Physics Syllabus

Mrs. Isaacson
Maple River High School
(507) 524-3918 ext. 303
/ Contact Hours
Room 303
Before school: By appointment
After school: 3:15 – 3:45 pm

Class Description: Physics is important to the way you live your life. Whether you know it or not, you use Physics every day. Physics governs how you walk, how you drive your car, and how you stay connected to the Earth, among many other things. My hope in you taking this course is for you to gain a deep understanding of Physics that will help you become a scientifically informed citizen.

Some of the topics that we will be covering include:

- 1-D Kinematics / - Work, Energy, and Power / - Electricity (static and current)
- Vectors
- 2-D Kinematics
- Newton’s Laws of Motion / - Momentum
- Circular Motion
- Rotational Kinetics / - Waves: Sound and Light
- Reflection
- Refraction

Course Website:

Assignments will be posted on this website. If you miss a day of class, it will be your responsibility to review the material you missed.


Class Materials:

The following items are expected to be with you each day when you come to class:

-  Class folder or binder to keep work and notes organized (preferably a three ring binder)

-  Pencil, pen, and lined paper

-  You will need a notebook specifically for Lab. I suggest a composition notebook.

-  Scientific Calculator (does NOT need to be a graphing calculator)

-  Completed Assignments Late assignments have a maximum score of 70%

-  Charged Chromebook and Earbuds

Recommended materials:

-  Box of Kleenex for the classroom

-  Dividers for three ring binder

Grading Scale:

Assignments, tests and reports will be graded on a point scale; your grade compared to the maximum points possible. They are recorded as a percent.

A = 95-100%

A- = 90-94%

B+ = 86-89%

B = 83-85%

B- = 80-82%

C+ = 76-79%

C = 73-75%

C- = 70-72%

D+ = 66-69%

D = 63-65%

D- = 60-62%

F = Below 60%


Students can expect to have homework every day. Class time will be spent researching, planning, organizing, working together, and asking questions. Individual work must be done outside of class. Each unit will end in a test. The more practice you do throughout the unit, the better you will learn the material. Cheating of any type will result in a ZERO for the assignment, project, or test.

Attendance and Tardies

We will follow the school’s policies concerning attendance. In my class there are two ways that you can be tardy:

1.  Not being in your seat when the bell rings

2.  Not participating in the starter (either because you are unprepared or because you choose not to)

Tardies and unexcused absences will contribute to a lower citizenship grade in my class. It is the responsibility of the student to makeup any work that is missed during their absence. There will be no make-up times for labs. If you miss a lab, you must get the information from your lab partner or complete a lab worksheet if one is available. You should also check the Physics webpage for important updates.

Late Work:

-  Assignments will be due at the start of the class period on their due dates

-  Incomplete work will not be accepted and will be given a score of zero(any assignment that is more than 25% blank answers or responses like “I don’t know” is considered incomplete)

-  Late work will have a maximum credit of 70%.

-  Students with excused absences will have 2 days from the date of return to make up missed work. Check the class website for details on what was missed in class and complete it ahead of time!!

Testing Policy:

A test is to be your best effort at showing your understanding of the material. Unit tests are expected to be completed within the hour. If you did not do as well as you had hoped on a unit test, you may be given the opportunity to retest, at the teacher’s discretion. Before a student will be allowed to retest they must complete “Request to Retest” form and complete any missing homework and additional practice problems. There will be a final at the end of each semester that will be worth 10% of your semester grade.

Cheating:Cheating is not tolerated in my classroom or at MRHS. Cheating can come in many forms, including:

-  Copying the work of others

-  Stealing or providing answers

-  Un-citing the work of others

Cheating of any type will result in a ZERO score.


I will allow beverages and gum in class ONLY in the desk area. I reserve the right to restrict this privilege if it gets out of hand. If trash becomes a problem, this privilege will be taken away. Beverages and gum is NOT to be taken into the lab as it is a safety hazard.

Classroom Expectations:I expect a classroom of respect where we use our time wisely to explore Physics. I do not expect perfection, but I do expect effort and a positive attitude. You can expect me to be organized, to make class interesting, and to be willing to help out in any way that I can.

Major Class Rules:

1.  Be present, on time, and prepared.

2.  Be kind to one and all.

3.  Follow directions (especially safety rules).

4.  Don’t talk while another person has the floor.

5.  Use common sense.

6.  Clean up after yourself (garbage, supplies, etc.)

Cell Phones/Tech Policies: Cell phones and any other personal gadgets (iPods, tablets, etc) are NOT to be used during class time and should be placed in the basket at the front of the room. Any personal gadgets not put in the basket are subject to removal by Mrs. Isaacson and your parent/guardian will be required to pick them up. Chromebooks will be closed during class unless instructed otherwise.

Laboratory Safety: Students will complete a laboratory safety contract and by signing it are acknowledging that they will follow all of the laboratory rules and guidelines.

Classroom Consequences: Your attitude and behavior in my classroom will determine how enjoyable your time in Physics will be. Positive and negative consequences for classroom behavior are listed below:

Positive Consequences / Negative Consequences
Positive Learning Environment / Verbal or visual warnings
A fun classroom experience / Change of seat
Positive phone calls or notes home / Student – Teacher conference
Parent phone call and/or conference
** Additional consequences to be determined by myself or the administration **


Please fill out, sign, and return this portion of the syllabus.

Student Name (please print legibly) ______

Student Agreement: By signing as a student, I am saying that I have read and understand Mrs. Isaacson’s Physics Syllabus. I am also agreeing to follow classroom rules and procedures. I understand that by not signing, I may forfeit my privilege to participate in future classroom activities and labs, which may affect my grade in this class.

Student Signature ______

For Parents/Guardians

Parent / Guardian Agreement: By signing as the parent or guardian of the above student, I show that I am aware of the classroom policies and procedures as stated in Mrs. Isaacson’s Physics Syllabus, and know what is expected of my child. I realize that by not signing this document my child may forfeit his / her privilege to participate in classroom activities and labs.

Parent / Guardian Name (please print legibly) ______

Parent / Guardian Signature ______

Notes for Mrs. Isaacson: Please include any information that you would like me to know about your child.

Students should return this page to Mrs. Isaacson and keep the rest of the syllabus in their class notebook/binder