ICF Craft Beer Logo Competition

We are creating our own special craft ale for the 2017 International Ceramics Festival. We need an exciting name for the product, as well as a design for the logo of the bottle label. Come up with a title and an image and send it to us to be in with a chance to win a free weekend ticket for ICF 2017.

DEADLINE: 3RD April 2017

Please supply artwork as a high quality JPEG as a square image that can be reduced to 70mm x 70mm (see middle of label above).

Email it to us as an attachment with this application form with the title ‘ICF 2017 Beer Logo Competition’ in the subject of the email to .

NAME: ____________



EMAIL: ______

TEL: ______

MOBILE TEL: ______

Here are some pottery terms you may consider in the name:

Puzzle Jug = a traditional tavern/pub joke/trick pot.**
Grog = grit added to clay**
Groggy= course gritty clay**
Sager = a container to protect pots during a firing (in the kiln).**
Sager-maker's bottom knocker = either a large mallet used when making a sagger or the person who uses the mallet. Also featured in a Music-Hall song.**
Pug mill = a clay preparation machine.**
To pug = verb to use a pug mill.**
Pugger = one who uses a pug mill.**
Fettle = verb to trim/ finish pots before the first firing.**
Fettler= occupation (traditionally women)**
Fettler's Lung = silicosis (main industrial disease for potters)*
Bung = the stopper to go in the spy-hole of a kiln.**
Throw= to make pots on a potter's wheel**
Thrower= occupation of one who throws**
Wheel head = business-end of a potter's wheel**
Slip = wet/liquid clay**
Slurry= thick slip**
Wad = a small bit of clay or mix used in firing kilns*
Clamming = soft clay used to fill cracks in a roughly made kiln*
Clam = verb to use clamming*
Crawling / crawl = fault in firing**
Crazing /craze = fault in firing**
Shelling = fault in firing*
Dunt / dunting = fault in firing*
Natches or Nadgers = bumps to locate two parts of a mould*
Galena = the natural form of lead, traditionally used in glazes but notoriously toxic/dangerous**.
Twaddle = measurement of viscosity of defloculants (such as sodium silicate)*
Frit = common glaze material (effectively powered glass)**
Fritted = something that has been turned into a glass and then powdered*
Majolica = traditional glaze (range of glazes)**
Tenmoku = Japanese glaze that looks a bit like bottled guiness (black/brown with areas of pale brown.**
Chun = eastern glaze*
Anagama = a big traditional eastern type of kiln (lovely word)**

Terms and Conditions:

Open to anyone over the age of 18 years old. Prize is one weekend ticket worth £140 for entry to ICF 2017, this prize does not include travel or accommodation costs.

(Pottery terms courtesy of Roger Guy Young).