Romans Study Outline
- Introducing Justification by faith alone (1:1-17)
- Justification by faith alone is necessary (1:18-3:20)
- Justification by faith alone is sufficient (3:21-28)
- Justification by faith alone is biblical (4)
- The benefits of justification by faith alone (5)
- Justification by faith alone gives no excuse for sin (6)
- Justification by faith alone brings hope as believers battle sin in the Holy Spirit (7-8)
- Justification by faith alone is consistent with God’s promises (9-11)
- Justification by faith alone produces holiness, love & humility (12-16)
A.Living as sacrifices to God (12:1-21)
B.Submission to authority (13:1-7)
C.Love, liberty and unity (13:8-15:13)
D.Paul’s gospel-driven ministry (15:14-33)
E.Personal greetings and conclusion (16:1-27)
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New Testament Core Seminar
Romans: Citizens of the Kingdom Are Justified by Faith Alone
- The message of Romans: “For in the Gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: ‘The righteous will live by faith.’” (Rom. 1:17)
- Background
- Justification = “declared righteous”
I. Justification by Faith Alone is Necessary (1:1-3:20)
- God’s wrath is our biggest problem (1:18-20)
- No one can be justified by their works (3:10-12)
II. Justification by Faith Alone is Sufficient (3:21-28)
- Despairing of the law and turning to Christ (3:21-24)
- A sacrifice of atonement, a propitiation (3:25)
III. Justification by Faith Alone Didn’t Begin in the New Testament (Ch. 4)
- The example of Abraham (4:1-3)
- Imputation
IV. The Benefits of Justification by Faith Alone in Christ (Ch. 5)
- Our new relationship with God (5:1-10)
- Christ the “Second Adam” - How gracious is God that many sins are covered by one man, Jesus Christ! (5:12, 15)
V. Justification Is by Faith Alone But Justifying Faith Is Never Alone (Chs. 6-8)
- Ch. 6 Justificationbrings no excuse for sin (6:1-4)
- Chs. 7 & 8: The reality of ongoing sin, but also the certain hope of final victory for all who believe (8:1, 9)
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
VI. Justification by Faith Alone Is Consistent with God’s Promises (Chs. 9-11)
- Salvation isn’t a birthright, but something that God works as he chooses for his name’s sake
- God has the right to save some, and not save others (9:16, 19-21)
- God reveals His justice and mercy in the condemnation and salvation of sinners (9:22-24).
- God has not changed his way of dealing with people- all must confess and believe (10:9-10).
VII. Justification by Faith Alone Produces Renewed Lives and Relationships (Chs. 12-16)
- Individually
- Civically
- Corporately within the church