Prince Street Step Team Contract
Please review this contract with your child. The contract must be signed and returned to Ms. Ellis as soon as possible.
· I understand that I will have to pick my child up from Prince Street School no later than 4:45 pm on Wednesday s. (if not using the bus)
· I understand that if I miss three or more classes without a note from home, I will be removed from the program.
· I understand that all homework assignments must be completed nightly.
(Step practice does NOT stop homework completion)
· I understand that I may be removed from the program for discipline reasons.
· I understand that I must keep up with the Accelerated Reader goals for step.
· I agree to participate in upcoming concerts and recitals (can’t miss more than 2).
I have read the above contract with my child. We understand that the P. S. Step Team is a commitment and my child could be replaced with someone on the waiting list if this contract is broken.
Child’s Signature _________________________________Shirt Size_________________
Parent’s Signature____________________________________ Date__________________
Home/Work Phone ______________________________Cell________________________
Emergency Contact Name____________________________ Phone __________________
***I give Prince Street School permission to photograph and/or videotape my child for the purpose of school media, newspaper, powerpoint, or television.***
Parent Signature____________________________________ Date____________________