The Resurrection of the Lord April 20, 2014

Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, " I have seen the Lord"...(John 20:18)

ST. BERNARD’S (Moncton)





St. Bernard’s: Thursday @ 9:30 AM, Saturday @ 4:00 PM Sunday @ 11:00 AM

St. Vincent: Sunday @ 9:00 AM

St. Clement's & St. Bartholomew's: Saturday @ 7 PM (alternating)

Priest is available for Confessions prior to Saturday Mass upon request.


Priest Moderator: Rev. Allison S. Carroll Social Justice: Claudia McCloskey

Assistant: (part-time) Rev. Charles Broderick Catechetics: Lorella Dunnett

Liturgy: Rick Shaw, Deb Gillespie Adult Faith: Dr. Andrew Wilson


Secretary: Darlene McGraw, Custodian: Michel Saulnier

Bookkeeper: Barb Bowes,

Catechetical Coordinator: Lorella Dunnett,

Facilities & Activities Coordinator: Sam Ermen

OFFICE: 43 Botsford St. Moncton, NB E1C 4W9 Phone 857-0425 Fax 857-9565

Web Site:

Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9 AM– 12 PM & 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

CLOSED: Easter Monday - April 21st

Mass Intentions for this Week

Thurs. Apr. 24th @ 9:30 AM—late Robert Biggs Estate

Sat. Apr. 26th @ 4:00 PM—late Mike McKenna From son Patrick

Sun. Apr. 27th @ 11:00 AM— anniv. late Rod Foran Ruth & family

OFFERINGS from April 12th & 13th, 2014

Envelopes (379) $ 7,673.50 Loose $ 960.85 Karing Kitchen $ 42.80

Easter Flowers (11) $ 235.00 Capital Expenditure (38) $ 1,227.39 Share Lent (49) $ 1,635.00 Good Friday (10) $ 125.00 Easter Offering (3) $ 45.00

Lenten Folders (7) $ 325.00 Upkeep of Holy Land (1) $ 10.00

Thank you for your generous and continued support!


·  Carmelites - 3rd Tuesday of the Month @ 7 PM

·  Catechism - see note within bulletin

·  Next Baptism Preparation Course - Tuesday, May 6th & 13th

·  RCIA - Wednesdays - 7 PM

·  Circle of Friends - Will resume Thursday, after 9:30 AM Mass-April 24th

·  Next Baptisms - Sunday, April 27th @ 2 PM

·  CWL - see note in bulletin below

Prayers for our Troops…we pray for all those who serve and for families separated from their loved ones in the military; and for the strength they need to face this time of isolation and uncertainty...

Ecclesiastes3…Under every season there is a time…A TIME TO HEAL…we remember in our prayers those who are sick...

Catherine McGowan, Mario Di Saverio, Pat Lawlor, Paul Arsenault, Mario Taurian, Cammy Cormier, Mary Boucher, Marie Rowe, George MacIntyre, Tom Clark Roger Bourque Jr.

A TIME TO MOURN…our sincere sympathies to the family of...

Greta Craig.

Needed: Chest of drawers and queen size sheets. If you are able to donate contact Inez @ 389-3571.

CHICKEN SALAD TAKE-OUT SUPPER with Chicken & Potato Salad, Coleslaw, Roll & Dessert, prepared by St. John’s UCW, on Sat., April 26th. Tickets are $ 8. (COD orders accepted). Delivery in Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe areas from 2 -5 PM. Order your Suppers before Apr. 23rd by contacting Brenda at 852-3550, Phyllis (evenings) at 852-4761, or the Church Office at 858.8289 or .

The 77th Annual Meeting of the Moncton Archdiocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada will be held Saturday, April 26th at Our Lady of Loretto Parish, Lakeburn. Guest speaker, Fr. Allison Carroll will speak on the Sacraments. A lovely meditation /spiritual reflection time will be presented by Jeanne Wood Donna Ermen. Registration at 8:15 AM at a cost of $6.00 Mass will be celebrated at 9 AM. Noon Luncheon cost $10.00. Deadline for booking luncheon is April 21st. If you wish to attend contact Louise Ongo at 859-7306.

CWL Meeting - Monday, May 5th: 6:30 PM - Rosary in church prior to meeting.

7:00 PM - Regular Meeting & Baby Shower for Brithright.

Tuesday - May 6th - Mass @ 6:30 PM with Installation of Officers. Annual Dinner to follow.


Easter Monday - April 21st

From the Offices of Faith Development, Liturgy Youth Faith

Ellen - 857- 9952 or ;

Trevor - 857-4879 or

Deb at

Tending the Mustard Seed: Winter book study meets again on Tuesday, April 22nd at 6:30 PM at St. Bernard’s Church Hall. Please note this is a change from our normal meeting day.

OUR RITUAL BOOKS, part two: exploring the Rite of Baptism, Rite of Marriage, Pastoral Care of the Sick, Order of Christian Funerals, etc.: This session, facilitated by Fr. Bill Burke, former Director of the National Liturgy Office, will be held on April 25th, 6:45 – 9:00 PM & April 26th, 8:45 AM – 3:45 PM, at Holy Family Church Hall, 52 Falkland St., Moncton. Offered as part of the Liturgy Formation Program, this session will be of special interest to mass coordinators and sacristans, parish liturgy committees, parish secretaries, as well as those involved in Marriage Preparation, Baptism preparation, Pastoral Care of the Sick, Dying, or Bereaved, those involved in Funeral ministry (those who meet with and help families in the preparation of a funeral, lay presiders, music leadership, etc.), as well as anyone interested in deepening their understanding of these resources. Note: it is not necessary to have attended previous sessions. Registration fee: $15. See poster for more details. Please register by Monday noon, April 21st, 2014 by contacting either Debor Ellen.

Books for Breakfast for young adults (19-39) will take place again on Saturday, May 24th, 10 AM at McDonald’s Restaurant (Magnetic Hill). The selection for this discussion will be Change of Heart, by Jodi Picoult. For more information and to register, contact Trevor.

NEW IN VISION BOOKSTORE THIS WEEK: “PERSPECTIVE: The Calm Within the Storm” by Robert J. Wicks. This is a powerful guide for discovering and regaining a balanced and healthy perspective. This book offers concrete steps for overcoming doubt and resistance to openness. Dr. Wicks also reveals how a healthy perspective makes us more aware of the beneficial things already present in our lives ($25). Info. @ Augustine's Rectory, Tues. to Fri., 9 - 12 noon).

Heartfelt thanks and a deep appreciation to our CWL gals for preparing and serving the delicious turkey dinner to the priests here on Tuesday evening prior to the Chrism Mass. God Bless!

Father Allison


Retreat for Confirmation Candidates: April 26th, 12:30 - 5 PM - (retreat 12:30-3:30 PM mass4 - 5 PM)


Last Regular classes - April 27th @ 9:45 & 12 noon

Last Year 5 class - April 27th @ 6 PM

Sacrament of Confirmation - Weds., April 30 @ 7 PM

Sacrament of First Communion - Sun., May 4 @ 11 AM

Sacrament of First Reconciliation - Tues., May 13 @ 6:30


Reception Volunteers Needed

Throughout the year at St. Bernard’s there are opportunities when we should gather in fellowship & social celebration. Gatherings following liturgies when people have become initiated into the faith through the sacraments of First Eucharist & Confirmation, whether as children or adults, & congratulating our graduates & wishing them well as they move into the workforce or onto further education. Times when we offer our supportive presence & hope such as the November mass for deceased parishioners & the mass for anointing of the sick (we host this every 2 years) are an important part of how we live our faith. We already have a group of dedicated volunteers who provide receptions for funerals as well as the refreshments for weekly Circle of Friends. However, in order to provide these other social times for the parish to share in the community spirit of the church, help is needed. A group of volunteers would mean that the same people would not have to serve at all events. What will you have to do? It isn’t difficult: set up cups, saucers, glasses, serviettes, prepare tea/coffee(instruction will be given), put out the food which will be made available, clean up following the event (instruction on how to use the dishwasher will be provided). The custodian will do the floors. If you feel that you could volunteer this service to the parish, please call the parish office @ 857-0425.

HOLY FAMILY SENIORS CLUB ANNUAL BAZAAR & BAKE SALE: Sat., May 3rd the Holy family seniors are holding their annual bazaar bake sale, 8 AM - 12 noon in the church hall. Many gently used items including china, glassware, appliances, books, jewellery, games, toys & other items, plus a wonderful assortment of baking will be available. Come early for the best selection.

Easter Flowers 2014


Theresa Margaret Riordan Edward (Ted) Riordan

Betty & Edgar Gallant Donna Roy

Frank Vrensen Ria & family

Dr. Langis Robichaud Janet

Jim Beek Marie

Ron Snyder Stella Snyder

Bobby Girouard Chuck & Jessie Kinney

Jean-Claude & Susan Fortin The family

John Sexton Day

Ralph Donkin Florence Donkin

Sid Wright Mellie Wright

The Roberts & Legacy families Chriss & David Legacy

Arthur & Ada Hickey Bob & Joan Hachey & family

Gloria Hachey Bob & Joan Hachey & family

Martin, Elizabeth, Joseph & Paul Flanagan Roy & Dee Dee Carter

Raymond, Annie & Bill Carter Roy & Dee Dee Carter

Thomas & Edna Bryant & Jennie Ermen Neil & Carol Ann & family

The Allain & Hanusiak families Joe & Anna Allain

Richard & Cassidy families Diane & Paul Cassidy

Joy (Bell) Brown Debbie Constantine

Edna Dolly Seymour Jim & Ruth Heath

Deceased members of Heath & Matchett families Jim & Ruth Heath

Deceased members of Robichaud & Doiron families Patricia & Edgar Doiron

Dick & Jean Murphy The family

Hooper & MacInnis families Irene MacInnis

Jude P.& Mary Bourgeois, Jude & Janet

Paul Bourgeois Jude & Janet

Philip Bourgeois Jude & Janet

Susan Morgan Jude & Janet

René Lajoie Mary Lou Lajoie & Raymond Savoie

Karen N. Hennessy Lawrence & Helen Hennessy, Susan & Charles

Easter Flowers 2014


Louis & Kay Boudreau Sam & Donna Ermen

Sam & Erma Ermen Sam & Donna Ermen

Purcell, Glazebrook, & Tynan families Mike & Jenny Purcell

Bill, Thelma & Paul McCourt Bernie McCourt

Andrew Devine Patricia Devine

Patsy McAvinue Tom McAvinue

Marie, Art, & Paul White Bruce & Diane Buchanan

Letita & Dawson Buchanan & Karole Hay Bruce & Diane Buchanan

Donation Yvonne Williams

Mazerolle & LeBlanc families Roger & Carmel LeBlanc

Cecile Fowler Jim Fowler

Louis & Florence McKinley Bob & Helen McKinley

Bob & Olezine Arsenault Bob & Helen McKinley

Manuel de Matos Currier family

George O'Dell Zella, Donna & Richard

Peggy & Normand LeBlanc Family

Minnie Burnett & Verna & George Perry Ross & Sharon Burnett

Thomas & Elizabeth Clements Noreen & Doug Martin

Donation Roean Abrams

Lou Clements Daughter Catherine

Anthony Francis Maillard Family

Rod Foran Wife Ruth

Ron & Allan Wilbur & Ruth Poirier Ruth Wilbur

Donation Phyllis Goldsmith

Sadie & George Chase Family