3.0Migration (C.4.3)
3.1Migration Plan (C.4.3.1)
The contractor shall deliver a MP to the MCC within 60 calendar days after receiving notice from the Government to begin migration activities to move designated existing service(s) on particular legacy networks onto the contractor’s network. The contractor shall prepare a separate MP for each migration project. Each MP shall document the contractor’s migration and cutover strategies for all services to be migrated in that project, including coordination with the agency or agencies whose legacy network(s) is/are being migrated. The MCC, in conjunction with affected agencies, will review the MP within 30 days after its submission. The contractor shall submit a revised MP within 15 days after receiving the review from the MCC. The MCC, in conjunction with advice from affected agencies, intends to approve each MP within 15 days after receiving the revised MP. Refer to Section C.3.2.7 for the media of delivery and Section F for other deliverable requirements.
The contractor shall present its approach to optimizing access service (Sections C.3.8.2 and C.4.1.6) based on the available traffic information and the existing access circuit arrangements.
Each MP shall describe the possibility of operating services in parallel, i.e., full service operation on agencies’ existing legacy network(s) with associated operation of test traffic on the contractor’s network. Each MP shall describe the capability, if needed, for services to be temporarily returned to their original networks and configurations prior to the services being accepted on the contractor’s network.
Each MP shall include an analysis of the key areas of risk entailed in the migration activities. The MP shall address the impact and extent of possible disruptions, if any, on users regarding operation of their services or networks during the cutover activities. Each MP shall describe the contractor’s approach to minimize any impact in order to make the migration as transparent as possible to the users.
Each MP shall address the mission criticality of the services being migrated and describe the cutover options that the contractor intends to use for migrating critical and other services.
Each MP shall include a general description of the tasks required to prepare locations for the cutovers. It shall describe the means the contractor will use to verify that services are performing satisfactorily after the cutovers are completed.
In conjunction with the agencies whose services on particular legacy networks are to be migrated, the MCC will determine the sequence in which agencies will migrate their services based on the agencies’ missions. This sequence will then be coordinated with the contractor. The contractor shall incorporate this sequence into its MP.
Each MP shall include details of:
(a)Migration schedules
(1)Phasing of service types being cut over
(2)Identifying service locations for the cutovers
(3)Identifying the lead-times required for cutovers
(4)Identifying the month in which services at each location will be cut over
(5)Identifying the steps required to prepare the locations for the cutovers
(6) Identifying the steps required to complete the cutovers
(7)Identifying how each type of existing service may be affected during the cutover activities
(b)Identification of the responsible contractor’s subcontractors at a location
(c)Type of Government equipment involved at each location in which services will be cut over
(d)Agency controlling the Government equipment
(e)Originating traffic at each location
(g)Emergency procedures
(h)Creation and use of a database (as described in Section C.
(i)New construction
(j)Circuit grooming needed at each location
(k)Access circuit optimization (as described in Sections C.3.8.2 and C.4.1.6)
(l)Security clearances required for personnel involved in the migration
Sprint is committed to successful customer migrations. Sprint will develop and deliver a MP to the MCC within 60 calendar days after receiving notice from the Government to begin migration activities to move designated existing service(s) on particular legacy networks onto Sprint’s network. Sprint will prepare a separate MP for each migration project, whether domestic or international. Each MP will document Sprint’s migration and cutover strategies for all services to be migrated in that project including coordination with the agency (ies) whose legacy networks are being migrated. Each MP will serve as a progress report and master log as well as a working blueprint for Sprint’s day-to-day activities during the migration of services at individual users locations. The initial version of the MP will be submitted to the MCC by Sprint no later than 60 calendar days after notification by the Government to begin migration activities. A local committee (Section C. will be responsible for reviewing and updating each MP, as necessary. The Government will approve each MP within 30 calendar days after its submission, and Sprint will submit a revised MP within 15 days after receiving the review from the MCC.
Sprint will present our approach to optimizing access service based on the available traffic information and the existing access circuit arrangements.
Each MP will document Sprint’s migration and cutover strategies for all services, and will contain all schedules, exceptions, and any deviations from the generic procedures in the location-specific migration plans. It will include a general description of tasks required to prepare for cutover, and will describe the means by which Sprint will vderify services are performing satisfactorily after cutover completion. Each MP will also include coordination with the agencies whose legacy systems are being migrated. It will also contain Sprint’s Verification Test Plans (RFP Section C.4.3.5) specific to the migration of services at applicable user locations. The MP will contain migration contingency plans (RFP Section C. for each location at which services are migrated to Sprint’s network. Risks will be addressed as will any discussion of parallel services required and/or a return of service to the existing network if a problem develops that would prevent successful cutover. Specific risks involving migration of international circuits will be addressed on a case-by-case basis, depending on the country involved. The Sprint MP will also address the impact and extent of possible disruptions, if any, on users regarding operation of their services or networks during the cutover period. Each MP will describe our approach to minimizing any impacts in order to make the migration as transparent as possible to users. Each MP will address the mission-criticality, of the services being migrated, and will describe the cutover options Sprint intends to use to migrate critical and other services. In conjunction with the agencies whose services on particular legacy networks are to be migrated, the MCC will determine the sequence in which agencies will migrate their services, based on the agencies missions. This sequence will then be coordinated with Sprint, and Sprint will incorporate this sequence into our MP. Each MP will be available to the MCC via the data base function described in RFP Section C., organized by months and updated daily. Sprint’s initial version of each MP will begin with the month in which the first migration activities are scheduled to occur and will contain the following:
• Migration schedules
• Phasing of service types being cut over
• Identifying service locations for the cutovers
• Identifying the lead times required for cutovers
• Identifying the month in which each service will be cut over
• Identifying the steps required to prepare the locations for cutover
• Identifying the steps required to complete the cutover
• Identifying how each type of existing service may be affected during the cutover activities
• Identification of Sprint’s subcontractors at a location
• Type of Government equipment involved at each location where services will be cut over
• Agency controlling the Government equipment
• Originating traffic at each location
• Logistics
• Emergency procedures
• Creation and use of a data base
• New construction
• Circuit grooming required at each location
• Security clearances required for personnel involved in the migration
Sprint will provide weekly summaries of migration activities (via the data base function described in RFP Section C. to the MCC regarding the progress of pending and concluded migration activities and the status of activities delineated in each MP. As a minimum, these weekly reports will contain the following information:
• Count and identification of services migrated since last report
• Locations at which services were migrated since last report
• Number of locations remaining to be completed for all services scheduled for migration
• Number of services remaining to be completed for all services scheduled for migration
• Comparison of services migrated to date with the number and locations of services proposed in the latest coordinated and approved migration schedule
• Description of services (and their locations) for which migration is in jeopardy of not meeting the current migration schedule
• During the weekly reporting period, reports of service impairment or degraded service quality (together with service failures and service blockage events), including gateways established between FTS2001 and non-FTS2001 Contractors and between FTS2001 Contractors
• Discussion of any issues affecting the timely completion of all migration activities.
Sprint representatives will meet with appropriate Government representatives as deemed necessary by the MCC and Sprint to apprise the Government of progress in completing the migration and to obtain approval for any type of changes to the migration activities and schedules as they occur. Sprint will be responsible for coordinating all meetings and establishing an agenda. Where migration activities of jointly served locations are involved, joint meetings will be held among all interested Sprint and Government personnel.
Sprint’s MPs will include proposals to change existing access service facilities to optimize access service as described in Sections C.3.8.2 and C.4.1.6 of the RFP.
3.2Migration Interconnection Plan (C.4.3.2)
The contractor shall provide a separate Migration Interconnection Plan (MIP) to the MCC within 90 calendar days after being notified by the MCC for each occurrence when service(s) on particular legacy networks are to be migrated onto the contractor’s network. Each of these MIPs shall describe the interconnection arrangements between the contractor’s network facilities and legacy networks required in order to continue uninterrupted service as all traffic is migrated onto the contractor’s network facilities. Refer to Section C.3.2.7 for the media of delivery and Section F for other deliverable requirements.
Each MIP shall include:
(a)Listing of the network facilities to be used during the interconnection of networks to include such items as:
(1) Number and type(s) of gateways
(2)Description of network-to-network interface(s)
(3)Type(s) of temporary equipment and its (their) location(s)
(b)Anticipated amount of traffic, by service type, to be carried at each interconnection including the approach to aggregate traffic, by service type, during the migration
(c)Coordination of routing, numbering, dialing, and signaling plan changes
(d)Arrangements proposed to achieve interconnectivity between the legacy networks and the contractor’s network during the migration of services
The MCC, in conjunction with affected agencies, will review and coordinate recommended changes to each MIP and intends to approve each Interconnection Plan within 60 calendar days after its submission.
Sprint will provide a Migration Interconnection Plan (MIP) to the MCC no later than 90 calendar days after notice to proceed. The plans will describe the interconnection arrangements between Sprint’s network facilities and legacy networks required to provide interoperability and continued uninterrupted service as all traffic is migrated onto Sprint’s network facilities.
The MIP will include:
• Listing of the network facilities to be used during the interconnection of networks to include such items as:
– Number and type(s) of gateways including:
• gateway switch locations
• quantity of circuits
– Description of network-to-network interface(s)
– Type(s) of temporary equipment and its (their) location(s)
• Anticipated amount of traffic, by service type, to be carried at each interconnection including the approach to aggregate traffic, by service type, during the transition
• Coordination of routing, numbering, dialing, and signaling plan changes
• Arrangements used to achieve interconnectivity between the other network(s) and Sprint’s network during the transition of services.
Sprint anticipates the MCC’s approval of the MIPs within 60 calendar days after their submission. As a current provider of FTS2000 services, Sprint has a preliminary plan for interconnection during transition, which is outlined below.
Sprint will support gateway functionality on a case-by-case basis as required. If a gateway is required,X.
3.3Migration Management Plan (C.4.3.3)
The contractor shall develop and maintain a MMP consistent with the contractor’s Government approved MP for each occurrence when service(s) on particular legacy networks are to be migrated onto the contractor’s network. Each MMP shall serve as a progress report, master log, and a working blueprint for the contractor’s day-to-day activities during the migration of services at individual users’ locations. The initial version of each MMP shall be submitted to the MCC by the contractor no later than 50 calendar days prior to the first scheduled migration activity for the contractor. A local committee (Section C. shall be responsible for reviewing and updating each MMP, as necessary. The Government intends to approve each MMP within 30 calendar days after its submission.
The MMP shall contain all schedules, exceptions, and any deviations from the testing procedures contained in the contractor’s Migration Verification Test Plans (Section E. The MMP shall contain migration contingency plans (Section C. for each location at which services are migrated to the contractor’s network.* The contractor shall make the data in each MMP available to the MCC on-line. Refer to Section C.3.2.7 for the media of delivery and Section F for other deliverable requirements. The contractor shall control access to the MMP through the use of appropriate security techniques, such as identification and authentication, for authorized individuals. The MMP shall be organized by weeks, and updated daily. The contractor’s initial version of each MMP shall begin with the month in which the first migration activities are scheduled to occur.
* The MMP shall contain all proposed changes to the existing access service facilities to optimize access service as described in Section C.4.1.6.
No later than the second Government business day following the weekly reporting interval, the contractor shall provide weekly summaries of migration activities to the MCC on-line regarding the progress of pending and concluded migration activities and the status of activities delineated in each MMP. These weekly reports shall contain the following information:
(a)Count and identification of services migrated since last report
(b)Locations at which services were migrated since last report
(c)Number of locations remaining to be completed for all services scheduled for migration
(d)Number of services remaining to be completed for all services scheduled for migration
(e)Comparison of services migrated to date with the number and locations of services proposed in the latest coordinated and approved migration schedule
(f)Description of services (and their locations) for which migration is in jeopardy of not meeting the current migration schedule
(g)During the weekly reporting period, reports of service impairment or degraded service quality (together with service failures and service blockage events), including gateways established between FTS2001 and non-FTS2001 contractors
(h)Discussion of any issues affecting the timely completion of all migration activities
Representatives of the contractor shall meet with appropriate Government representatives as deemed necessary by the MCC and the contractor to apprise the Government of progress in completing the migration schedules and to obtain approval for any type of changes to the migration activities and schedules as they occur. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all meetings and establishing an agenda. Where migration activities of jointly served locations are involved, the contractors shall participate in joint meetings held among all interested contractors and Government personnel.
Sprint will develop and maintain a MMP consistent with Sprint’s Government-approved MP for each occurrence when service(s) on particular legacy networks are to be migrated onto Sprint's network. The MMP will serve as a progress report and master log as well as a working blueprint for Sprint’s day-to-day activities during the migration of services at individual users’ locations. Sprint will submit the initial version of the MMP to the MCC no later than 50 calendar days prior to the first scheduled movement of traffic to Sprint’s network. Sprint understands the Government intends to approve the initial MMP within 30 calendar days after its submission.
The MMP will contain migration cutover plans with all schedules, exceptions, and any deviations from the testing in Sprint’s Migration Verification Test Plan. The MMP will contain cutover contingency plans for each location migrated to Sprint’s network, and will be available on-line to the MCC via the CNM function. Sprint will control access to the MMP through the use of security techniques, such as identifications and authentication for authorized individuals. The MMP will be organized by weeks, and updated daily. Sprint’s initial version of its MMP will begin with the month in which the first migration activities are scheduled to occur.
No later than the second Government business day following the weekly reporting interval, Sprint will provide weekly summaries of migration activities on-line to the MCC. The summaries will include the progress of pending and concluded migration activities, and the status of activities, delineated in the MMP. At a minimum, these weekly reports will contain the following information, distinguished by service type and agency:
• Count and identification of services cut over since last report
• Locations at which services were cut over since last report
• Number of locations remaining to be completed for all services scheduled for migration
• Number of services remaining to be completed for all services scheduled for migration