Minutes of March 14, 2007 BOE MeetingPage 1


1506 Route 21 Shortsville, NY 14548

Board of Education

Regular Session

March 14, 20077:30 PM

Members Present:

Michelle Raeman, President

Alan Sadler, Vice President

Michael Allen

Doug Gage (Entered at 7:36)

Kristin Gray

Dave Phillips

Shawn Pollock

Others Present:

Robert Leiby, Superintendent

Lois Janson, Board Clerk

Members Absent:None


The scheduled monthly meeting of the Manchester-Shortsville Central School District Board of Education was called to order on March 14, 2007, in the high school cafeteria at approximately 7:31 p.m. by President Raeman. President Raeman led the pledge to the flag.


Board member, Michelle Rareman, read into the minutes a “Resolution of Appreciation” in memory of Bill Dean, former school board member.

A motion by Dave Phillips, seconded by Kristin Gray, and unanimously approved: RESOLVED, that the Board adopt the Resolution of Appreciation of Bill Dean.

High School student Zachary Anderson and Middle School student Kyle Sadler were presented with the McDonald’s All American “A” Team Award for Academics, Athletics or Arts for the month of March. Under public comment, English Teacher, Stacy Liberati addressed the Board regarding the loss of classroom 117 for the remodeling of the health office.

Doug Gage entered the meeting at 7:36 p.m.


A motion by Alan Sadler, seconded by Kristin Gray, and unanimously approved: RESOLVED, that the minutes of the February 7, 2007 Board of Education regular meeting be approved as presented.


Principals Jim Falanga, Tim Benjamin and Charlene Harvey recapped their respective building and program activities for the month. Assistant Superintendent, Kristine Guererri and Assistant for Business, Pat Paddock, reported on their areas of responsibilities. Kristine Guererrri also reported on possible after school programs for students K-8 that would be offered through the Canandaigua YMCA.


Atthe public library’srequest, the Board reviewed the library entrance plans. A straw poll indicated the Board’s approval of creating the new entrance in the front of the library. The Board also gave verbal approval of a revised drawing of the HS bus parking/parent drop off zone with extra curbing.



Superintendent Leiby gave an overview of the 2007-2008 budget including items that were removed from the budget in previous years that the Budget Committee would like to have restored. The floor was then opened to the public for questions and comments.


Minutes of March 14, 2007 BOE MeetingPage 1


It was moved by Alan Sadler and seconded by Kristin Gray, and unanimously approved: RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to accept with regret the retirement of Cheryl Lotz, Teacher, effective

June 30, 2007.

It was moved by Kristin Gray and seconded by Dave Phillips, and unanimously approved: RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to accept with regret the retirement of Mary King, Teacher, effective

June 30, 2007.


It was moved by Dave Phillips and seconded by Alan Sadler, and unanimously approved: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent, to grant a leave of absence to Kimberly Crawford, Teacher, beginning on or about April 30, 2007 and ending June 15, 2007 pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act.

It was moved by Kristin Gray and seconded by Dave Phillips, and unanimously approved: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent, to grant a leave of absence to Sandra North, Teacher Aide, beginning on or about April 5, 2007 and ending June 30, 2007 pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Instructional Tenure Appointments

It was moved by Michael Allen and seconded by Kristin Gray, and unanimously approved: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Christine Cobos full-time on tenure to the Secondary Math Education area. The tenured service shall begin on September 9, 2007. The appointee is provisionally certified in the Secondary Math certification area.

It was moved by Kristin Gray and seconded by Dave Phillips, and unanimously approved: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Robert Davis full-time on tenure to the Elementary Education area. The tenured service shall begin on September 9, 2007. The appointee is provisionally certified in the Elementary Education certification area.

It was moved by Dave Phillips and seconded by Michael Allen, and unanimously approved: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Martha Frega full-time on tenure to the Elementary Education area. The tenured service shall begin on September 9, 2007. The appointee is provisionally certified in the Elementary Education certification area.


It was moved by Alan Sadler and seconded by Dave Phillips, and unanimously approved: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent, to make appointments as per the consensus agenda.




Katherine Mitchell – Shortsville / Appointment as Teacher Aide for the 2006-2007 school year effective March 5, 2007
Georgia Smith – Canandaigua / Appointment as Substitute Teacher Aide for the 2006-2007 school year

Minutes of March 14, 2007 BOE MeetingPage 1


It was moved by Doug Gage and seconded by Michael Allen, and unanimously approved: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the CSE and CPSE recommendations as presented by the Board’s committee in Appendix “F”.


With no comment on the reports, President Raeman acknowledged receipt of the financial and treasurer’s reports on behalf of the Board.

Budget Transfer

It was moved by Dave Phillips and seconded by Kristin Gray, and unanimously approved: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the transfer of $40,000 the repair reserve to the general fund to begin making repairs to mechanicals and to the baseball fields during the 2006-2007 school year.



The following policies were reviewed as a first reading:

Policy #6110 – Code of Ethics for All District Personnel

Policy #7240 – Student Records Access & Challenge

Policy #7242 – Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment

Policy #7511 – Immunization of Students

Policy #7512 – Student Physicals

Policy #7513 – Prescriptive Medication

Policy #8260 – Title I Parent Involvement

Policy #8320 – Purposes/Selection of Instructional, Library, AV Materials


Superintendent Leiby and President Raeman recapped their respective correspondence for the month.

Each Board member was given an opportunity to make comments or ask questions.


Moved by Alan Sadler, seconded by Dave Phillips, and carried unanimously: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby entered Executive Session to discuss administrative successor agreements in accordance to the open meetings law at 9:26 p.m.

President Raeman moved the Board into public session at 10:30 p.m.


Administrative Successor Agreements

It was moved by Alan Sadler and seconded by Kristin Gray, and approved (M. Allen, nay): RESOLVED, that the Board hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the administrative successor agreement with Timothy Benjamin, High School Principal for the years 2007-11.

It was moved by Alan Sadler and seconded by Dave Phillips, and approved (M. Allen, nay): RESOLVED, that the Board hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the administrative successor agreement with James Falanga, Elementary School Principal for the years 2007-10.

It was moved by Doug Gage and seconded by Shawn Pollock, and approved (M. Allen, nay): RESOLVED, that the Board hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the administrative successor agreement with Kristine Guererri, Assistant Superintendent for the years 2007-10.


Moved by Alan Sadler, seconded by Kristin Gray, and carried unanimously: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby stands adjourned at approximately 10:34 p.m.


Lois Janson, Board Clerk