1. What is the name of your journal?
American Psychologist.
2. Give a one sentence summary of what your journal is about or what its mission is.
American Psychologist contains archival documents, original studies and articles covering current issues in psychology, the science and practice of psychology and psychology’s contribution to public policy.
3. How long has the journal been published?
4. What is the city, state and country of publication?
Washington, DC, USA
5. What is the intended audience for the journal?
Mental health professionals, Medical professionals, educators and the public policy arena.
6. Is the journal sponsored or affiliated with any organization or publication?
It is published by the American Psychological Association.
7. About how many full-length articles do there appear to be in each journal?
Approximately 6-7
8. What categories of articles appear in the journal besides full-length articles?
News about the Association and its members
9. What is the cost of each journal?
Unclear. Special Issues cost $25
10. Of a subscription?
To the association: non-member $261, member or APA student affiliate, $12
11. Do they have online subscriptions or paid access to individual articles?
12. Do they have free online content?
Yes for members. All articles are also available through Psycharticles (available through Pacifica web site.
13. What is the frequency of publication?
9 times per year
14. Is the journal peer reviewed or refereed? If not, who appears to make the editorial decisions?
15. What are the submission guidelines for the journal?
Submissions must be APA formatted, may be up to 35 pages double spaced and must include abstract of less than 180 words, references and supplemental materials. All data must be maintained and available upon request for at least five years. All instructions are available for download at web site.
16. Pulling up recent table of contents, list three or four article titles.
High Stakes Testing in Higher Education and Employment,
The Role of Work in Psychological Health
Work transitions
17. Write up a summary for your classmates about the viability of publishing this journal.
This is a standard, respected and primary resource for writing and publishing in Psychology. The material must be well researched, documented and defendable. This may be an opportunity for dissertation publication for any Pacifica student, especially if doing quantitative research projects.