Directions: Identify each element and write its symbol in the blank following its clue. Add or subtract letters and write the resulting letter in the blank to the right. The letters in the vertical column will spell out a message you are sure to agree with in the third quarter.

_____ 1.Samarium ______plus nitrogen ______minus manganese ______

_____ 2.Atomic mass #31 ______

_____ 3.Praseodymium ______plus oxygen ______minus polonium ______

_____ 4.Atomic #28 ______minus atomic mass #14.0 ______

_____ 5.Group 1, period 3 ______plus atomic number 6 ______minus atomic mass 40.1______

_____ 6.Atomic # 80 ______minus the lightest element ______

_____ 7.82 protons ______minus 16 neutrons ______

_____ 8.Heaviest noble gas ______minus 2 shells, 5e- in outermost shell ______

_____ 9.63 electrons ______minus heaviest naturally occurring element ______

_____ 10.Group 15, period 4 ______minus element with 16 protons ______

_____ 11.97 proton ______minus group 3, period 2 ______

_____ 12.Group 1, period 2 ______plus atomic mass 238 ______minus 71 protons ______

_____ 13.76 electrons ______minus 8 protons, neutrons, and elections (each) ______

_____ 14.Atomic number 74 ______

_____ 15.67 electrons ______plus 3 shells, 6 e- in outer shell ______minus mass #190 ______

_____ 16.Noble gas 3 shells ______plus 5 protons ______minus liquid in groups 7 ______

_____ 17.90 protons ______minus only element with no neutrons ______

_____ 18.5 main shells with 7 e- in outer most ______

_____ 19.2 full shells (noble gas) ______plus 9 protons ______minus atomic number 26 ______

_____ 20.Lightest noble gas ______minus the only nonmetal in group 1 ______

_____ 21.26 protons ______minus group 7, period 2 ______

_____ 22.48 electrons ______plus 92 protons ______minus atomic number 29 ______

Final message reads:

  1. What model is used to show the pattern of traitsthat are passed from one generation to the nextin a family?
  2. pedigree chart
  3. dichotomous key
  4. energy pyramid
  5. line graph

Base your answers to questions 2 and 3 on thediagram of a green plant below and on your knowledgeof science. Four parts of the plant are labeledA, B, C, and D.

  1. Which part of the plant is directly involved insexual reproduction?
  2. A c. C
  3. B d. D
  1. In which part of the plant does most photosynthesisoccur?
  2. A c. C
  3. B d. D
  1. Cancer is most often the result of
  2. abnormal cell division
  3. natural selection
  4. bacterial infection
  5. biological adaptation
  1. What are genes composed of?
  2. offspring c. cells
  3. DNA d. traits
  1. An organism is born with a genetic abnormalitynot present in any of its ancestors. Thisabnormality is most likely the result of
  2. circulation c. mutation
  3. competition d. respiration
  1. When the environment changes more quicklythan a species can adapt, the species maybecome
  2. extinct c. diverse
  3. dominant d. overpopulated
  1. When do organs and organ systems begin todevelop in humans?
  2. before fertilization
  3. during childhood
  4. before birth
  5. during adulthood
  1. Some one-celled organisms can reproduce bythe process of
  2. hormone secretion c. fertilization
  3. metamorphosis d. cell division
  1. Which structure is found in a plant cell but notin an animal cell?
  2. cell wall c. cytoplasm
  3. cell membrane d. nucleus