In this modern age, many commercial household cleaners bought in the supermarket contain harmful chemicals, and using them in the home can be potentially damaging to your health.

Although there are an increasing number of natural cleaners becoming available on the market, it is easy to forget that you can make your own natural and inexpensive cleaners quite simply at home. You only need a few basic ingredients and some pure essential oils

Natural cleaning products using essential oils do not harm the environment and are kind to both you and your home. They also make using homemade cleaners a lot more enjoyable as they smell pleasant and are quick and easy to make.

All essential oils are antiseptic and many contain powerful antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties which have been scientifically proven. These can be easily incorporated into natural cleaners using these popular recipes.


Metric Kitchen Measures: 1/4 teaspoon = 1.25 ml (20 drops approx )

1 teaspoon = 5 ml (80 drops approx)

1 dessertspoon = 10 ml (2 teaspoons)

1 tablespoon = 15 ml (3 teaspoons)

1 cup = 250 ml

1 litre = 4 cups

General household cleaner (1)

1 litre water

200 ml vinegar

40 ml detergent

40 ml Eucalyptus oil

2 dsp washing soda


- Mix all ingredients together and it’s ready to use. Use 60 ml of solution in warm water to wash your floors. Fill a spray bottle and use it to clean your table, benches and bathroom.

- Makes approximately 2 litres.

General household cleaner (2)

1 tsp baking soda

a few drops dish washing liquid

10 drops of Lavender or Tea-Tree oil


- Nearly fill a 1 litre spray bottle with warm water then add the above ingredients.

- Shake together. For wooden bench tops, also add about 1 tsp of Olive oil and shake the bottle every time you use it to disperse the oil.

General cleaning scrub

2 cups baking soda

½ cup laundry powder

10 drops Lavender oil

10 drops Lemon oil


- Combine all ingredients together in a shaker container to make a useful cleaning scrub that also brings up a shine.

- Pour into a convenient spray bottle

Note: Lemon essential oil is a powerful antiseptic and bactericide.

Timber floor cleaner

This cleaner leaves a shiny clean floor leaving no residue or water marks when dry and smells great.

- Simply use one cap full of Eucalyptus oil and two drops of Lavender to half a bucket of hot water.

Banish mould spray

Clove Bud oil is antibacterial, effective against mould and it has a lovely festive scent.

- In 1 litre water spray bottle, add ¼ tsp Clove Bud oil. Mist over mould area and let dry. Mould drops off in a few days.

Toilet spray cleaner

Save on expensive toilet cleaners by making your own effective spray cleaner.

- Put all of the following into a spray bottle, let it sit for 15 minutes and then use.

2 tbsp baking soda

2 tbsp white vinegar

2 cups boiling water

2 tsp Tea Tree oil

Lavender furniture polish

50 ml turpentine

150 ml raw Linseed oil

75 ml Apple Cider vinegar

75 ml methylated spirits

10 drops Lavender oil

-This liquid polish really ‘feeds’ old wood. Apply generously to dry wood, sparingly to well- maintained wood and polish to a gentle clear shine with a clean soft cloth. The fragrance permeates a room and you only need to use a small amount at a time.

Stain-removing soap

4 cups soap flakes ( e.g. Lux)

50 ml Eucalyptus oil

1 cup boiling water


- Mix together. Stir till clear and pour into small plastic containers as moulds.

-Leave to set for a couple of weeks or so. Once set, seal in cling film or in a lidded container.

- To use, dampen stain, rub with soap and leave on for 30 minutes before washing.

Tip- did you know Eucalyptus oil is the ultimate stain remover? Dab a little on cotton wool and sponge on the stain. For dark, heavy clothes, mix the oil with a little water. Eucalyptus oil also removes the sticky residue left by labels.

Toilet air freshener spray

Help keep the toilet fragrant and fresh with this sweet-smelling spray. Its disinfectant qualities help cleanse the air unlike many commercial air fresheners which simply mask unpleasant odours.


- Dissolve 30 drops of Lavender oil in 30 ml of Cider vinegar then add to a pump spray bottle filled with 500 ml of water.

- Regular spraying will ensure that the toilet seat and surrounding area will be disinfected.

Lavender liquid hand soap

1 bar mild soap

1 tbsp honey

1 tsp glycerine


few drops Lavender oil


- Grate bar of soap into small flakes, pour in blender.

- Add 1 cup of boiling water and whip.

- Add ½ cup room temperature water and stir in blender.

- Add honey and glycerine, stir.

- Allow mixture to cool (15 min), then whip again. The mixture will be quite foamy until it settles but should be around 4 cups at this point.

- Top with cool water until mixture measures around 8 cups, then whip again. At this stage you can add a few drops of Lavender oil.

- Pour into containers and allow to cool (do not put lids or caps on yet). After an hour, close containers. The soap mixture will thicken up overnight.

- Shake before using as needed.

Tip- this liquid hand soap also makes a good base for a natural dog shampoo.

Carpet stain foam

Use as a foam for carpets and upholstery.

2 cups pure soap flakes e.g. Lux

½ cup methylated spirits

25 ml Eucalyptus oil


-Shake ingredients together in a large jar until combined. Add a little hot water if the mixture is too hard to mix.

-Store in a sealed jar.

-To use: mix 2-3 tbsp of mixture into 1 litre of very hot water and whisk until suds form. Rub just the foam over the carpet stain and leave for ten minutes. Wipe away with a damp sponge dipped in white vinegar ( this neutralizes the alkalinity left by the foam). Blot thoroughly with a lean pad.

- For extra tough stains, add 1/4 cup washing soda to the hot water with the foam mix and whisk until soda crystals have completely dissolved.

Liquid laundry detergent

1 cup washing soda crystals

1 bar grated pure soap e.g. Sunlight

essential oil such as Eucalytus, Lavender or Lemon


-Grate the soap into a medium sized glass bowl.

-Add 1 litre boiling water and whisk thoroughly to combine.

-Add 1 cup washing soda. Whisk again.

-Add up to 1 tsp of essential oil. Stir.

-Pour mixture into a bucket and add 4 litres of boiling water. Stir.

-Leave for a couple of hours and the mixture will form a gel-like consistency.

-Pour mixture through a funnel into large plastic recycled milk bottles.( label clearly and keep out of reach out of children)

-Add approximately ½ cup of mixture to your washing machine for a normal load.

Note:This mixture is environmentally friendly and prevents any residual build up of washing powder in the washing machine.

Tip- before changing over to the liquid laundry detergent, run a rinse cycle with ½ cup of vinegar in your washing machine. This will help eliminate any build-up from previous washing powder.

Fabric softener

Make your own fabric softener and save on buying expensive commercial products. All you need is:

1 cup soap flakes

1 cup methylated spirits

15 ml Eucalyptus oil


- Mix together ingredients and keep in screw top jar.

- Using 2 tbsp in a basin of warm water, soak the garment. No rinsing is needed, just drip-dry.

Note: This mixture is suitable for reviving woollens also and good for washing blankets.

Tip- simply add one cap full of Eucalyptus oil to machine wash. Not only does it act as a fabric softener and stain remover, but also helps to keep the inside of the washing machine clean.