We have ten students who, based on their SAT/ACT scores and GPA’s, qualified to be Illinois State Scholars this year. Congratulations to the following scholars:Tyler Bussert, Hannah Butler, Chase Edwards, Lauren Graham, Joshua Hofmann, Grace Jennings, Kaylee Payne, Darcie Pilon, John Searl and Kyle Todd . All ten students’ pictures are now hanging in our Hall-of-Fame hallway outside the gymnasium! The students are now choosing their paths for next year. As of today, the students are looking at the following schools for next year: Tylerwill be attending University of Iowa and playing golf for the Hawkeyes. Josh is planning on attending either St. Ambrose or University of Wisconsin- Platteville and studying mechanical engineering. Kaylee plans on attending Southeastern Illinois College in Harrisburg, Illinois. Lauren is planning on attending University of Wisconsin-Platteville and studying elementary education. Kyle is planning on going to Fort Lee in the fall and training to become a paralegal specialist- he then plans on attending a 4-year university. Grace is planning on attending 4-year University- currently looking at University of Iowa and Ohio State University and studying to become a child-life specialist. John is planning on attending the University of Illinois and studying to become a crop scientist. Darcie is planning on attending Clarke University, studying pre-pharmacy, and running track; she would like to eventually go on to University of Iowa to become a pharmacist. Chase is planning on attending St. Ambrose University in the fall to study business. Hannahplans on attending Iowa State in the fall and studying materials engineering. Congrats for being in the top 10% of students recognized by the State of Illinois for outstanding academic achievement!

Riverdale High School student council hosted our 5th annual Military Appreciation Night onThursday, December 7th. We were able to recognize over 20 armed forces personnel during half-time - including Vietnam veterans, Korean War veterans and active duty members. Thank you to all who participated!

Our Scholastic Bowl We will be hosting the Masonic Sectionals onFeb. 17.Mr. Campbell and I would like to invite Board members to try and make it out to see both an exciting competition and our communities’ support for this great group of Riverdale students.

On Friday, January 19th we had our 2nd quarter rewards celebration.197 students: Seniors 39, Juniors 48, Sophomores 51, and Freshmen 59)qualified for the reward celebration by meeting the requirements for 2nd quarter (no tardies, no discipline referrals, no unexcused absences, and no D’s or F’s). A special thanks goes out to Reba Plumb, Pam Smith, and Jessica Johnson for their work helping to organize the event. The students enjoyed quick treat and numerous raffle prized were given away. Also, one student from each class was selected by the staff as being the best examples of being a RAM (Respect, Attitude, Motivation, and Success).Congratulations to Senior- Grace Jennings, Junior- Erin Guardia, Sophomore- Lauren Anderson, and Freshman- Rhaena Reece.

This year, all juniors have been spending two days each week since the beginning of the school year preparing for the SAT exam. I want to thank Mr. Campbell (Science), Mrs. Johnsen (Math), Mr. White (English), Mrs. Dean (Reading), and Mrs. Creen (Khan Academy) for helping our students prepare for this important test. The class prep has changed a little this year, as we are blending the test prep to include both ACT and SAT materials. Many of our students are opting to take the ACT on their own as well as preparing for the State-mandated SAT that we will give to all juniors on April 10th.

A special thanks goes out to Bill Mathias and Rick Guinn and the entire janitorial staff for all the work they have done this winter! The staff has done a great job in keeping our parking lots and walk-ways clean and safe for students, staff, and parents visiting our school for extracurricular activities. In addition, I have had several comments from visitors to our school about how well kept our building is, and I wanted to pass along my thanks to our staff for their efforts in this regard.

Our winter sports seasons are coming to a close, and I want to personally thank all the coaches, athletes and parents for their spirit, effort, and sportsmanship this past season. In addition, I want to thank Mr. Reece and our outstanding pep band for another memorable season- our pep band truly exemplifies some of the great things happening at Riverdale High School!

We will be hosting the girls’ basketball regional this season. The schedule is not set yet, but the dates for the games will be during the week of February 5th.

Mr. Houzenga has completed the application for the greenhouse grant. We anticipate hearing back sometime in February about whether or not we are awarded the $10,000 to begin building our Riverdale greenhouse!