Juliana A.
I am current Marquette University junior in the College of Education. I possess excellent communication skills that allow me to relate with my superiors, peers, and youth. My friendly, welcoming personality makes others feel comfortable, which I feel is important when working with others.
Executive Recording Secretary, Alpha Xi Delta Theta Epsilon, Present. I am responsible for compiling and sending in our chapter’s APR (Annual Progress Report), booking rooms for events, keeping track of everyone’s attendance at mandatory events, and working with each of them to make sure they are active members of the sorority. I record information from every chapter and standards meeting. This position allows me to communicate openly with others in a professional and organized manner.
Tutor, Ott Memorial Writing Center, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, Present I work as a tutor helping people to become better writers through direct and indirect guidance. I assist with everything from grammar and punctuation to organization and structure. This job has helped me to become a better communicator, writer, and leader.
Student Telethon Admissions Representative, Marquette Admissions, Milwaukee, WI, 2015 I worked in the Admissions office as a representative. I call prospective students and answer any questions they may have about Marquette. I have gained experience with customer service etiquette, computer and telephone technology, and have learned to balance school and work.
Cashier, East Bank Club, Chicago, IL 2014-15 I worked on the Sundeck at East Bank Club as a cashier. The members of East Bank Club are composed of mostly affluent men and women primarily between the ages of 25 and 60. I dealt with a variety of people and learned to relate with the members and my coworkers. Customer service was a must; I gained great experience with pleasing customers and making them feel taken care of.
Lifeguard, Berwyn Park District, Berwyn, IL 2013
I worked as a lifeguard in a children’s pool. I gained important communication skills, observation skills, and a new sense of responsibility. CPR certification was a requirement, and I possessed the skills necessary to save someone. Many of the guests at the pool spoke Spanish, which helped me work on my speaking skills.
Windlake Elementary, Fall 2015 I volunteered at Windlake Elementary as a part of my Field Experience for my education courses. I work in a 3rd grade classroom. I often tutor the students one on one in subjects such as reading or math. Some of my students struggle with these subjects due to learning disabilities or simply being behind in school. I am learning how to assist students with a range of learning abilities and how to assess and teach.
Marquette MARDI GRAS, Summer 2015 I volunteered with Marquette MARDI GRAS (Making a Real Difference in the Gulf Region and Areas Surrounding) this summer. It was a weeklong service trip to New Orleans. A group of other students and I assisted in renovating a house. We repaired drywall, sanded, painted, and truly turned the house into a home. We also took the time to speak with and learn from the victims of Hurricane Katrina. I was able to realize the impact of hard work and the importance of emotional support.
Martin Luther King Elementary, Milwaukee 2014 I volunteered at Martin Luther King Elementary as a part of my service learning for my Education 1210 class. I worked with 3rd and 4th graders. I tutored them and helped them with homework most of the time. Other times I would be making sure they were getting along with one another and simply speaking with them asking how their day was and trying to be a good mentor. This was a valuable learning experience because many of these students were raised in a very different way than I was. I learned how to understand and relate to these students regardless of background, race, or upbringing. I consider this volunteer experience to be invaluable.
Gilchrist Marchman, Chicago, IL 2013-2014 I volunteered at Gilchrist Marchman as a part of my religion class during my senior year. I worked with children from the age of 3 and below. I absolutely loved working with these children. I eventually came to refer to them as “my kids”. I sat down with them to help during meals, read stories to them, and played games with them. They made me smile every day. I believe my volunteer time here helped me to realize that I would like to work with children in the future. I had a lot to offer to them, and they had so much to give back!
Misericordia, Chicago, IL 2011-2013 Misericordia houses children and adults with disabilities. During my time there I often worked with these children and adults. Together we would play games, share meals, and have conversations. I valued my time with the residents of Misericordia because they taught me patience and care. I also volunteered with the staff. I helped to serve meals, work at their festivals, and fundraise during Candy Days. My time at Misericordia was extremely valuable: it taught me how to work with a variety of people, maintain patience, and improve my social skills by allowing me to step out of my comfort zone.
Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Elementary Education and English Language Arts Grade point average: 3.37
Saint Ignatius College Prep, Chicago, Illinois Honors Diploma
Grade point average: 3.58
· Communication: I can communicate with people of all ages and backgrounds in a way that makes them feel comfortable and welcomed
· Language: I took four years of Spanish in high school and can understand and speak some of it
· Technology: I am very familiar with applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. I am quick to adapt to technology and can learn new skills fairly quickly.
· Time Management: I know how to balance school/homework, extracurricular activities, time for family and friends, and a job since I have had to do so in the past.
· Working with Others: I am easy to get along with. I view myself as a team player but I am capable of leading as well.
· Organization: I am very organized and capable of making work easier
through simple organizational tasks.