funeral from Virginia Morris.
If you would like to donate items for the Fiesta Silent Auction, please drop items off at the church office.
FIESTA VOLUNTEERS: Please let Pete or Esther Bega know if you would like to help with a booth for the Fiesta:
Pete (512) 433-9056 or Esther (512) 771-6545. Thanks for your support!!
St. Vincent de Paul
July 2013 Report
/ 18Medical / 0
Rent / 2
Clothing / 1
Food / 24 Families(107 People)
July Collection
/ $784.29Please call the Church Office if you would like to know more about or join the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Special Collection Reminder
August 17th & 18thsecond collection–St. Vincent de Paul Society. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!Christ Renews His Parish (CHRP) all Women’s Retreat will be held on August 17th & 18th. Sign-up sheets will be at the entrance of the church. Please contact Rose Navejas at 512-661-9938.
The film will be shown in the Parish Hall on Friday, August 30th, 7:00 pm, and hosted by the Pro-Life Revolution. The cost is $10 per ticket and limited to the first 30 participants over 18. Tickets will be sold after all Masses.
12th Annual Women’s Conference-Sept. 20th and 21st, San Antonio, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. If you would like to be included in the Group Registration, please call Deborah Currey TODAY at (512) 775-0977. Registration ends August 12th.
Thank you, Nacho Perez, for painting the inside of the RE Building in preparation of the start of CCD.
Our soul waits for the Lord, who is our help and our shield. — Psalm 33:20
Nosotros aguardamos al Señor: él es nuestro auxilio y escudo.— Salmo 33 (32):20
VOLUNTARIOS PARA LA FIESTA: Llame a Pete o Esther Bega si pueden ayudar con un puesto para la Fiesta. Pete (512) 433-9056 o Esther (512) 771-6545. Gracias por su apoyo.
2013 Queens and Kings Court
Queens and Kings Court will be sponsoring their 3rd Annual Meyers Sausage Wrap Fundraiser this Sunday, August 11th, 10:30am to 2:00pm. Brown bag special for $5 or you can buy the sausage wraps separately. New this year: Roasted Corn on the Cob. Thanks for your support.
Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia (CHRP) Retiro de Mujeres se celebrará el 17 y 18 de Agosto. Hojas de registro estarán a la entrada de la iglesia. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Rose Navejas en
512-661-9938. Retiro será en Inglés.
The mission of the church has and always will be to spread the message of Jesus Christ. Those who live by Gospel values participate in the mission of the church. The church needs us in order to establish God’s kingdom on earth. What one thing can you do today to make Christ’s presence visible to others? In your own life, who has been an example of what it means to live by Gospel values?
La misión de la Iglesia ha sido y siempre será divulgar el mensaje de Jesucristo. Aquellos que viven de acuerdo a los valores del evangelio participan en la misión de la Iglesia. La Iglesia nos necesita para establecer el reino de Dios in la tierra. ¿Qué cosa puede hacer hoy para que la presencia de Cristo sea visible a los demás? En su propia vida, ¿quien ha sido un ejemplo de lo que significa vivir de acuerdo a los valores del evangelio?
Dual Language Classes/Clases de Lenguaje Dual
September 9 & 10 6:00 pm — 8:00pm
September 10 & 12 9:00am —12:00pm
RE Library/Biblioteca
Email address for Bulletin and Announcements:ulletin deadline is Tuesday by 5 pm & inserts by 7 pm
Webmaster: Veronica Barnes