Reading RTI Lesson Activities Guide: 2014-15

Here are descriptions of the reading RTI activities and resources for the 2014-15 school year.

·  Phonemic Awareness—n/a (studies show that trying to address phonemic awareness with adolescents does not improve their reading)

·  Phonics, Decoding—n/a (studies show that trying to address phonics with adolescents does not improve their reading)

·  Vocabulary/Word Recognition

o  Teacher Resource: Teaching Vocabulary Through Differentiated Instruction with Leveled Graphic Organizers

o  Student Resource Booklet: Sadlier Vocabulary for Success

o  Activities from Blog:

§  Concept Map

§  Flag Words

§  Knowledge Rating

§  Root Word Jeopardy

§  Vocabulary Quilt

§  Vocabulary Squares

§  Word Bench

§  Word Sorts

§  Word Walls

o  Activities from Training:

§  Brainburst

§  Break it Down

§  Get to the Point

§  Picture This

§  Root Word Card Games

§  Vocabulary Password

§  Word Chart

§  Word Wizard

·  Fluency

o  Pace

§  Speed Drills

§  High Frequency Word Cards

§  Give Me Five

§  Word Dash

o  Phrasing

§  Connect-a-Dot Sentences

§  Sight Word Drills

§  Phrase Drills

§  Poetry Readings

o  Expression

§  Read Aloud; Books on Tape

§  Buddy Reading; Peer/Pair Reading

§  Choral Reading; Echo Reading

§  Reader’s Theatre

o  Punctuation

§  Punctuation Cards

§  Oral DOL practice

§  No Red Ink Exercises

·  Comprehension

o  Teacher and Student Resource Book: Reading Express

o  Activities on Blog

o  Sites for More Practice

§  Student Online Practice:


o  Comprehension practice readings with m.c. and monitoring

o  Tier 2


o  Comprehension monitoring practice and program--most appropriate for mid-to-high-levels--uses vocabulary based pre-assessment to set levels

o  Tier 2 or 3


o  Comprehension practice readings with m.c. items and read-aloud

o  Tier 3

§  Teacher Resource:


o  Comprehension practice readings with m.c. and short answer

o  Tier 2 & 3

·  Other: Do you have an alternate program that you or your teachers have developed, that you have purchased or that you would like to use? Please provide a description with this Google link!