Course number
Course title
OFFICE PHONE: 816-xxx-xxxx
CELL PHONE: 816-xxx-xxxx
EMAIL: xxxx @rockhurst.edu
OFFICE LOCATION: VAN 300J (HHS Adjunct Office)
GUEST LAB INSTRUCTORS are an integral part of this course. We strive to bring in content experts to cover specialized content.
OFFICE HOURS: Hours are posted outside the primary instructor’s office. Please phone or email to set up an appointment with the instructor. It is preferred if appointments are made 24 hours in advance.
COURSE DESCRIPTION:This laboratory course, offered in conjunction with xxxx, provides therapeutic approaches to purposeful activity, human performance, and adaptation. It provides the student experience with assessment and intervention strategies commonly used by therapists in the treatment of individuals with musculoskeletal and performance deficits.
REQUIRED TEXTS: Note- All of the required books below will be used in subsequent class. It is highly recommended that you purchase them and keep them throughout the entire curriculum. If you plan to sell them back, do so at the end of the academic program.
The student will….
- Apply theoretical constructs to evaluation and intervention with various types of clients in a variety of practice contexts and environments to analyze and effect meaningful outcomes.
- Use standardized and non-standardized screening and assessment tools to determine the need for XXXXXXX intervention. These tools include, but are not limited to, specified screening tools; assessments; skilled observations; histories; consultations with other professionals; and interviews with the client, family, significant others, and community.
- “Rockhurst University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Please contact Sandy Waddell, Director of Access Services (Massman Hall, Room 7, 816.501.4689, ) to provide documentation and request accommodations. If accommodations have already been approved by the Access Office, please communicate with the instructor(s) of this course regarding these arrangements by the second week of class in order to coordinate receipt of services.”
- “Student contact information must be kept current in order to receive important notices from Rockhurst University. Your contact information is online via your RockWeb account. Please check your local address, local phone number, and emergency contact information on RockWeb and revise as needed. Allimportant University notices will be sent only to your RU email address. Please check your RU email account in addition to any other email accounts you may have. Accounts are activated at the Computer Services Help Desk.”
- “Course withdrawals are the responsibility of the student. The RU Catalog lists the procedures for a student to withdraw from one or all courses and will be upheld. If the student does not process course withdrawal(s) correctly, it will result in a failing grade."
- “The Crisis Management Team for Rockhurst University, out of a concernfor the safety and welfare of all community members, urges you to familiarize yourself with Campus Emergency Procedures as well as emergency, evacuation, and shelter signage located within and outside of buildings across campus. They also request that you sign up for Rock@lerts, the University’s emergency communications system. All community members must comply with University staff instructions during regularly scheduled fire/tornado drills as well as actual emergencies. Information regarding the above resources can be found at
- Course Contact Hours-Rockhurst University grants credit on the semester system with each course carrying a designated credit hour value. For lecture courses, one credit hour equals a minimum of 750 minutes of student to professor contact. For academic activity based courses – labs, practicums, observations and other such non-lecture activities – one credit hour equals a minimum of 1500 student activity minutes. Some courses combine lecture and learning activities; in such cases the assigned credit hours are a total of both the aforementioned regarding total minimum student to professor contact plus activity minutes.
- EXAMPLE OF DEPARTMENTAL STATEMENT“The informed consent for class and lab participation has been read and executed per your signature of the Department of XXXXXXX Education Agreement Form in the XXXXXXX Student Handbook.”
- Attendance/Absence: The goal of the XXXXXXX Education Program is the preparation of students for entry into the profession. Implicit in the achievement of this goal will be the student’s conscientious attendance of classes and laboratory sessions. Students are expected to attend all classes except in cases of illness, death in the family, or other extraordinary extenuating circumstances. Events such as vacations or family gatherings are not considered excused absences and may result in a grade reduction of 10%. Students are expected to be on time for all classes. In the event a student cannot be in class, or expects to be tardy for class, the student is expected to notify the instructor and call the XXXXXXX education program by 8:00 am in the case of illness, or as soon as the student realizes they must be tardy. Failure to do so may result in a conference with either the Class Advisor or the Program Director. Students are encouraged to discuss any difficulties with their course instructor. Students are solely responsible for missed content. For example, they will make all arrangements for classmates to obtain all content covered in class and they will initiate meeting with their professor to schedule missed quizzes or exams. Tardiness may be treated as an absence per the Catalog or is at the discretion of the professor, but please explain your policy. Excessive absences may result in a grade reduction.
- Class participation: It is expected that all reading assignments will be completed prior to class. In addition, students are expected to be active participants in class discussion. Poor participation or preparation may result in a grade reduction.
- Late assignments: Late assignments will result in lost points. One letter grade will be deducted per day that the assignment is overdue. However, all assignments must be completed or the student will be given an “incomplete” at the end of the semester.
- Plagiarism/Academic Honesty: Students are expected to do their own work. The University’s regulations for Academic Misconduct will be followed as needed. (please see the Rockhurst University catalog for specific information).
- Original Work: Assignments such as course preparations, exams, texts, projects, papers, etc., must be the original work of the student. At all times, students are expected to comply with APA Style when formatting papers. Work is not original when it has been submitted previously by the author or by anyone else for academic credit.
- Referencing the Works of Another Author: All academic work submitted for credit or as partial fulfillment of course requirements must adhere to standards of the APA Manual or rules of documentation provided by the instructor. Standards of scholarship require that the writer give proper acknowledgement when the thoughts and words of another are used.
- Tendering of Information: All academic work must be the original work of the student. Giving or allowing one’s work to be copied, giving out exam questions or answers, or releasing or selling term papers is prohibited.
- Professional Behavior: The members of the Department of XXXXXXX Education request XXXXXXX students act professionally while at Rockhurst University. Professional behaviors include honesty, integrity, and consideration of the well-being and dignity of others. . Appropriate use of electronic devices will be monitored. Devices should be used for class work only and not for personal reasons during class. Up to 2% points could be deducted from your final grade for inappropriate use of electronic devices in this class. Please refer to the XXXXXXX Student Handbook for further details of this policy.
- Course expectations may change during the semester. Your professor will post revisions on Blackboard.
- Grades: All assignments must be completed and submitted to the instructor to be awarded a grade at the end of the semester. If a student does not successfully complete all course assignments and exams, s/he will receive a grade of “I” for the course. All assignments must be typed to receive a grade.
Grades will be determined as follows:
A = 90-100%
B+ = 88-89%
B = 80-87%
C = 70-79%
F = <70%
Course Policy:Lab practicals for this course will follow the Departmental Policy found in the XXXXXXX Student Handbook.
Departmental Policy:
Students must achieve a grade of 80% or higher to demonstrate competency in individual lab practical exams in all courses in the curriculum that include lab practical exams. Students who fail to achieve at least 80% competency in the initial lab practical test will be provided the opportunity to retake the lab practical but may not exceed three retakes, cumulatively across all courses, during their academic tenure in the program.
Students will be dismissed from the program if:
- They fail to demonstrate 80% competency after 3 re-takes in any one course
- The cumulative number of unsuccessful lab practical retakes is more than three across in the curriculum
- Each individual course/lab syllabus will require the above level of competency for successfully completing lab practicals in the class. Individual course instructors have the authority to designate a higher percentage grade, relative to this policy, as the standard for competence in their class at their discretion.
- Competent performance on lab practicals is considered to be a key indicator of the student’s ability to safely and effectively interact with clients. Some course may require competence to be demonstrated in a “checkout”. A checkout is different than a lab practical. A checkout requires the student to demonstrate competency in a specific skill or procedure (e.g. goniometric measurements). A lab practical exam requires the student to integrate the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains of education within the context of a specific client scenario, while maintaining client safety at all times.
- Competencies identified for practical examinations are based upon related accreditation standards, minimum content documents for each course, and the Department of XXXXXXX Education Program skill development checklist. Syallbi for each course will clearly designate whether the test to be performed is a check out or lab practical.
- A third type of performance demonstration exam used within the curriculum is the consumer simulation experience. This type of exam requires the student to carry out a simulated XXXXXXX process experience (including assessment, intervention and documentation) with a faculty member who is simulating a consumer case. These types of exams do not occur until the second year in the program and are not covered by this policy.
- A student who fails to achieve the required competency must make arrangements to retake the practical on a subsequent day following the original examination.
- A student may re-take the same lab practical exam up to two additional times without remediation.
- After the first re-take the grade will be reduced by 20 percentage points. After the second retake the grade will be reduced an additional 20 percentage points for a total of 40 percentage points.
- If a student fails to reach competency after two additional tries (or a total of three attempts) on the lab practical the student will be required to carry out a remediation learning plan developed by the student and the instructor. The specifics of the remediation will be developed by the instructor.
- After documentation of successful completion of the remediation learning, the student is eligible to retake the practical a third time. Documentation of the remediation will be kept in the student’s file within the Department of XXXX.
- If the student achieves the 80% competency on the fourth attempt, his/her grade will be reduced by 60%.
- If the student fails to achieve 80% competency on the fourth lab practical retake they will automatically be dismissed from the program.
- Although students are provided opportunities to retake lab practicals to demonstrate competency, repeated need to re-take lab practicals across courses illustrates the student’s overall inability to learn and apply knowledge and skills in a safe and effective manner. This ability is core to successful fieldwork performance and practice after graduation. Consequently, students who accumulate more than 3 re-takes of lab practicals across all courses will be dismissed if they fail to successfully pass their 4th re-take attempt. For example, if a student accumulates two re-takes in one or more courses in the first fall semester, he or she can only re-take one additional lab practical in his or her remaining semesters.
- Retake calculations will begin with a 20 percent reduction in each course a student takes. For example, one retake in course A will result in a 20 percent reduction if the re-take is successful and the student achieves 80% competency. The same reduction will occur when a retake is required in course B. When retakes occur within the same course, statements A. 3-7 are effective.
- A tracking spreadsheet for lab practical re-takes will be kept in an electronic folder for faculty advisors in the XXXXXXX program’s shared drive provided by Rockhurst University. After completion of each lab practical activity, the faculty member responsible for the class will record the names of all students who had retakes and the number of retakes.
- Cumulative re-takes will be monitored by faculty advisors regularly at midterm and end of semester reviews.
- If the student fails to achieve 80% competency on the fourth lab practical retake in courses across the curriculum the student will automatically be dismissed from the program.
Dress Code
Department of XXXXXXX Education students will dress according to the procedure described in the Rockhurst University Student Handbook, Standards for Student Dress and Appearance, during all courses on campus.
During fieldwork experiences and any lab simulation used for assessment of student performance, students shall comply with the following dress code of the RU XXXXXXX Education Program:
During selected labs, students may be required to dress in a specific manner to increase ability to identify specific muscles, or bony landmarks. Students will be instructed in the specific dress requirements for a course or lab.
A student’s failure to comply with the established dress code policy will be considered a violation of professional behavior as per XXXXXXX program policy on professional behavior.
Lab Practical 1100_____
Lab Practical 2100_____
Consumer Simulation 1100_____
Consumer Simulation 275_____
In Class Assignment 115_____
In Class Assignment 215_____
XXX Assignment15_____
XXX Assignment15_____
XXX Assignment25_____
Service Learning Reflection &
Proof of Participation 10_____