The project entitled: “Science for business – implementation of high quality internships for students of the faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Lodz University of Technology” is cofounded by the European Union under the European Social Fund
Appendix No 2 to the Rules and Regulations of the Project „Science for business – implementation of high quality internships for students of the faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Lodz University of Technology”.
within the Project „Science for business – implementation of high quality internships for students of the faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Lodz University of Technology” co-financed by the European Union within the European Social Fund.
Agreement No for financial support : POWER. POWR.03.01.00-00-S084/15
Entered into in Łódź on the 24th of June 2016 between:
1. Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, with its seat in Łódź at ul. Wólczańska 171/173, NIP: 7270021895, REGON: 000001583 hereinafter referred to as „Organiser of Internship”
represented by: dr. hab. eng. Tomasz Olejnik.
2. Ms/Mr name and family name residing in adress. The holder of the identity card series seria dowodu No nr dowodu PESEL numer, born in town on the date of birth daughter/son of father’s name and mother’s name, hereinafter referred to as „Trainee”.
3. Entity:
§ 1
Definitions and terms
The Parties hereby agree that terms enumerated below shall mean as follows for the purpose of this Agreement:
1. Project – Project „Science for business – implementation of high quality internships for students of the faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Lodz University of Technology” co-financed by the European Union within the European Social Fund, measure 3.1 Competences in higher education, Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development Project No: POWR.03.01.00-00-S084/15.
2. Project Office – Project Office „Science for business – implementation of high quality internships for students of the faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Lodz University of Technology” at ul. Wólczańska 171/173 in Łódź, office No 6.
3. Internship Organiser - Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences with its seat in Łódź at ul. Wólczańska 171/173, NIP: 7270021895, REGON: 000001583, sending a Student for an internship.
4. Trainee – a student of the faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Lodz University of Technology who has signed an internship agreement.
5. Student Internship – a paid form of development and verification of practical skills in the place of work, addressed to students participating in the Project, directly related to the learning outcomes in the selected field of study and ensuring their practical application. Within this project there are 120 student internships, including 100 in Poland and 20 abroad.
6. Entity – enterprise/institution receiving a student for an internship.
7. Individual Internship Programme (IIP) – a 3-month Individual Internship Programme devised for each student individually pursuant to the Council Recommendations of 10 March 2014 on the quality framework of internships and in respect of its scope directly related to the learning outcomes of a trainee’s field of study, constituting an integral part of this Agreement – Appendix No 3.
8. Trainee’s Supervisor – a person who represents an entity receiving a student for an internship, who monitors and supervises the trainee’s performance.
9. Internship Remuneration – a scholarship, paid to a Trainee by the Organiser of an internship from the European Union funds within the European Social Fund during the implementation of the Project.
1. This Agreement shall govern the cooperation of the Parties regarding the Trainee’s internship for the Employer. The internship shall be financed by the Organiser from the European Union funds received for the implementation of the project “ Science for business – implementation of high quality internships for students of the faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Lodz University of Technology”, Project No: POWR.03.01.00-00-S084/15.
The Internship Organiser represents that :
1. The internship referred to in §2 is realised within the project “Science for business – implementation of high quality internships for students of the faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Lodz University of Technology”, co-financed by the European Social Fund and is implemented in accordance with the project co-financing agreement No : POWR.03.01.00-00-S084/15, concluded between Lodz University of Technology and the National Centre for Research and Developmnet (NCBiR).
2. The purpose of the internship is gaining new practical skills and professional experience by a student of the faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Lodz University of Technology through the participation in the high quality internship.
The Trainee represents that she meets necessary requirements to participate in the project:
1. She is a student of the last two semesters of I or II cycle at full time studies at the faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Lodz University of Technology, fields of study: Biotechnology or Environmental Protection or Food Technology and Human Nutrition.
2. She declares the will to participate in the project by completing the Project Participant Statement the specimen of which is appended to this Agreement Appendix No 1.
3. She consents to processing his personal data both by the Internship Organiser and the Employer for the purposes of this Agreement.
The Employer represents that:
1. It is an entity which is reliable both substantively and financially and has good reputation in its field.
2. It is not in liquidation or bankrupcy.
3. It declares its will to participate in the project and consents to the project assumptions, including among others: completing the project documentation, a visit at the internship venue, completing the documentation related to the internship.
4. The trainee’s Supervisor, referred to in §6(3) shall be its employee.
Rights and obligations of the Employer
The Employer undertakes to:
1. Accept a trainee for a 3-month internship with a total of 504 hours (168 hours per month).
2. The internship shall start on 05.07.2016 and end on 05.10.2016. The venue of the internship shall be XXX.
3. Designate a personal Supervisor for a trainee for the period of 3 months, who will devise an Individual Internship Programme together with the project Manager in accordance with the Council Recommendations of 10 March 2014 on the quality framework of internships and its scope directly related to the learning outcomes in the trainee’s field of study - Appendix No 3 of this Agreement.
4. Designate as a trainee’s Supervisor: XXX, position: XXX.
5. Inform the trainee’s Supervisor of responsibilities entrusted to him/her regarding the trainee’s supervision, including:
a) development, in consultation with the Organiser, an Individual Internship Programme,
b) preparation of the place of work for the trainee,
c) respecting and monitoring the trainee’s working hours,
d) supervising completion of an attendance list and an internship book,
e) informing the trainee of duties and working conditions, including working procedures,
f) conducting necessary training related to the trainee’s position,
g) ongoing allocation of tasks,
h) supervision of allocated tasks,
i) acceptance of completed tasks,
j) verification of the internship compliance with the Individual Internship Programme,
k) keeping the Organiser informed with respect to the internship, in particular regarding potential difficulties and irregularities,
l) providing assistance and advice,
m) preparation of a certificate and a final internship report (including the trainee’s assessment),
n) supervision of consumables and the confirmation whether and in what amounts they were consumed in an internship book,
o) other tasks.
6. The Employer undertakes to designate another person for an internship Supervisor, if the person originally designated for this position is not able to supervise the trainee and the organisation of the internship. The Employer shall be obliged to submit to the Organiser a written explanation of reasons concerning the change of a Supervisor and the designation of a new internship Supervisor.
7. Conduct the internship in compliance with the Individual Internship Programme.
8. Provide an appropriate venue for the internship, workshops, spaces, equipment and materials according to the Individual Internship Programme.
9. Conduct on-the-job training on Health and Safety and Fire Safety Procedures.
10. Inform the Trainee of the scope of duties entrusted to him/her during the internship.
11. Inform the Trainee of the current rules of work.
12. Conduct the internship according to the best practices, ensuring safety and occupational health.
13. Provide the Trainee with consumables, tools and personal protective equipment necessary for the internship (necessary to fulfill the duties directly related to the internship), which will become part of the project „Science for business – implementation of high quality internships for students of the faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Lodz University of Technology” as the entity’s own contribution, which will constitute no less than 5% of expenses directly related to the internship, i.e. the sum of PLN 840,00
14. Provide proof of its own contribution referred to in §6(12) in the form of accounting documents i.e. invoice, receipt, any other document having equivalent probative value to invoices, proofs of payment.
15. Submit to the Organiser the internship documentation referred to in §6(13) within 7 days following the end of each month of the internship.
16. Inform the Organiser without delay that a student discontinues the internship, inform of each unexcused absence and any other occurrences relevant for the realisation of the programme.
17. Issue a certificate of completion of the internship conforming to the specimen – Appendix No 5 to the Rules and Regulations of the Project (hereinafter referred to as Rules and Regulations) within 7 days following the end of the internship.
18. Provide assistance and advice in order to complete allocated tasks.
19. Protect the Trainee’s personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 29 August 1997 on protection of personal data (i.e. the Journal of Laws of 2014 item 1182 as amended).
20. Provide good quality and effective support for the Trainee.
21. Consent to the verification of the documentation regarding the internship by the Organiser and by the Managing Authority, Intermediary Body or any other bodies exercising control over the proper use of the EU funds.
Rights and obligations of the Trainee
The Trainee undertakes to:
1. Start and finish the internship according to the date and location indicated in §6(1) of this Agreement and the schedule of working time provided by the Employer.
2. Perform the duties allocated under this Agreement and which are contained in the Individual Internship Programme conscientiously and honestly.
3. Not disclose information constituting the Employer’s business secrets.
4. Perform the allocated duties paying due attention to the Employer’s interest, its reputation and to respect the Employer’s property.
5. Come to work punctually.
6. Not come to work under the influence of alcohol or narcotic drugs.
7. Observe the Employer’s internal Rules of Work.
8. Observe the Rules and Regulations of the Project and the provisions of this Agreement.
9. Notify the Organiser of any infringement of the provisions of this Agreement by the Employer.
10. Perform tasks timely and without fault. In case of fault in performed tasks the Trainee undertakes to remove them gratuitously without delay.
11. Complete an internship book every month which constitutes Appendix No 4 and submit it to the Project Office together with an attendance list for a given month within 7 days following the end of the internship.
12. Clear the accounts of the internship within 10 days following the last day of the internship referred to in §6(1) furnishing the Project Office with the following documentation:
a) A certificate of completion of the internship the specimen of which constitutes Appendix No 5 to the Rules and Regulations of the Project,
b) The report of the internship completion, the specimen of which constitutes Appendix No 6 to the Rules and Regulations of the Project,.
13. Participate in evaluation questionnaires regarding the internship.
14. Have personal accident insurance for the length of the internship and submit a document to prove this fact (insurance policy and a proof of payment) to the internship Organiser to receive a refund in the amount of PLN 200,00
15. Undergo medical examination, if necessary specialist psychological and medical tests, if it is required due to the specific nature of work performed during the internship and submit a document confirming this fact to the Internship Organiser to receive the refund in the amount of PLN 100,00 .
16. In the event of other benefits being granted such as:
- reimbursement of return travel expenses in case of the internship outside the place of residence in the amount of PLN 400,00. ,
- reimbursement of accommodation expenses in case of the internship outside the place of residence in the amount of PLN 2.700,00,
submit the documents confirming expenses related to the benefits in the form of documents e.g.: tickets, a lease contract, invoices and proofs of payment.
17. Observe the provision „it is acceptable to travel using collective public trasport, unless owing to the system of transport in the given area there are valid reasons for other forms of transport, but it can only occur in exceptional situations.”
18. Notify the Organiser in writing of the discontinuance of the internship within 2 days following this occurence.
19. Return all funds received from the Project together with the statutory interest in case of failure to comply with the obligations enumerated in §7(1-18) irrespective of the reasons for the failure to comply with these obligations or discontinuance of the internship.
The Trainee shall be entitled to:
1. Two days off following 30 calendar days of the internship. Days off shall be granted upon the written request of the Trainee. The Trainee shall be entitled to the scholarship for the days off.
Rights and obligations of the Organiser
The Organiser undertakes to:
1. Pay the Trainee remuneration for the internship in which the student participates. The payment shall be conditional upon the receipt of funds for implementation of internships from the National Centre for Research and Development.
2. Pay the Trainee during the internship remuneration in the gross amount of maximum
PLN 6.000,00 (say: six thousand Polish zlotys) for the entire length of the internship under the following terms and conditions: