Weekly News Update from Glen Ames
From Mr. Panesar and Mr. Storey
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Dear Parents/Guardians, here are the Glen Ames News Updates for February 5th, 2016
Your child’s Report Card will be coming home on Monday, February 8th, 2016
For students with Individual Education Plans, IEPS are reviewed and updated as appropriate for each new reporting period. The IEP for the next reporting period will come home along with the current report card.
Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews will be conducted Thursday, February 11th (p.m.) and Friday, February 12th (a.m.). These interviews are focused on reviewing your child’s progress and planning for helpful next steps.
A meeting is not mandatory for each student’s report. As per TDSB guidelines, parents/guardians will be invited for TEACHER REQUESTED interviews this term in the following circumstances:
· Students who are or may be at risk for promotion
· Students whose placement in an alternative program or special education program is being considered
· Students whose academic achievement has declined significantly
TEACHER REQUESTED INTERVIEW FORM went home Monday, February 1st. Interview confirmations will be sent home with your child’s report card on Monday.
In addition to the above, parents and guardians are granted interviews upon their request. Parents may call the office for an interview after their child’s report has gone home on Monday, February 8th, 2016.
Please note that following the comments in your child’s report, initials will indicate the teacher responsible for that subject:
AE – Annette Ellis JL – Jorge Libaque
AP – Abilio Preto JMD – Jan-Marie Divok
BB – Barb Buckley JN – John Nicholson
CC – Chris Caragiannis LK – Laura Kingelin
CP – Charles Piller LM – Luke Martin
DB – Dominique Bellerose LS – Lise Sullivan
ED – Emily d’Amato MP – Maude Patry
GA – Gabrielle Au KC- Khadija Chatar
HK – Heri Kossifakis NH – Natalie Hulme
JH – Jessica Ha SB – Sean Briggs
JJ – Jackie Jurmain SL – Shawna LaCasse
Monday, February 29, 2016
7:30 pm
Glen Ames cafeteria (following the School Council meeting)
Kids Have Stress, Too!
Stress is a normal part of everyday life for children and adults. It helps to motivate us and adds a positive challenge to life. However, too much stress can be counter-productive and overwhelming.
Join Voula Varsamidou, a Public Health Nurse with Toronto Public Health, as she discusses "Kids Have Stress, Too", a program developed by The Psychology Foundation of Canada. KHST helps parents and caregivers understand childhood stress and how to provide children with the tools to become healthier and more resilient through learning how to manage their stress.
We’d like to know how many parent/guardians will be coming to this Speaker Series Presentation. Please CLICK HERE to let us know if you’ll be joining us on February 29that 7:30 p.m. Your response is anonymous as we are only tracking numbers for attendance purposes.
This is an added reminder to all students that their valuables should be kept at home. Students are responsible for their cell phones and any other valuables brought to school. If they are taken to school, students are reminded to secure these items.Students who stay at school during the lunch period are also encouraged to leave their backpacks in their lockers. Glen Ames School assumes no responsibility for lost and or stolen items when they are brought to school by students.
You can support Glen Amesall year longby ordering magazines and photo books on line! You may have ordered many subscriptions and photo products to support our campaign, but you might wish to renew other magazines, or order gift subscriptions later in the year. And a 2016 family photo calendar would make a great gift for your own family and your relatives! Take advantage of QSP’s great selection all year long – with the profits benefiting our children with each order! Just go to:
Glen Ames Code 3721107
Thank you again for your support.
current Extracurriculars & teams
Knitting Club
Knitting Club is being offered on Thursdays at lunch time in room 209. It will probably continue till the beginning of March. (Ms. LaCasse)
Art Club
Thursdays at lunch (please bring your lunch with you) in LL1 (Ms. Sullivan)
Extra Guitar Practice
Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 8:00-8:30 a.m. in room 302 (Mr. Piller)
Glee Club
Glee Club meets on Tuesdays at lunch in the music room. New members are always welcome!
(Mr. Piller)
Mental Health and Wellness
Meet on Thursdays at 3:15 p.m. in Room 305 (Ms. Jurmain)
We Have a Dream Club
We Have a Dream Club meets Mondays and Fridays during lunch time in room LL2
(Ms. Divok and Ms. Au)
Chess Club
Tuesdays at lunch time in room 305. (Ms. Jurmain)
Games Club
Every Day 2 and 4 at 12:00 noon in Portable #2 (Mr. Nicholson)
Bronze Medallion Program
Fridays 7:45-8:30 a.m. in the pool (Mr. Grimbly)
Girls' Hockey Tournament
On Thursday, March 24th there is a city wide annual hockey tournament that is held at the MasterCard Centre in Etobicoke and put on by TDESAA. It starts at 8 am and ends at approximately 3 pm. It is a round robin format. There will be a minimum of 3 games. The emphasis is on fun! Do you know anyone else who might like to join up? Last year we entered, were undefeated and won the entire tournament! There is no tryout...everyone is included if you're interested. Please see Ms. Buckley.
The Tier 1 season is complete. We want to thank all players for their efforts. Tier 2 plays three times next week. More information will follow. Go Guardians Go!
(Ms. Buckley and Mr. Storey)
Girls Volleyball Team
Congratulations to the Grade 8 team who finished first in their qualifying tournament today at GA Brown! (More details of the win to follow next week)
The Grade 7 team is off to Earl Grey on February 16th.
(Ms. Hulme)
Boys Basketball Team
The Grade 8 team played in the tournament today, right here at Glen Ames – details of the team’s play to be updated next week.
The Grade 7 boys will play its tournament February 17th at Earl Grey. Go Guardians! (Ms. Ha and Mr. C)
· Monday, February 8th – First Term Provincial Report Card goes home
· Thursday, February 11th – Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews (3:30 – 8:00 p.m.)
· Friday, February 12th -Parent – Student-Teacher Interviews (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)
-PA Day – No School for Students
· Friday, February 12th – P.A. Day for Parent Interviews – No school for students
· Thursday, February 25th – Grade 8 Graduation Photo Day (all day in upper library)
· Monday, February 29th – School Council Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria – Speaker Series – “Kids Have Stress Too” at 7:30 p.m.
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Storey and Mr. Panesar