Quality-Safety Project Poster Course Session Evaluation Form - Student and Faculty
Poster Title:
Team Members:
Please use the following to score each category.
5 = Excellent / 4 = Very Good / 3 = Average/Good / 2 = Fair / 1 = PoorCategory / Score 1-5 / Comments
Identify a ClinicalProblem/Issue and Write a Problem Statement:briefly introduces the issue and driving forces behind the project. Presents a brief overview of the clinical issue/problem. Relates the issue/problem to IOM Six Aims and relevant QSEN Core Competencies. Describes why issue/problem is important to nursing (supported by the literature).
Fishbone Cause and Effect Diagram: summarizes findings using a cause and effect diagram (fishbone) and relates issue/problem to human factors, if appropriate. May also include Swiss Cheese Model here.
IncludeDiscussion: describes cause and effect diagram and findings (Fishbone and Swiss Cheese Model if appropriate). Includes brief discussion as related to quality and safety initiatives identified in background.
Explore Problem/Issue in Terms of National Quality and Safety Initiatives: expands on the issue/problem in relation to at least one (1) National Quality and Safety Initiative
Explore Problem/Issue in Terms of: ANA Scope and Standards of Practice(2015); ANA Code of Ethics with Interpretive Statements (2015); Nursing Sensitive Indicators; and Relevant state nurse practice acts, regulations, standards of nursing practice, nurse safety, patient safety, etc….
Explore Problem/Issue in Terms of Relevant QSEN Core Competencies: Teamwork and Collaboration, Safety, Evidence-based Practice, and Quality Improvement.
Plan for Improvement: presents a realistic plan for improvement using Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) and evidence from the literature. Briefly discuss in the plan: What is being improved, by how much, by when, who will implement, and how.Includes structure, process and outcome measures – describes how they will know improvement occurred.
Implications/Conclusion: describes expected outcomes related to initiatives, IOM aims, nursing sensitive indicators, and QSEN core competencies.
References: key references listed in APA format and represent current scholarly nursing literature.
Presentation: student(s) able to articulate the premise of their poster including elements above. Student(s) knowledgeable and present themselves professionally.