Minutes of the Recreation Youth & Environment Committee
Thursday 27th January 2011
6.30pm in the Parish Room
R001/11 Attendance and Apologies for Absence
Those present: Councillors F Jobling (Chairman), W Coad, G Constantine, M Dunkerton and E Sorensen. Also present: M Burroughs (Parish Clerk), N Gray and Clare Noton (Youth Leaders)
Apologies – John Wilcox (CARES).
At this point Cllr. Jobling pointed out that there was time constraints but advised that there was the opportunity for informal meetings to be arranged after this meeting.
R002/11 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests
Cllr. Jobling declared a change in members’ interest with regard to new Company Directorship of an overseas company. There were no other declarations of interest or changes notified to Members’ Register of Interests, which related to this meeting.
R003/11 Update on Phase II proposals for a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)/Ball Court for King George’s Field.
John Willcox (CARES) could not attend the meeting but provided an update that was shared by Cllr. Jobling to the members present: A summary follows:
Mr Willcox advised that he would be arranging a meeting of CARES, subject to availability of the members, during week commencing 31st January to look at the following,
- Review the quotations and their content.
- Start work on an overall costing for submitting with funding applications.
- Plan the production of presentation document/material to include with applications for funding.
- Review/complete the Biffa award application form.
- Review/plan our approach to HDC Funding Officer (further to his advice given so far)
There were no further recommendations at this time other than to look forward to receiving feedback from CARES at a future Parish Council meeting.
R004/11 Youth Club
The following matters on the agenda were discussed:
- WSCC Youth funding and grant for 2011-12
- Petty Cash (Youth Leader)
- Cash Book (Clerk)
- Affiliation and Grant 2010-11 (Cllr. Jobling)
- Insurance (Cllr. Jobling)
- Progress to date and plans for the future (Youth Leaders)
- AGM – Chairman’s Reports and arrangements
The following comments and suggestions/recommendations were made with regard to the above:
- Nick Gray (Youth Leader) agreed to research opportunities for a possible grant for 2011-12 as well as the procedure for the same and opportunities for obtaining equipment from the Weald Youth Centre which is closing down, with Mike Grant (Weald Youth Centre, WSCC);
- Nick Gray (Youth Leader) advised that he has tendered his resignation to WSCC, as they will no longer fund him for being a Youth Leader of the Slinfold Youth Club after 31 March 2011, opting to send him elsewhere which he has chosen not to do. Nick Gray did suggest that he would consider staying on as a volunteer;
- Cllr. Jobling advised that the Youth Leaders should pursue funding for the Youth Club at all levels and distributed details of possible opportunities for the same. Cllr. Jobling will support the Youth Leaders with this activity;
- Nick Gray (Youth Leader) brought along the Petty Cash Book and the cash tin. There was petty cash of £454 noted in the cashbook; the cash in the tin had not been counted. It was agreed that the Clerk should bank the surplus in excess of £100;
- The Clerk provided a summary of the Youth Club Cash book, together with estimated costs to year-end (31 March 2011) and reserves in hand to date as well as precept requirements for the payment of one Youth Leader for 2011-12. The Clerk advised that at present there was no provision to support two Youth Leaders for the coming year and that the Recreation Committee could not sanction this; this was a matter for the Parish Council and would need referral to them. As above, Cllr. Jobling advised that the Youth Leaders should be looking at grant opportunities for around £4,000 but that this was achievable; a small sum in the scheme of things. Cllr. Jobling and the Youth Leaders will liaise on this matter;
- The Clerk, having previously distributed an email from Horsham Youth Club, advised that there was every indication that there was no grant funding or funding for any Youth Leader for 2011-12 from either HDC or WSCC. At present the Parish Council contributes twice-yearly to the Horsham Youth Centre for Clare Noton; Nick Gray is funded by WSCC.
- Affiliation – there was some discussion as to the level of affiliation required (£36 or £54 p.a.). Cllr. White had applied for this last year. Affiliation is required for grant/insurance purposes. It was agreed that Clare Noton (Youth Leader), with the support of Cllr. Jobling, would research and advise on the same for the forthcoming year.
- Insurance – this is due to be renewed in March 2011 and Clare Noton (Youth Leader) agreed to look into this at Cllr. Jobling’s request (previously arranged by Cllr. White). The Clerk advised that Youth Club must have insurance in place to cover liability and equipment. The Youth Leader (Nick Gray) has covered equipment on his own contents insurance, as some items are stored at home, but has not been reimbursed for out of pocket costs for the last year, as his insurers would not provide a breakdown of insuring the Youth Club items. It was recommended he submit an estimate of the cost to the Clerk for payment;
- Progress – the Youth Leaders advised that numbers/attendance had tailed off (average is 7 or 8 at present). Cllr. Jobling suggested a meeting to discuss a strategy to discuss recruitment and funding. Cllr. Jobling will arrangean informal meeting. Cllr. Constantine made reference that all these activities need to take place very soon which was agreed by all;
- Youth Club Annual General Meeting (16th February 2011) – Cllr. Jobling advised that she would be unable to Chair this meeting and gave apologies together with notice that she would be resigning as Chair of this Committee. Cllr. Coad volunteered to chair the meeting instead. The Clerk advised that, as there was not another Recreation Meeting until July 2011 and that as Cllr. Coad has volunteered to chair the AGM in February, there was not an immediate need to look for a Chairman, as there was no other meeting to chair until July. After the elections in May, Committees and Chair’s for the same can be nominated/elected.
- Chairman’s Report for the Youth Club AGM – Cllr. Jobling will prepare this report and share the same with Cllr. Coad and the Clerk.
In summary, recommendations for the Parish Council to consider at their next meeting, which will be subject to feedback from Cllr. Jobling and the Youth Leaders include:
- Grant opportunities;
- Funding for Youth Club expenses (Hall Hire, Insurance, Affiliation etc.) and Youth Leader services;
- Affiliation and Insurance 2011-12;
- Payment to Nick Gray for out of pocket expenses;
- Agree Cllr. Coad to Chair the AGM.
R005/11 KGV Field & Six Acres Inspections
The latest HDC Inspection report showed only minor matters. The Clerk advised that there are no items that are not low priority needing consideration at this time.
As to the Annual Inspection (June 2010) the Clerk advised that she had obtained an estimate for Play Surfaces – i.e. to re-glue and fill gaps and joints as necessary; this was approximately £2,000.
The Recreation Committee recommend that it revisits repairs to the play areas again after the annual inspections in June/July 2011 and if there is an opportunity to look at the repair of the play surfaces in the meantime that this is done in line with the possible installation of the MUGA.
R006/11 – Members Questions and Comments - None
R007/11 - Next Meeting – 19th July 2011 7.30pm
Meeting closed at 7.20pm