This is our basicmonthlyagreement between investCLUB for Women and Sponsor. Check out the benefits of being an investCLUB for Women monthly sponsor:

  1. Bring your banner and marketing materials!As sponsor you will have display space in our “Sponsors Hall” which includes a 3’x 6’ table, table cloth cover, and 2 chairs. Come early and mix and mingle with club event attendees before and after the meeting.
  2. Bring Back Up!Included in your sponsorship, you will receive admission for you and an employee/guestto the club event (Value: $50). It’s good to have support and may as well take advantage of the top notch real estate education while you are there.
  3. Introduce Your CompanyYou get personal “face time” in front of the entire club to introduce your company – 1 minute. This is an excellent opportunity for the all the club attendees to meet you and understand the product or services you provide. (Value: Priceless)
  4. Contribute a Raffle PrizeEveryone loves to win! There is tremendous power and energy behind winning. Our club attendees love giveaways and as a sponsor you have the opportunity to contribute a promotional prize in our monthly event raffles. Great strategy for additional exposure and good karma! (Value: Karma Points)
  5. Extended Marketing through our WebsiteWe understand that people may want to get hold of you after the event. By providing your logo, link to your website,and contact information, we will proudly display your business on the ICW Sponsor page for an entire month! (Value $75)

Non-Members $119/month

Annual Members $77/month

Best value for maximum exposure! There is a general “5-touch rule” in marketing…the premise that a prospect has to see you at least 5 times before they buy. By becoming an Annual Sponsor, not only will your receive the best marketing for your buck, you will become an ICW “Insider”. Find out how...

You will receive all the benefits listed above in our monthly package including these added benefits:

  1. Extended Marketing through our WebsiteWe will display your logo, links and contact information for an entire year! Linking on other sites is crucial for website ranking and internet exposure. Boost your Google rankings by becoming an Annual Sponsor with investCLUB for Women.(Value: $900)
  2. Your Logo on all our Printed Marketing Materials There are many opportunities for print material distribution, ie club fliers on the seats, downloadable flyers through our website and mailed club announcements. Have your logo appear in all its glory and infull color on all of our printed materials as a proud sponsor. (Value: $588)
  3. Everyone Gets Your FlierOnly Annual Sponsors have the privilege of putting marketing materials on the seats at our monthly events. Set yourself apart from all the other sponsors by receiving “prime real estate” during our club events. Materials must be received by 5PM the day of the event. (Value: Max Exposure)
  4. Your Logo on all of our Email Correspondence Imagine getting logo and link exposure 52x a year! The investCLUB for Women newsletter is delivered at least once a week. Show your logo prominently as a “Sponsor Link” on all of our email announcements. (Value: Priceless)
  5. Become an investCLUB for Women “Insider” As an annual sponsor it is important that you are involvedwith all of our activities, including the additional events we provide to our annual members. When you become an annual sponsor you will automatically receive our annual membership (Value: $299). This is your opportunity to get to know the group in a more intimate fashion, build relationships and enhance your ability to promote your business. Let’s not forget to mention, you will be inducted into the investCLUB for Women family. Enjoy and participate in all our Annual Member events such as Monthly Member Only Meetings, Investor Socials, Game Nights, and 60-Day Challenges…just to name a few.

Orange County Meetings (Only Location Available)$899/year

Business Name:______

Contact Name:______Partner/Guest______

Company Address: ______

City: ______St:______Zip:______Phone :(_____) ______Fax: (_____)______

Company Website: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Product or service: ______Company Years in Operation______

Monthly Sponsorship
Non-Members / $119 per meeting
Annual Members / $77 per meeting
Annual Sponsorship
Includes Membership and 1 meeting location / $899/year

I agree that I am renting space only at the investCLUB for Women meeting(s) on the date(s) specified above between the hours of 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm; and that my rental space constitutes no endorsement by investClub for Women, and that investCLUB for Women accepts no legal liability, therefore, I and my business entity are responsible for abiding by all applicable laws, including and not limited to requirements for any necessary licenses and permits, governing my presence and activities at the event; and that I will forfeit all fees paid for failing to Sponsor unless investCLUB for Women receives my written cancellation by 4:00 p.m. 4 days prior to theevent dated above. Any refunds due to cancellation are cost of Sponsorship less admin feeof $15. I understand that investCLUB for Women is not responsible for weather conditions, or any other acts of GOD, and it has been explained to me herein that in such case no refunds will be issued. I also understand that this application incorporates by reference all rights and responsibilities set forth in the Sponsor letter and/or implied contract inclusive of verbal/written herein. Return to JoAnna McDonald, Director of Member Relations for investCLUB for Women, via fax at 877-493-3118. The event will be recorded. All media recorded will be sole property of Spaces Limited, Early reservations recommended. investCLUB for Women reserves the right to refuse service.

Applicant Signature: ______Date: ______