Summary Statement Template
Candidate: James M. Gore
Contact phone number: 224-4000 x 50118
Contact email address:
School: Applied Technologies
Academic areas represented: Automotive Technology, Diesel Equipment Technology, Carpentry, Electrical and HVAC
For each of the four categories (success factors) below, please concisely address what qualifies you to provide service to the department for which you are running. In developing your responses, please focus on specific experiences you have had that can support your candidacy (e.g. previous curriculum development, committee participation, relevant professional development, mentoring, etc.):
Leadership (e.g. developing a shared goal of improving the department and an abiding belief in the future of the department)
I have been a faculty member, either full or part-time since the fall of 1999. Additionally, I have worked in the for-profit education world at Intellitec College, where I built a successful automotive technician training program that started with zero students and grew to 180 students withinin two years.
While at CNM, I have assumed leadership roles, particularly in mentoring and on-boarding new instructors. While at Intellitec, I recruited and hired 9 successful automotive technicians and helped them to become successful instructors. Through these activities, I have learned that if we focus on the goal of student success through innovation and tradition, we have a common ground upon which to base all future activities.
Becoming involved in these programs represents a great personal challenge to me. I believe that instructors know and shape their programs, and that the position of chair is one that should learn and understand the programs first, and then provide support and direction to ensure that our programs remain viable well into the future.
Interpersonal skills (e.g. developing productive relationships between and among individuals in the workplace and the ability to facilitate a diverse group and help them reach compromise)
By trade, I am a technician. I fix equipment by identifying and repairing the root cause of the problem. There are no gray areas to a technician – either it works, or it is broken. The hardest lesson I have learned over my years as an instructor and as a supervisor is that everyone sees the problem differently, and that his or her solution is often valid, and frequently better than what I had in mind. I have come to embrace the informal and formal avenues by which relationships develop, and the quality of the results achieved when people work together to attain a goal.
Resource development skills (e.g. the ability to reasonably advocate for human and fiscal resources to support the area you represent)
At CNM, the departments I have worked in, automotive and diesel, have benefited from my ability to procure the latest in technology and training. At Intellitec, I was given a budget, a tool vendor, a location and a start date. I developed an excellent automotive program that was able to graduate entry-level technicians with the skills required to make good employees in todays automotive marketplace. I have justified, recruited, hired and mentored CTE and general education instructors, as well as determined needs, justified the needs, and procured all the tools, equipment, vehicles and trainers to establish a new program.
At both schools, I have learned that inertia is the greatest threat to program viability. If we don’t take the time, effort and energy to develop the people and equipment that we have so that each can reach their full potential, we will become obsolete.
Administrative skills (e.g. the ability to guide processes critical to the core function of the area you represent with attention to detail)
I have guided the equipment replacement, Perkins grant, and CNM program money requisitions to acquire equipment, tooling and supplies needed for program modernization and instruction. I have led the program-wide diesel equipment curriculum overhaul, including catalog changes and new class justifications and additions. I developed and implemented catalog and curriculum changes that enable our associates degree students to have multiple pathways to their degree. At two different schools, I have been responsible for the tool, equipment and supply inventory for the programs I was attached to.
In consideration of the Chair Job Duties and the overall Mission, Vision and Strategic Directions of CNM, what goals do you have for the area you represent over the three year term of chair service:
Overall, I believe that the position of chair will provide a platform to encourage improvements to the educational opportunities we provide our students. The programs represented by the chair provide training in diverse fields, yet all have some commonalities.Our students will work with their hands, and their minds, providing a necessary and employable service to consumers. Changes in technology are having great impact on our fields, and we need professional and technical update training tocontinue being successful. Our students have different skill sets, learning styles, and expectations than those of the past, and we need share best practices to ensure our students are getting the best opportunity to succeed.
I do not know all the administrative requirements of the position. I will attend trainings and perform those duties to the best of my ability. I have experience running programs and working within collaborative environments.
The chair should be the focal point for information and directives coming from administration. From maintaining a calendar of dates and deadlines, to disseminating changes in policy and procedures, the chair should be ensuring the personnel in the departments are aware of what is going on and what needs to happen to ensure program success.
Created: 10/2009
Revised: 12/2011