Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Logo! 4 Grün Kapitel 2 Schulstress
pp 20-21 (Rückblick) 1 Was lernst du? / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about school subjects
Giving opinions
OCR contexts, sub-contexts and tasks / 1(b) School Life: Give and and seek information about subjects studied and about likes and dislikes
Grammar / Haben (ich & du forms); possessive pronouns (mein/dein); ordinal numbers
Exam strategies / /
Listening / AT1 / Fill in a school timetable with the names of subjects; indicate whether pupils like or dislike a subject / 1, 3a
Speaking / AT2 / Pairwork: ask and answer questions about a school timetable and subjects liked / disliked / 2b, 3c
Reading / AT3 / Read a school timetable and say what time the lessons start; read a letter and answer questions by selecting the correct answer / 2a, 3b
Writing / AT4 / Write a letter to say which subjects you learn and your opinion of them / 4
Key language / Meine erste/zweite/dritte/vierte/fünfte/sechste… Stunde ist …
Was hast du am Montag/Dienstag/Mittwoch/Donnerstag/Freitag?
Ich habe ...
Ich finde ... furchtbar/gut/interessant/
langweilig/nicht gut/okay/schlecht/
Mein Lieblingsfach ist ...
Ich lerne/hasse ...
ICT Opportunities / Send an e-mail to your German friend about the subjects you learn and what you think of them
Reinforcement / Übungsheft – p8; p15 (ex 1)
Extension / Sprechen p33 (Gespräch 2); Rollenspiel;
Lesen/Schreiben A, p164
Resources / Cassette A, Side A; CD 1, Track 7
Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Logo! 4 Grün Kapitel 2 Schulstress
pp 22-23 (Rückblick) 2 Im Klassenzimmer / Activity no.Learning objectives / Communicating in the classroom
OCR contexts, sub-contexts and tasks / /
Grammar / Darf ich / kann ich ...?
Exam strategies / Learning phrases to help if you get stuck in the Speaking exam
Pronunciation of: sagt, Englisch, können
Listening / AT1 / Understand classroom requests and say who the speaker is / 1
Speaking / AT2 / Translate English statements into German / 2
Reading / AT3 / /
Writing / AT4 / /
Key language / Wie sagt man … auf Englisch/Deutsch?
Wie schreibt man …?
Was bedeutet … auf Englisch?
Kann ich/Darf ich ... Englisch sprechen/ das Fenster aufmachen/auf Toilette gehen/mein Heft haben?
Können Sie die Frage wiederholen?
Ich verstehe nicht.
Ich weiß nicht.
ICT Opportunities / /
Reinforcement / Übungsheft – p9
Extension / /
Resources / Cassette A, Side A; CD1, Track 8
Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Logo! 4 Grün Kapitel 2 Schulstress
pp 24-25 3 Der Schultag / Activity no.Learning objectives / Talking about daily life at school
OCR contexts, sub-contexts and tasks / 1(b) School Life: Give and seek general information about people's schools or colleges
3(d) Going Places: Give and seek information about a regular journey to school
Grammar / Times (...Uhr, viertel vor...)
Time-manner-place (komme mit....zur Schule)
Question words: wie, wann, wie viele, wie lange, was
Exam strategies / Two meanings of Stunde: hour; lesson
Listening / AT1 / Understand sentences and say whether they apply to English or German schools / 1
Speaking / AT2 / Pairwork: ask and answer questions about daily school routine / 3a, 3b
Reading / AT3 / Read passages and questions in German and select correct answer / 2
Writing / AT4 / Write an article about the school day, based on questions in ex 3a / 4
Key language / Die Schule/große Pause/Mittagspause beginnt/ist um … Uhr.
Die Schule ist um … Uhr aus.
Es gibt … Stunden/große Pausen pro Tag.
Eine Stunde dauert … Minuten.
Ich komme/fahre mit dem Auto/Bus/Rad/Zug/zu Fuß zur Schule.
Ich fahre/gehe um ... Uhr nach Hause.
ICT Opportunities / /
Reinforcement / Übungsheft – pp10-11
Extension / Sprechen, p33 (Gespräch 3)
Resources / Cassette A, Side A; CD1, Track 9
Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Logo! 4 Grün Kapitel 2 Schulstress
pp 26-27 4 Meine Schule / Activity no.Learning objectives / Describing one’s school and giving opinions
OCR contexts, sub-contexts and tasks / 1(b) School Life: Give and seek general information about people's schools or colleges; Express, seek and explain views and opinions about features of school
Grammar / Er/sie/es ist +adjective; es gibt / wir haben + accusative
Exam strategies / Distinguish between Turnhalle and Gymnasium
Types of school: Gesamtschule, Realschule, Grundschule
Use of sehr, ziemlich, ungefähr
Learning information to use in Speaking/Writing tests
Listening / AT1 / Listen to a description of a school and select correct answers to questions / 1
Speaking / AT2 / Pairwork – ask and answer questions about school: type, rooms, size; ask about/state opinion of various aspects of school / 2a, 2b, 3
Reading / AT3 / /
Writing / AT4 / Write about own school, giving opinions / 4
Key language / Meine Schule heißt ...
Die Schule ist ein Gymnasium/eine Gesamtschule/eine Privatschule.
Wir haben ... Schüler und Schülerinnen / Lehrer und Lehrerinnen.
Sie ist (sehr/ziemlich) groß/klein/alt/modern.
Es gibt/Wir haben ... Klassenzimmer / ein Lehrerzimmer/
eine Aula/Bibliothek/Turnhalle
einen Schulhof/Informatikraum
zwei/mehrere Labors
Ich finde die Schule/Uniform/Hausaufgaben/Lehrer/den Schuldirektor...
ICT Opportunities / Use information in units 1-4 to describe your school to a partner school in Germany. Ask questions about their school.
Reinforcement / Übungsheft – p12; p15 (ex 2)
Extension / Sprechen, p33 (Gespräch 1); Lesen/Schreiben B, p165; (Coursework preparation) Kursarbeit pp152-3
Resources / Cassette A, Side A; CD1, Track 10
Notes / Kursarbeit pp152-3 provides coursework preparation on the subject of school
Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Logo! 4 Grün Kapitel 2 Schulstress
pp 28-29 5 Pläne / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about future plans
OCR contexts, sub-contexts and tasks / 4(b) Careers and Life-Long Learning: Give and seek information about preferences for work or for further study
Grammar / Using present tense to express future plans
Exam strategies / Key vocabulary: Abitur, Oberschule, Oberstufe, Lehre
Listening / AT1 / Listen to people talking about their plans for the next few months, and match English phrases with German phrases in the text / 1
Speaking / AT2 / Pairwork: ask and answer questions about future plans using the pictures in ex 2a / 2b
Reading / AT3 / Read sentences and match to pictures; read about people’s future plans and say whether German statements are true or false / 2a, 3
Writing / AT4 / Write about own plans for the coming year / 4
Key language / Ich gehe auf die Oberschule/in die Oberstufe.
Ich gehe arbeiten.
Ich mache (kein) Abitur/eine Lehre.
Ich verlasse die Schule.
Ich mache Urlaub.
Ich finde/suche mir einen Job.
ICT Opportunities / Word-process ex 4 on plans for the coming months
Reinforcement / Übungsheft – p13; p14 (Sprechen); p15 ex 3;
Extension / Sprechen, p33 (Gespräch 4)
Resources / Cassette A, Side A; CD1, Track 11
Notes / Work from this module can be used for a coursework task (Meine Schule) with simple facts about school to target Grades G, F, E, or with details, opinions and future plans - past tenses would need to be added later - to target Grades D/C.
Sprechen activities (p33) covering Units1-5 can be used as the basis for an oral presentation to practise the presentation
component of the Speaking Test.
OCR assessment pack pp7-19 tests material from Modules 1-2