Minutes of Patient Panel Meeting
Wed 20th March 2013
Present :Raymond Davison, Irene Twamley, Alf Potts, Jan Mulqueen,
Jean Smith, Dr Parry, Anne Ruffell
Apologies :Andi Paker & Ian Davies (received retrospectively)
Matters Arising :
1Mr Bailey’s son has asked us to inform the group that Mr Bailey is very poorly in hospital. We are thinking of him and hope he makes a speedy recovery. Mr Bailey was an active member of our group when it was first set up. Although he hasn’t bee able to attend in person for a while he still keeps in touch via email and receives copies of minutes etc.
2Janice Mulqueen likes to be known as Jan.
3Envisage Call System – IT will install new port and system has been ordered and should be completed some time in April. Mr Davison not happy about confidentiality with name being displayed on screen. He thought perhaps a ticket system would be better. Jan pointed out that this would only work if there was only one GP and Anne pointed out that it is no different to name coming up on Jayex board or GP having to come out and call name at present, which he acknowledged.
Final Survey Results
The group were happy with the final survey results, and agreed the action plan and priorities. Overall the comments were positive. There were just a few typing errors to correct and Jan felt that there should be 2 separate columns for No Comment or N/A. All changes will be done asap and then posted on the website.
Any Qualified Provider (AQP) – Warfarin
The group weren’t happy that our service will decommissioned in July. A few of our members receive warfarin monitoring at the surgery and are not happy that they will have to go elsewhere. Dr Parry and Anne stated that they can’t recall seeing any documentation sent to the practice inviting us to apply for AQP status, only an email telling us our service was being decommissioned.
There is a meeting at the Trust HQ on 16th April and Anne, one of the GPs (probably Dr Dixit) and Sue Colden, Nurse Practitioner will attend to discuss and look into applying for AQP status. The group will be informed of outcome.
Mr Davison is going to voice his dismay at the next East Locality Patient Participation meeting.
Practice Leaflet
The group liked the look and layout of the new leaflet and this will be published on the website. Changes to this will be ongoing.
Information Leaflets
Dr Parry drafted a small leaflet for patient on making appointments and thought a flow chart could be produced. The group agreed this would be useful.
Any Other Business
A new Results Policy will be implemented shortly. Patients will be given a slip from the GP if the GP asks them to telephone for their results. On this slip will be the last 4 digits of their nhs number and the test results they are to ask for. Patients who must return will not be given a slip and it will be documented on their record how they must access their results.
GP Shortage
The group are concerned about the lack of continuity and having to see a different doctor, particularly locum GPs. Anne explained that we have had difficulty appointing another salaried GP and another ad is to be placed shortly. We are hoping to have a new salaried GP in place by September and Dr Chahal will be back from maternity leave then.
Sunderland Commissioning Group
Sunderland Teaching Primary Care Trust (STPCT) will not exist from 1st April and Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group (SCCG) will take over from Sunderland.
Date and Time of Next Meeting / Future Meetings
It was agreed that future meetings will be held on the last Wednesday of every other month. Therefore thedates of our next meetings are as follows :
Wed. 29thMay 2013 at 6pm
Wed 31st July 2013 at 6pm
Wed 25th Sept. 2013 at 6pm
Wed 27th Nov 2013 at 6pm
Wed 29th Jan 2014 at 6pm
Wed 26th Mar 2014 at 6pm.