EFA’s sixth annual medical conference on endometriosis

12 – 13 April 2015

Lennox Hill Hospital, New York City

Please fill in the abstract form for EFA2015 below:

AUTHOR(s) (max 6 – use firstnamelastname)
OBJECTIVE (max 50 words)
DESIGN (max 50 words)
MATERIALS and METHODS (max 50 words)
RESULTS (max 125 words)
CONCLUSION (max 50 words)
SOURCE OF FUNDING (if applicable)
IRB APPROVAL (if applicable)
DISCLOSURE(s)(potential conflicting interests)

Abstracts must be submitted to no later than 27 February 2015

Guidelines and Terms & Conditions for abstract submission to EFA2015

  • All abstracts a must be submitted via email using the above form.
  • The abstract must contain original work, not published nor presented at a meeting of another national or international scientific organisation.
  • Authors’ details must be listed as <first name> <last name> (ie. Jane Smith)
  • Abstracts may have a maximum of six authors. The submitting author is the presenting author, who should be listed first. All authors must provide a full disclosure of any potential conflicting interests.
  • Please use the same author information for every abstract on which an author appears (ie. an author can submit multiple abstracts to EFA2015).
  • Do not identify individuals in the title or abstract body. Doing so will result in the abstract being disqualified.
  • Abbreviations used in abstracts must be defined. Abbreviations are permitted in titles if they immediately follow the term being abbreviated and are enclosed in parentheses. If used in the text, abbreviations should be defined at first mention if not already defined in the title.
  • Generic names must be used for pharmaceuticals, biologics, and medical devices. The trade name of the particular product used in a study may be included in parentheses the first time the product is referenced. The trade name may be used if the product is the only one of its general type and use of the generic name would encumber the reader.
  • Abstracts must be approved or exempted by the appropriate Institutional Review Board (IRB) with jurisdiction or equivalent if any human subjects or any human materials were utilised.
  • A disclosure of medically related commercial and financial relationships must be completed for each individual author.
  • Authors assume complete responsibility for the data at the time of submission.
  • All abstracts are to be submitted and presented in English.
  • Abstracts not adhering to the above-mentioned guidelines may be disqualified at EFA’s discretion.
  • All decisions by the scientific programme committee are final.
  • Dates and times of presentations cannot be changed.
  • Submission of an abstract for consideration for presentation implies that the presenting author intends to register for and attend EFA2015 to present his/her work.
  • In submitting an abstract to EFA2014 all authors agree to abide by EFA’s policies pertaining to submission, publication, and presentation of abstracts.

By submitting your abstract to EFA’s 6th Annual Medical Conference on Endometriosis (EFA2015) your agreement to the above guidelines and terms & conditions are implied. Submit to: