Associate Professor,
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources,
HCMC University of Technology (HCMUT)
268 Ly Thuong Kiet st, ward 14, dist. 10, HCMC, Viet Nam
T/F: 84-8-3863-9682
C: +84-8-903-32-6073
E: ;
Research Interest
- Membrane separation processes, water and wastewater treatment processes, biological processes,advanced oxidation processes, biofuels, solid waste treatment and management, treatment technology for climate change adaptation.
Professional Experience
- 2014 (May) – present: Head, Dept. of Water Science and Technology, Faculty of Environment and
Natural Resources, HCMC University of Technology (HCMUT), Viet Nam. - 2013 (Nov.) – present: Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources,
HCMC University of Technology (HCMUT), Viet Nam. - 2011-2013: Deputy Head, Environmental Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Environment,
HCMUT - 2009-2013: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environment,HCMUT, Viet Nam.
- 2006-2008: Team Leader, research group under Prof. C. Visvanathan, AIT, Thailand.
- 2001-2005: Researcher, Intitute for Environment and Resources, HCMC, Viet Nam.
- 2001-2002: Lecturer, Chemical Engineering Dept., IndustryUniversity, HCMC, Viet Nam.
- 2001-2005: Independent Consultant - Design of waste treatment systems; consultancy/training for
environmental projects.
- 2006-2009: Ph.D, Environmental Engineering (French Government Scholarship, exchange
program), Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), ThailandInstitut National des
Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse (INSA-Toulouse), France. - 2003-2005: ME, Environmental Engineering (The Netherlands Government Scholarship),
AIT, Thailand. - 1996-2001: Engineer Degree, Chemical Engineering, HCMUT, Viet Nam.
Selected Publications
International Journals:
1)Son, N.T., Thanh, B.X (in press).Mangrove Mapping and Change Detection in Ca Mau Peninsula, Vietnam Using Landsat Data and Object-Based Image Analysis, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, xxx-xxx (SCI, IF: 2.827, ISSN: 1939-1404). DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2360691
2)Hao, N.N, Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P. (2014). Modification of agricultural waste/by-products for enhanced phosphate removal and recovery: Potential and obstacles, Bioresource Technology, 169, 750-762(SCI, IF: 5.352, ISSN: 0960-8524).
3)Vijayalayan, P., Thanh, B.X., Visvanathan, C. (accepted). Simultaneous Nitrification Denitrification in a Batch Granulation Membrane Airlift Bioreactor, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, xxx-xxx. (SCI, IF: 2.333, ISSN: 0964-8305)
4)Thanh, B.X., Hien, V.T.M., Trung, T.C., Da, C.T., Berg, H. (in revision). Reuse of sediment from catfish pond through composting with water hyacinth and rice straw, Sustainable Environment Research, in revision. (SCI, IF = 0.675, ISSN: 1022-7630).
5)Nhat, P.T., Biec, H.N., Mai, N.T.T., Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P. (inrevision). Application of a Partial nitritation and Anammox System for the Old landfill Leachate Treatment, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, xxx-xxx. (SCI, IF: 2.333, ISSN: 0964-8305)
6)Van, P.T.H., Tin, N.T., Hien, V.T.D., Quan, T.M., Thanh, B.X., Hang, V.T., Tuc, D.Q., Dan, N.P., Khoa, L.V., Phu, V.L., Son, N.T., Luong, N.D., Kwon, E., Park, C., Jung, J., Yoon, I. & Lee, S. (in press). Nutrient removal by different plants in wetland roof systems treating domestic wastewater, Desalination and Water Treatment, in press (SCIE,IF = 0.852; ISSN: 1944-3994).
7)Luong, N.D., Thanh, B.X., Hung, N.T.(2014).Estimation of Current and Future Generation of Medical Solid Wastes In Hanoi City, Vietnam. International Journal of Waste Resources4(2), 1-5.
8)Thanh, B.X., Thy, L.L., Dan, N.P., Visvanathan, C. (2014). Industrial wastewater reuse by airlift external membrane bioreactor, Sustainable Environment Research, 24(1), 41-47. (SCI, IF = 0.675, ISSN: 1022-7630).
9)Trang, V.N., Dan, N.P., Phuong, L.D., Thanh, B.X. (2014). Pilot study on the removal of TOC, THMs and HAAs in drinking water using ozone/UV – BAC, Desalination and Water Treatment, 52(4-6), 990-998(SCIE, IF = 0.852; ISSN: 1944-3994).
10)Thanh, B.X., Tin, N.T., Van, P.T.H., Hien, V.T.D., Dan, N.P., Koottatep, T. (2014). Performance of wetland roof with Melampodium paludosum treating septic tank effluent, Desalination and Water Treatment, 52(4-6), 1070-1076(SCIE,IF = 0.852; ISSN: 1944-3994).
11)Thao, N.T.P., Tin, N.T., Thanh, B.X.(2013). Biodiesel Production from Microalgae by Extraction –Transesterification Method, Waste Technology, 1(1), 6-9. (ISSN: 2338-6207).
12)Luong, N.D., Giang, H.M., Thanh, B.X., Hung, N.T.(2013). Challenges for municipal solid waste management practices in Vietnam, Waste Technology, 1(1), 17-21. (ISSN: 2338-6207).
13)Thanh, B.X., Tin, N.T., Dan, N.P. (2013). Influence of Recirculation Rate on Performance of Membrane Bioreactor Coupling With Ozonation Treating Dyeing and Textile Wastewater, Journal of Water Sustainability, 3(2), 71-78.(ISSN: 1839-1516)
14)Noh, S., Choi, M., Kim, E. Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X., Ha, N.T.V., Sthiannopkao, S., Han, S. (2013). Influence of salinity intrusion on the speciation and partitioning of mercury in the Mekong River Delta, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 106, 379-390.(SCI, IF: 4.589, ISSN: 0016-7037).
15)Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P., Visvanathan, C. (2013). Low flux submerged membrane bioreactor treating high strength leachate from a solidwaste transfer station, Bioresource Technology, 141, 25-28. (SCI, IF: 5.352, ISSN: 0960-8524).
16)Thanh, B.X., Visvanathan, C., Ben Aim, R. (2013). Fouling characterization and nitrogen removal in a batch granulation membrane bioreactor, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 85, 491-498. (SCI, IF: 2.333, ISSN: 0964-8305).
17)Thanh, B.X., Berg, H., Nguyen, L.N.T, Da, C.T (2013). Effects of hydraulic retention time on organic and nitrogen removal in sponge membrane bioreactor treating catfish farm wastewater in the tropics, Environmental Engineering Science, 30(4), 194-199. (SCIE, IF: 1.154, ISSN: 1092-8758)
18)Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X., Luc, N.T. (2013). COD and nitrogen removal of aerobic granular sludge in seafood processing wastewater treatment, Asean Engineering Journal- Part C, 2(1), 104-112. (ISSN: 2286-8150)
19)Thy, L.L., Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P., Visvanathan, C. (2013). Evaluation performance of Airlift Membrane Bioreactor treating wastewater from industrial park in Ho Chi Minh City, Asean Engineering Journal- Part C, 2(1), 94-113. (ISSN: 2286-8150)
20)Thanh, B.X. & Dan, N.P. (2013). Study on Treatment Performance of Low Cost Membrane Based Septic Tank at Various Fluxes. International Journal of Waste Resources, 3(1), 1-4. (IF = 0.721; ISSN: 2252-5211).
21)Son, N.T., Chen, C.F., Chen,C.R., Chang, L.Y., Thanh, B.X. (2012). Urban growth mapping from Landsat data usinglinear mixture model in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (JARS), 6(01), 063543. (SCIE, IF=1.000, ISSN: 1931-3195).
22)Luc, N.T., Nam, T.T., Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X. (2012). Aerobic Granulation in Sequencing Batch Airlift Reactor for Organic and Nitrogen Removal, Thai Environmental Engineering Journal, 106(1-4), 7-11 (IF=0.014, ISSN: 1686-2961).
23)Hung, C.D., Han, H.N., Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X., Kwon, J.C., Shin, H.S. and Lee, E.T. (2012). Application of upflow multi-layer bioreactor (UMBR) for domestic wastewater treatment in HCMC, Membrane Water Treatment, 3(2), 77-85. (SCIE, IF: 0.371; ISSN: 2005-8624).
24)Phuong, D.T.T., Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P. (2012). Impact of nitrogen loading rates on nitrogen transformation for anaerobic effluent from latex processing industry, International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 12(2-4), 179-189. (ISSN: 1756-8463).
25)Le, N., Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P. (2012). Study of swim-bed technology for cod removal and nitrification for latex wastewater treatment, International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 12(2-4), 190-203. (ISSN: 1756-8463).
26)Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P., Binh, N.T. (2012). Fouling mitigation in submerged membrane bioreactor treating dyeing and textile wastewater, Desalination and Water Treatment, 47(1-3), 150-156. (SCIE, IF = 0.852; ISSN: 1944-3994).
27)Trang, V.N., Phuong, L.D., Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X., Visvanathan, C.(2012). Assessment on the THMs formation potential of Tan Hiep water treatment plant, Journal of Water Sustainability, 2(1), 43-53. (ISSN: 1839-1516).
28)Nhat, P.T., Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X., Hira, D., Furukawa, K. (2012). Study on Application of Annamox Process Using Polyester Non-woven Carrier Reactor (PNBCR) for Latex Processing Wastewater Treatment, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 10(2), 217-227. (ISSN: 1348-2165).
29)Thanh, B.X., Hien, V.T.D., Dan, N.P., Van, P.T.H., Tin, N.T. (2012). Performance of wetland roof treating domestic wastewater in the tropic urban area, Journal of Water Sustainability, 2(1), 79-86. (ISSN: 1839-1516).
30)Thanh, B.X., Quyen, V.T.K., Dan, N.P. (2011). Removal of non-biodegradable organic matters from membrane bioreactor permeate by oxidation processes, Journal of Water Sustainability, 1(3), 31-41. (ISSN: 1839-1516).
31)Dan, N.P., Khoa, L.V., Thanh, B.X., Nga, P.T., Visvanathan, C. (2011). Potential of wastewater reclamation to reduce fresh water stress in Ho Chi Minh City – Viet Nam, Journal of Water Sustainability, 1(3), 21-29. (ISSN: 1839-1516). (ISSN: 1345-7594)
32)Thanh, B.X., Sperandio, M., Guigui, C., Ben Aim, R., Wan, J.F., Visvanathan, C. (2010). Coupling sequencing batch airlift reactor (SBAR) and membrane filtration: Influence of nitrate removal on sludge characteristics, effluent quality and filterability, Desalination, 250(2), 850-854. (SCI, IF = 2.590; ISSN: 0011-9164).
33)Thanh, B.X., Visvanathan, C., Ben Aim, R. (2009). Characterization of aerobic granules at various organic loading rates, Process Biochemistry, 44(2), 242-245. (SCI, IF = 3.393; ISSN: 1359-5113).
34)Thanh, B.X., Visvanathan, C., Spérandio, M., Ben Aim, R. (2008). Fouling characterization in aerobicgranulation coupled baffled membrane bioreactor, Journal of Membrane Science, 318(1-2), 334-339. (SCI, IF4.314; ISSN: 0376-7388).
35)Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X., Truong, B.D. (2006). Case studies of groundwater pollution in southeast Viet Nam, International Review for Environmental Strategies, 6(2), 361-371. (ISSN: 1345-7594).
International Conferences:
1)Tin, N.T., Duyen, P.M., Thanh, B.X. (2013). Effect of Tris on microalgae biomass growth in Photobioreactor, The 6th Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering (RC-CHE), December 2nd-3rd 2013, p. 23, Century Park Hotel, Manila, Philipines. ISSN: 2094-3227.
2)Thanh, B.X., Thanh, C.N.D., Son, T.C. (2013). Spiral woven fibre membrane for improving effluent quality from septic tank, The 6th Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering (RC-CHE), December 2nd-3rd 2013, p. 40, Century Park Hotel, Manila, Philipines. ISSN: 2094-3227.
3)Thanh, B.X., Tin, N.T., Dat, N.D., Dan, N.P., Chi, D.H.L. (2013). Effect of sludge on fouling of sponge membrane bioreactor treating hospital wastewater, The six annual conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering 2013 (CESE 2013), p.51,October 29th- November 2nd, Daegu, Korea. ISBN: 978-0-646-91247-9.
4)Thanh, B.X.Van, P.T.H.(2013). Influence of plant types on organic and nutrient removal in wetland roof systems for urban cities, The six annual conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering 2013 (CESE 2013), p.98-99,October 29th- November 2nd, Daegu, Korea. ISBN: 978-0-646-91247-9.
5)Tho, N.T.Y, Dat, N.D., Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X. (2013). Characteristics of Wastewater and Treatment Technology of Hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City, International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation (EQC3), p. 46, May 3rd, 2013, National Kaohsiung Marine University (NKMU), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
6)Hien, V.T.M., Trung, T.C., Phong, V.H.N., Thanh, B.X.(2013). Reuse of sediment from catfish pond through composting with water hyacinth and straw. The 7th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC) symposium, p. 6, March, 4th-6th 2013 Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia. ISSN: 2186-7631.
7)Duyen, P.M., Tin, N.T., Thanh, B.X.(2013). Effect of N:P ratio on microalgae biomass growth in photobioreactor. The 7th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC) symposium, p. 25, March, 4th-6th 2013 Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia.ISSN: 2186-7631.
8)Thanh, B.X. Phuoc, N.T. (2013). Biodiesel production from activated sludge treating domestic wastewater. The 7th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC) symposium, p. 15, March, 4th-6th 2013 Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia. ISSN: 2186-7631.
9)Thanh, B.X. & Dan, N.P. (2013). Study on Treatment Performance of Low Cost Membrane Based Septic Tank at Various Fluxes. The 5thAUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Biotechnology (RCBIO5), p. WT10, Jan 23rd-24th, 2013, Aston Tropicana Hotel, Bandung, Indonesia.ISBN: 978-602-17950-0-2.
10)Thanh, B.X., Khoa, L.V., Dan, N.P., Tam, N.D., Tin, N.T. (2012). Fecal sludge management and service improvement in Ho Chi Minh City – Viet Nam, The 5th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC), the 5th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference (AEEC) and the 3rd Seminar on Asian Water Environment (Asian Core Program of JSPS, NCRT and ERDT) – Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, October 25th -26th, 2012, Winsor hotel, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
11)Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P. (2012).Performance of Membrane Bioreactor Coupling With Ozonation at Different Recirculation Rate for Dyeing and Textile Wastewater Treatment, The 5th AUNSEED-Net Regional conference on Global Environment – Toward a sustainable ASEAN, p.240-248, November 21st-22nd, Aston Tropicana hotel, Bandung, Indonesia.
12)Thanh, B.X., Thy, L.L., Dan, N.P., Visvanathan, C. (2012). Industrial wastewater reuse by airlift external membrane bioreactor. International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Vol. 10 (part I), 247-254, November 8th – 10th 2012, Hilton hotel, Ha Noi, Viet Nam.
13)Thanh, B.X., Visvanathan, C., Benaim, R. (2012). Fouling characterization and nitrogen removal in batch granulation membrane bioreactor. The fifth annual conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering 2012 (CESE 2012), p.45,9th-13rd September, RACV, Melbourne, Australia. ISBN: 978-0-646-58149-1.
14)Thanh, B.X., Hien, V.T.D., Van, P.T.H., Dan, N.P., Koottatep, T. (2012). Wetland roof with Melampodium Paludosum for domestic wastewater treatment. The fifth annual conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering 2012 (CESE 2012), p.46,9th-13rd September, RACV, Melbourne, Australia. ISBN: 978-0-646-58149-1.
15)Thanh, B.X., Nhien, N.T.T., Tin, N.T. (2012). Effects of powdered activated carbon (PAC) and alum on membrane fouling in submerged membrane bioreactor, The 6th East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC) Symbosium, OS 1: P. 28, March 6th-7th, 2012, KMUTT, Thailand.
16)Huy, V.T. and Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P. (2012). Leaching Ability of Heavy Metals in Composting and Aerobic Sludge Digestion, The 4th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment and Seminar of NRCT- JSPS Asian Core Program, p. 133-136, January 18th-19th, 2012, Emerald Hotel Bangkok, Thailand. ISBN: 978-616-551-439-2.
17)Thanh, B.X., Phong, V.H.N., Lee, Y.H. (2012). Development of low cost woven microfiltration membrane system treating arsenic contaminating groundwater and surface water for Mekong Delta provinces in Vietnam. Science and technology for sustainability-Transboundary pollutants Issues, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology - Korea, 10,18-26. ISSN: 2288-2596.
18)Luc, N.T., Nam, T.T., Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X. (2011). Aerobic Granulation in Sequencing Batch Airlift Reactor for Organic and Nitrogen Removal, The 4th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment and Seminar of NRCT- JSPS Asian Core Program, P. 25, January 18th-19th, 2012, Emerald Hotel Bangkok, Thailand. ISBN: 978-616-551-439-2.
19)Thanh, B.X., Binh, N.T., Dan, N.P. (2011). Performance of Membrane Bioreactor Coupling With Ozonation at Different Recirculation Rate For Dyeing And Textile Wastewater Treatment, Minamata International Symposium On Environment and Energy Technology (MISSION 2011) December 6th – 8th, 2011, p. 86-89. Kumamoto, Japan.
20)Hien, V.T.D., Thu, T.N.T., Mai, T.T.T., Tin, N.T., Van, P.T.H., Thanh, B.X. (2011). Application of Wetland Roof for Domestic Wastewater Treatment: Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Efficiency of Plants at Different Hydraulic Loading Rates, Minamata International Symposium On Environment and Energy Technology (MISSION 2011) December 6th – 8th, 2011, p. 149-155. Kumamoto, Japan.
21)Thy, L.L., Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P. (2011). Operational performance and fouling behaviour of Airlift Membrane Bioreactor (AMBR) for industrial wastewater treatment: comparision with full-scale sequencing batch reactor, The fourth regional conference on natural resource and materials (METCON 2011) - AUNSEED-Net, October 27-28, 2011, P. 97-98. Sunbic bay travellers hotel, Olongapo city, The Philipines. ISSN 2243-9218.
22)Noh, S., Choi, M., Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X., Han, S. (2011). Influence of salinity instrusion on the mercury levels in the water, particles, and sediment of the Mekong Delta, The 9th UNU&GIST Joint Program symposium, Urban Water Quality:Challenges and Emerging Issues for Sustainable cities, p. 34, October 11-13, 2011, Oryong hall, GIST, Gwangju, Korea.
23)Thanh, B.X., Bang, S., Khanh, N.T.N., Yen, N.T.K., Dan, N.P. (2011). Contamination Map of Arsenic in groundwater of Mekong Delta provinces, The 9th UNU&GIST Joint Program symposium, Science Urban Water Quality:Challenges and Emerging Issues for Sustainable cities, p. 62-63, October 11-13, 2011, Oryong hall, GIST, Gwangju, Korea.
24)Vijayalayan, P., Thanh, B.X., Visvanathan, C. (2011). Simultaneous Nitrification Denitrification in a granulation coupled airlift membrane bioreactor. The fourth annual conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering 2011 (CESE 2011), p.76,25th-30th September, Evergreen Plaza Hotel, Tainan City, Taiwan. ISBN: 978-0-646-56425-8.
25)Quyen, V.T.K., Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P. (2011). Removal of non-biodegradable organic matters from membrane bioreactor permeate by oxidation processes. The fourth annual conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering 2011 (CESE 2011), p.44, 25th-30th September, Evergreen Plaza Hotel, Tainan City, Taiwan.ISBN: 978-0-646-56425-8.
26)Hien, N.T.M., Tin, N.T., Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P.(2011). Fouling mitigation in submerged membrane bioreactor treating dyeing and textile wastewater. The fourth annual conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering 2011 (CESE 2011), p.76-77, 25th-30th September, Evergreen Plaza Hotel, Tainan City, Taiwan.ISBN: 978-0-646-56425-8.
27)Trang, V.N., Phuong, L.D., Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X. (2011). Assessment on the THMs formation potential of Sai Gon river. The fourth annual conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering 2011 (CESE 2011), p.37, 25th-30th September, Evergreen Plaza Hotel, Tainan City, Taiwan. ISBN: 978-0-646-56425-8.
28)Hung, C.D., Han, N.N., Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X., Kwon, J.C., Shin, H.S., Kim, B.W.(2011). Application of upflow multi-layer bioreactor (UMBR) for domestic wastewater treatment in Ho Chi Minh City. The fourth annual conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering 2011 (CESE 2011), p.36, 25th-30th September, Evergreen Plaza Hotel, Tainan City, Taiwan. ISBN: 978-0-646-56425-8.
29)Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X., Khoa, L.V., Nga, P.T., Visvanathan, C. (2011). Potential of wastewater reclamation to reduce fresh water stress in Ho Chi Minh City - Viet Nam. The fourth annual conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering 2011 (CESE 2011), p.5, 25th-30th September, Evergreen Plaza Hotel, Tainan City, Taiwan. ISBN: 978-0-646-56425-8.
30)Thanh, B.X., Bang, S., Dan, N.P. (2010). Contamination of Arsenic and other metals in groundwater of Long An province, The 8th UNU&GIST Joint Program symposium on Science and Technology for Sustainability: Assessing Ecosystem Health in the Mekong river basin, Vol 8, p. 145-153, October 11-13, 2010, Oryong hall, GIST, Gwangju, Korea.
31)Le, N., Dan, N.P., Hung, D.V., Thanh, B.X., Furukawa, K. (2010). Study of Swim-bed Technology For COD Removal and Nitrification for Latex Processing Wastewater Treatment, International Conference on Environment 2010 (ICENV 2010): Green Technologies for the Benefits of Bottoms Billions, p.185, 13-15th December 2010, Parkroyal Hotel, Pennang, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-967-394-013-4.
32)Phuong, D.T.T., Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P., Furukawa, K. (2010). Impact of Nitrogen Loading Rates on Nitrogen Transformation For Anaerobic Effluent From Latex Processing Industry, International Conference on Environment 2010 (ICENV 2010): Green Technologies for the Benefits of Bottoms Billions, p.176, 13-15th December 2010, Parkroyal Hotel, Pennang, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-967-394-013-4.
33)Trang, T.Y., Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P., Dai, H-P. (2010). Application of Full-Scale Submerged Membrane Bioreactor (SMBR) Treating Wastewater of Caravelle Hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, International Conference on Environment 2010 (ICENV 2010): Green Technologies for the Benefits of Bottoms Billions, 13-15th December 2010, p. 140, Parkroyal Hotel, Pennang, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-967-394-013-4.
34)Nhat, P.T., Dan, N.P., Hung, D.V., Thanh, B.X., Furukawa, K. (2010). Study on Application of Annamox Process Using Polyester Non-woven Carrier Reactor (PNBCR) For Latex Processing Wastewater Treatment, International Conference on Environment 2010 (ICENV 2010): Green Technologies for the Benefits of Bottoms Billions, p.13, 13-15th December 2010, Parkroyal Hotel, Pennang, Malaysia.ISBN: 978-967-394-013-4.
35)Noh, S., Lee, Y.G., Bang, S., Dan, N.P., Thanh, B.X., Han, S. (2010). Influence of the high turbidity zone on partitioning and speciation of mercury in the Mekong river delta (Tien River), UNU&GIST Joint Program on Science and Technology for Sustainability, Gwangju Institute of Technology, Vol 8, 52-74.
36)Dan, N.P., Han, S., Bang, S., Thanh, B.X., Phong, N.T. (2010). Monitoring of water and sediment quality in Tien River – Mekong Delta in Viet Nam, UNU&GIST Joint Program on Science and Technology for Sustainability, Gwangju Institute of Technology, Vol 8, 191-202.
37)Thanh, B.X., and Dan, N.P (2010). Influence of Aeration Rates on Supernatant Characteristics
of Sequencing Bath Airlift Reactor under Granulated Operating Conditions, The 3rd ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference and 1st Annual Meeting of the JSPS Asian Core Program “Harmonizing Infrastructure with the Environment”, Wastewater Treatment Section (WWT01). University of Philipine, College of Engineering - Institute of Civil Engineering, EDSA SHANGRI-LA, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, November 11 – 12, 2010.
38)Da, C.T., Thanh, B.X., Hakan, B., Torbjorn, L. (2010). Current situation analysis and environmental impacts of stripped catfish (Pangasianodom Hypophthalmus) farming practices in the vicinity of the Mekong Delta Area, Viet Nam: A Review. AUN/SEED-Net 2nd Regional conference on Global Environment – Global Environmental Issues for Sustainable Development in the ASEAN region”, Windsor hotel, Viet Nam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam 8th-9th March, 2010, p.252-257. ISBN: 191-2010/CXB/02-08-VNUHCM.
39)Nguyen, B.V., Xuan, T.L.T., Vinh, N.V., Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P. (2010). Potential application of natural materials for reduction of heavy metals toxicity in industrial waste sludge treatment. AUN/SEED-Net 2nd Regional conference on Global Environment – Global Environmental Issues for Sustainable Development in the ASEAN region”, Windsor hotel, Viet Nam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam 8th-9th March, 2010, p.332-337. ISBN: 191-2010/CXB/02-08-VNUHCM.
40)Anh, L.N.V., Trinh, V.T.M., Toan, H.Q., Van, P.T.H., Thanh, B.X., Dan, N.P., Matsui, Y. (2010). Evaluation of water quality and water management models of Mekong Delta Provinces. AUN/SEED-Net 2nd Regional conference on Global Environment – Global Environmental Issues for Sustainable Development in the ASEAN region”, Windsor hotel, Viet Nam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam 8th-9th March, 2010, p.338-348. ISBN: 191-2010/CXB/02-08-VNUHCM.