Executive Committee Meeting Minutes – Oct. 25, 2012


Council Chair Tim Komberec called the meeting to order at 2 p.m. and welcomed everyone.

Roll call showed the following:

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Tim Komberec, Chair

B.J. Swanson, Vice Chair

Roger Madsen, Director, Department of Labor

Tony Fernandez, Region II (absent)

Linda Clark, Region III

Jerry Beck, Region IV

Mike Nelson, Region V

Jan Nielsen, Region VI (absent)

Rian Van Leuven, Labor Representative


Chair Komberec asked if there are changes or discussion to the minutes of the July 18, 2012 Executive Committee Meeting.

Chair Komberec accepted a motion by Mike Nelson, seconded by B.J. Swanson to accept the minutes; with no objections, the minutes were approved unanimously.

Chair Komberec said today’s agenda has three main discussion items:

1. review and approve the draft agenda for the November 15th council meeting

2. review and approve the consent agenda

3. review and approve the Educational Attainment Taskforce draft agenda

With no additions to the Executive Committee agenda, Chair Komberec asked Dwight Johnson, Idaho Department of Labor to review the draft agenda for the November 15th council meeting.

Dwight advised the executive committee that the Governor has appointed five new council members. Brady Kraft replaces Garry Lough from the Idaho Education Network, Aaron White replaces Cindy Hedge, Idaho State AFL-CIO, Russell Gee replaced Dave Whaley, Idaho State AFL-CIO, John Young replaces Dean Haagenson and Jodi Lewis replaces Tom Hally. There will be a new member orientation starting at 8:30 a.m. on November 15th.

Dwight explained the items listed on the draft agenda for the November 15th council meeting.

Discussion followed regarding phone calls members received from Austin Hall, reporter for the Freedom Foundation regarding the department’s report on the Workforce Development Training Fund. The report will be presented and discussed at the council meeting.

Chair Komberec accepted a motion by Linda Clark, seconded by Rian Van Leuven to accept the draft agenda for the November 15th council meeting; with no objections, the draft agenda was approved unanimously.

Dwight explained that the consent agenda includes the following:

· Minutes of August 13, 2012 Council Meeting

· Eligible Training Provider List (Transmittal #1)

· Approval of WIA Youth in Need fund distribution (Transmittal #2)

· WIA Annual Report (Transmittal #3)

Dwight explained that Transmittal #1 allows the attached list of providers be added to the Eligible Training Provider List. As requested by Executive Committee members previously, the WIA expenditures by eligible training provider were included as an attachment. Members discussed the need for additional performance data by training institutions and training programs. Dwight stated that he is hopeful the state will have this type of data from a system built by the Longitudinal Data grant recently received by the State Board of Education and the Idaho Department of Labor.

Rico Barrera, Idaho Department of Labor, explained that Transmittal #2 relates to the Workforce Investment Act which sets aside a specified portion of each State’s youth allocation for statewide activities, with a mandatory activity of “providing additional assistance to local areas that have high concentrations of eligible youth to carry out the activities described in the Act”. A pool of $100,000 is being made available in PY 2012 to local areas for youth services approved by the Workforce Development Council during its August 13, 2012 meeting.

Dwight explained that Transmittal #3 relates to the Workforce Investment Act PY11 Annual Report and is for information only.

Chair Komberec accepted a motion by Mike Nelson, seconded by Rian Van Leuven to accept Transmittals #1 and #2; with no objections, Transmittals #1 and #2 were approved unanimously.

Chair Komberec invited Dwight Johnson to discuss the draft agenda for the Educational Attainment Taskforce meeting. Dwight explained the draft agenda items for the meeting to be held a day before the council meeting on November 14th.

Chair Komberec accepted a motion by Rian Van Leuven, seconded by Jerry Beck to adjourn the meeting; with no objections, the executive committee meeting is adjourned.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m.

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Guest Attendance:

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Rico Barrera

Dianna Clough

Gordon Graff

Dwight Johnson

Pat Nelson

Allison McClintick

Denise McDonald

Todd Schwartz

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