Spring 2004 C. Wang

College of Business Administration, CSUS

MGMT 260 - Survey of Quality Management






Office Hours:Tuesday and Thursday, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.; or by appointment


This course is designed to provide a comprehensive coverage of quality management. Emphasis will be placed on both theory and implementation of quality management. Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

1. Develop an appreciation of quality management theory, principles, and practices.

2. Apply the Malcolm Baldrige Award criteria for self-assessment.

3. Identify and meet the needs of internal/external customers.

4. Implement quality improvement efforts using teams.

5. Use quality improvement tools and practices for continuous improvement.

6. Develop strategies for organizational change and transformation.


Evans, James R. and William M. Lindsay, Management and Control of Quality, 5th edition, West Publishing Company, 2002.

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award 2004 Criteria for Performance Excellence. National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. For a free copy, contact NIST (Tel: 1-301-975-2036, Fax: 1-301-948-3716, E-mail: , Internet: http//

Bruce, Greg, Six Sigma for Managers, McGraw-Hill, 2002.


1.Students are expected to attend classes regularly. Class attendance will be monitored beginning the second week of the semester.

2.Active participation is essential to this course. Students are expected to participate in class discussion and read the assigned chapter before each class.

  1. Students will participate in teams to conduct a project to analyze a real-world problem and to suggest specific improvement strategies and actions. Each team should consist of 4-5 students. A project proposal is to be submitted by March 4, 2004. A project progress report is due April 13, 2004. A final project report is to be submitted by May 13, 2004.
  1. Each team is also required to give a 10- to 15–minute presentation on the project at the end of the semester.On the day of the presentation, each team needs to submit a copy of the presentation material on a diskette or through e-mail.
  1. Students will be asked to participate in class discussion of four (4) cases in the text. Students will be selected randomly for comments and suggestions with respect to the questions listed at the end of each case.
  1. Three tests will be given as scheduled. True/false, multiple-choice, and essay questions will be given in the tests.
  1. Students taking MGMT 260 will be required to conduct an independent research study on the application of Six Sigma. Each student taking MGMT 260 is required to conduct an extensive research on the application of Six Sigma in a particular organization. A research report should include the history of the Six Sigma program in the organization, the organizational structure and methodologies used examples of Six Sigma projects implemented in the organization, and quantifiable results of the Six Sigma program. The report is due by May 20, 2004.


The course grade will be based on the following elements:

Three Tests300 points

Project Presentation* 50 points

Project Written Report*100 points

Class Discussion Participation 50 points

Participation and Contribution to Team 50 points

Attendance 50 points

Six Sigma Research Report100 points

Total700 points

* All members on a team will receive the same grade.

Class Schedule

Date / Topic(s) / Chapter Reading
1/27 /

Course Overview, Introduction to Quality

/ 1
1/29 /

Introduction to Quality

/ 1
2/3 /

Total Quality in Organizations

Philosophies and Frameworks

/ 2
2/5 /

Philosophies and Frameworks

/ 3, 9 (pp. 509-518)
2/10 / Case Discussion: The Disciplinary Citation (p. 562)

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards

/ 3
2/12 /

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards

ISO 9000:2000 Standards

/ 3
2/17 /

Process Management

/ 7
2/19 /

Test # 1 (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 9)

2/24 /

Process Management

/ 7
2/26 /

Case Discussion: The StateUniversity Experience (p. 440)

Quality Improvement

/ 7
3/2 /

Quality Improvement

/ 10
3/4 /

Benchmarking & Reengineering

/ 10
3/9 /

Six Sigma

3/11 / Focus on Customers / 4
3/16 /

Focus on Customers

/ 4
3/18 /

Focus on Customers

/ 4
3/23 /

Leadership for Total Quality

/ 5
3/25 /

Leadership for Total Quality

/ 5
3/30 /

Test # 2 (Six Sigma, Chapters 4, 7, and 10)

4/1 / Case Discussion: Teaching the Buffalo to Fly: The Johnsonville Foods (pp.277-278)

Strategic Planning

/ 5
4/13 / Strategic Planning / 5
4/15 / Performance Measurement and Strategic Information Management / 8
4/20 /

Performance Measurement and Strategic Information Management

/ 8
4/22 /

Case Discussion: Ultra-Productivity Fasteners, Part I (p. 498)

Human Resource Practices

/ 6
4/27 /

Human Resource Practices

/ 6
4/29 /

Human Resource Practices

/ 6
5/4 /

Building and Sustaining Total Quality Organizations

/ 14
5/6 /

Student Project Presentation

5/11 /

Student Project Presentation

5/13 / Student Project Presentation
5/20 / Test #3 (Chapters 5, 6, 8, and 14)