Hire or Advertise a Community Building in Islington
My Community Space
This site offers a place for community and voluntary sector organisations to find or advertise premises for hire.It provides free listings of rooms for hire for a one-off event through to long-term office space for rent.
We urge Islington groups to put their property details on this website, and to keep the site up-to-date.
Voluntary Action Islington News
Local organisations frequently post details of premises for hire in Islington on VAI’s electronic news service.If you are not currently signed up for the service, please complete ouronline form.
Community Centres on Islington’s Housing Estates
Homes for Islington is responsible for over 50 community centres, halls and tenant and resident association community flats throughout the borough.These centres can be booked for local community activities. Local groups and charities may be able to book free of charge.
Islington Community Hubs
Community hubs are large community centres delivering a range of services and activities in specific areas in Islington. Hubs providea focus for local community activity and bring residents together to improve the quality of life in their areas. They are accessible to all groups and people in the neighbourhoods and the ward which they serve.
Islington Council venues
- lists of LBIs halls, library spaces and other venues
- information on hire charges and terms and conditions
- an application form to hire space
Voluntary Action Islington’s Directory of Islington Organisations
Use our searchable database to find information on voluntary and community groups, including local community centres.
The Ethical Property Company
The EPC provides office space, managed desk space and meeting space for charities, voluntary groups and social change organisations in England, Scotland and some other European countries
Places of worship and faith buildings
Islington Faiths Forum website
Click on IFF Directory, and then search for ‘venue for hire’ under ‘Support Type.’
Islington Council’s Directory of Local Services
Find a list of places of worship for different faiths.
The Places of Worship website
Click on ‘a place near you’ and search the database by area.
Find a Church
Search the Mosque database for details of organisations in Islington
Search their directory of mosques to find details of mosques and Islamic centres in Islington.
Synagogues in Islington
Premises managed by Black, minority ethnic and refugee and asylum seekers groups
Islington Council Directory of Local Services
Find a list of Islington BME groups.
Voluntary Action Islington Directory of Organisations
This database contains information on BME and refugee and asylum seeker organisations.