Doc# OMA-DM-FUMO-PkgURL and PkgData Node
Change Request
Change Request
Title: / CR FUMO Node / Public OMA ConfidentialTo: / OMA DM
Doc to Change: / OMA-TS-DM-FUMO-V1_0
Submission Date: / July 2005
Classification: / 0: New Functionality
1: Major Change
2: Bug Fix
3: Clerical
Source: / HanGuiping, zte,
Replaces: / n/a
1 Reason for Change
This CR proposes to relocate some leaf nodes under the interior node x in the FUMO Release 1.0 specification.
There is two PkgURL nodes specified - one is a child node of the Download node and the other is a child node of the DownloadAndUpdate node. Actually,the two nodes are the same . These two nodes contain the same URL where the firmware update package or download descriptor is located .This CR proposes the consolidation of these two nodes as one child node of the interior node x. From the device perspective having a single PkgURL node in the management object for an update package would be more efficient in implementations support firmware updates.
The PkgData node contains the actual binary firmware upgrade package. This CR proposes to position the PkgData node as a leaf node under the interior node x in the FUMO Release 1.0 specification.PkgURL and PkgData are mutually exclusive.So relocate the two nodes in the same hierarchy.
2 Impact on Backward Compatibility
3 Impact on Other Specifications
4 Intellectual Property Rights
Members and their Affiliates (collectively, "Members") agree to use their reasonable endeavours to inform timely the Open Mobile Alliance of Essential IPR as they become aware that the Essential IPR is related to the prepared or published Specification. This obligation does not imply an obligation on Members to conduct IPR searches. This duty is contained in the Open Mobile Alliance application form to which each Member's attention is drawn. Members shall submit to the General Manager of Operations of OMA the IPR Statement and the IPR Licensing Declaration. These forms are available from OMA or online at the OMA website at
5 Recommendation
It is recommend that the proposed changes be included in the FUMO 1.0 release.
6 Detailed Change Proposal
5.1 Figure ofFirmware Update Management Object
Figure 1 – Firmware Update Management Object
8.3.2 x /PkgURL
This node contains the URL where the firmware update package or download descriptor is located. This URL is used for alternative download mechanisms (such as Descriptor Based Download [DLOTA]).
Occurrence: One
Format: Chr
Access Types: Get, Replace
Values: N/A
8.3.3 x /PkgData
This node contains the actual binary firmware upgrade package. Once the package is installed, the client MAY remove the data to save space, leaving the node empty.
Occurrence: ZeroOrOne
Format: Bin
Access Types: Replace
Values: N/A
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