Car Parking for Disabled Staff & Students
We are committed to the continued development of access within the University in terms of the physical nature of the buildings, and in terms of access to information and services.
The University welcomes applications from disabled staff and students, and will take every reasonable action to ensure that their specific requirements are met, and to ensure that they are able to participate as fully as is practicable in the working, academic and social life of the University.
Car Parking Passes
Car parking permits are allocated by University Services Division within the Department of Campus Facilities, room M2.08 Middlesbrough Tower.
Priority is given to disabled people in the allocation of spaces, and access is granted to all car parks that have disabled parking bays.
Access/Permits for disabled staff/students are allocated as appropriate and without charge, subject to the following:
· Completion of the necessary application form
· Production of a valid driving licence (or that of a ‘companion’ or nominated driver if necessary)
· Production of a valid certificate of insurance
· Production of a valid ‘Blue Badge’
In special circumstances, access/permits may be given to those who, although they are not ‘Blue Badge’ holders, have a disability that affects their car parking requirements. However, this will be subject to an objective assessment by either a Disability Adviser (for students) or via Occupational Health (for staff).
Companion/nominated drivers are not allowed or authorised to use University parking facilities, unless the registered person is present.
Permits are issued and renewable on an annual basis.
Car Parks
Staff, students and visitors to the University are required to park safely, to the convenience of other users, and to comply with University car parking regulations. (Full details of regulations are available from University Services Division.)
The University has 24 car parks, controlled by automatic barriers or key access, providing 46 spaces which display the disability symbol.
Parking in these spaces is strictly reserved for disabled staff or students who have been allocated a space by the University Services Division. Unauthorised use of bays displaying the disability symbol will result in the issue of a “Warning Notice” in the first instance, and details will be retained on record for twelve months. A second breach of these regulations will result in removal of access or a financial penalty.
Although security of its car parks cannot be guaranteed, the University has made a substantial investment in terms of security staffing and equipment. CCTV cameras are installed and security and dedicated car park attendants carry out regular patrols of all car parks.
Further Information:
Staff Support:
Human Resources, University House, Ext 8459
Student Support:
Disability Services Unit, 1st floor, Student Centre, Department of Student Services, Ext 2285/2279
University Services Division:
Department of Campus Facilities, M208, 2nd Floor, Middlesbrough Tower, Ext 2042/2023
Operation of car parks or security issues:
University’s Security Manager, Ext 2224
or the Control Room, Ground Floor, LRC, Ext 2086.