Yandell Kindergarten Incorporated
Nurturing Imagination and Wonder in Every Child
T: 9435 9472
Community Drive, Greensborough VIC 3088
ABN: 4486 587 9482
Approved Provider: PR-00001930
Registration of Interest – 3YO Ring-a-Rosie
Thank you for your interest in registering your child in Yandell Kindergarten’s 3-year-old Ring-a-Rosie program.
You may register your child for Yandell Kindergarten’s 3 year old Ring-a-Rosie program the year in which they turn two. We do not accept registrations before this time. Children wishing to attend 3 year old Ring-a-Rosie must have turned 3 by 1 January of the year they attend. Children must be fully vaccinated for their age prior to attending, or on a recognised catch-up schedule, or have a medical reason not to be vaccinated. ‘Conscientious objection’ to vaccination is no longer recognised under the Victorian law.
Please be aware that Banyule City Council manages all 4 year old kindergarten enrolments. We strongly advise you to place your child on the Council list early to avoid disappointment. Four year old Kindergarten Application Forms are available from:
§ Banyule City Council service centres
§ Banyule City Council website: (http://www.banyule.vic.gov.au/Services/Health-and-Community-Services/Children/KindergartensPreschools/4-Year-Old-KindergartenPreschool-Enrolment).
Enrolment Fee
A non-refundable administration fee of $20 is payable when you submit this form.
Your child will be placed our waiting list in the order we receive your form and administration fee.
The following payments are accepted: cash, bank deposit, and electronic funds transfers.
Bank deposit or EFT can be paid to:Bendigo Bank
Account name: Yandell Kindergarten Inc.
BSB: 633000
Account number: 151703279
Reference: Child’s Name and year of interest (e.g. Sasha2019) / Cash payments to Yandell directly to:
§ The Administration Manager
§ The Teachers
You will receive a hand written receipt for cash payments.
First round offers are made during July/August in the year before your child begins.
Form Submission and Enquiries
Return complete forms to Yandell Kindergarten or submit online to the Ring-a-Rosie Teacher:
Registration of Interest – 3YO Ring-a-Rosie
Child’s Information
Child’s first name: / Child’s surname:Date of birth: / Sex: Male Female
Applying for a 3YO place in year: 20......
Family Information [Please notify us of any changes]
Primary Parent/ Guardian: / Name:Address:
Mobile phone: / Email:
Home phone: / Work phone:
Other Parent/ Guardian: / Name:
Mobile: / Email:
Home phone: / Work phone:
Siblings: / Name: / Date of birth: / Current school/kinder:
I/we wish to express my/our interest in applying for a place at Yandell Kindergarten’s 3-year-old Ring-a-Rosie program. Please add my child to your wait list.
Signed: Date:
Enrolments - 3YO Registration Of Interest Form Page 1 of 1