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1. Has your airfield pavement failed unexpectedly (or significantly earlier than expected) at any time during the last five to ten years?
2. If Yes – can you characterize the nature and extent of the failure? Spread over large areas or localized? Raveled, rutted, or other? Please include photos of the failure if available.
3. To what phenomenon did you attribute the failure? (General wear, areas of heavy braking, areas of frequent turning of aircraft?)
4. Is your airport in an area where relatively high temperatures prevail for long periods of time? (Please supply the mean temperature for the locale and if possible any measured pavement temperatures).
5. What was the location of rutting or failure? (Threshold, taxiway holding area, etc)
6. What type of aircraft and number of aircraft movements generally occurred in the failed area?
7. Can you provide a description of the pavement cross section in failed area?
8. Can you describe the asphalt binder that was used in the mix for the wearing course(and the base course, if appropriate) and can you indicate whether the mix was suspected as contributing to the failure?
Please indicate the airport (or airports) where the above observations were made: ______and please indicate the number of years since the last major overlay or reconstruction was done at this airport.
We sincerely appreciate your help and thank you for filling out this survey. Please reply to