Minutes of the Patients Council Meeting
Held on Thursday 23rd January 2014
Maggie Blackmore(MB) Vice Chair
Jeanette Carter(JC) Member of Nursing and Midwifery Committee
Pat Sokol(PS)
David Holt(DH)
Penney Long(PL)
Reyna Knight(RK) Member of the Infection, Prevention & Control Committee
Irene Bleasdale(IB)
Sally Thatcher(ST)
Richard Allam(RA)
In Attendance
Gill Hoskins(GH) Associate Director for Governance & Patient Experience
Jenny Wakefield(JW) PALS Lead
Ann Harley(AH)
Susan Burch (SBu) Senior Nurse Governance and Patient Experience
Nathan Meager(NM) Chair
1. / WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS- Apologies noted as above.
- The Chair welcomed Richard Allan as a new member and Jenny Wakefield (PALS Lead).
Role of PALS at the Trust
- Jenny introduced the role of the Patient Advice and Liaison Service – part of the complaints and bereavement team at WAHT.
- The service will be placed in the new front entrance – due for completion by the end of the month. The team have prepared a new leaflet and have smart uniforms and easy read badges in support of this increased visibility.
- The team supports patients and families,available to address informal concerns and provide advice. If issues cannot be resolved within 48 hours then the issues are escalated via the complaints process. 80% of issues are addressed within 2 working days.
- A traffic light system is in place to assess the level of each concern as follows;
- Green – lost property, parking issues, information request.
- Amber – care or treatment queries whilst inpatient
- Red – issues requiring formal investigation.
- 100 - 120 approaches are made per month to the service. August is traditionally a quiet time. January is the busiest time.
- Members reassured themselves that whereas currently the team were difficult to find in their temporary home near the Churchill OPD entrance, this would be rectified by the new front door.
Notes of the meeting held 5 December 2013 and Action Table
- The minutes were agreed as accurate and the action table discussed and updated (see attached).
- Patients’ Council webpage. Members agreed to send updates to GH.
- Promotion of the Council. Reminder that Council volunteer with a communications interest was still required to work with Trust Head of Communications. Approved Patients’ Council minutes now to be reviewed at Board. Posters and leaflets – now an agenda item. Patients’ Council content of digital display screen for rolling screen in OPD to be reviewed at the next meeting.
- Patient story gathering. Agreed that this could occur following QoIO visits. GH to ensure Jodie has copies of the yellow prompt cards and consent forms.
- Complaints review. NPA review scheduled for 19th February.
- Internal CQC type inspections. JL supported pilot of Patients Council template. Council volunteers requested.GH to provide update on 2014.15 CQC inspection framework at next meeting.
- Space for wheelchairs in new reception area. Head of E&FM has confirmed that space is allocated. Additional seating to be reviewed once opened.
- Waterside environment. MB revisited in January and reported that most of the actions identified had been addressed. Work ongoing in the kitchen.
Action; All
Action; GH
Action; All
Action; GH
Review of draft fliers and posters
- Attendees reviewed the draft template and made suggestions for improvement. Draft v2 to return to the committee in February. Discussion occurred around the purpose of the poster – with opinion divided over whether it’s purpose was for recruitment (current draft) or publicity of the Councils’ work. It was agreed that suggested amendments would occur but that print run would be placed on hold pending further discussions at the next meeting and with the Chair.
- It was agreed that Sunshine radio would be invited to a future meeting to discuss their role and the possibility of publicity via their medium.
Review of Terms of Reference
- To be amended to describe the independence of the committee and the requirement to sign a code of conduct.
Patient Experience Review Group Update
MB updated attendees following the inaugural meeting on the 20th January. The PERG has three members from the Council - NM, AH and DH.
Membership also includes WAHT operational leads and;
- Health and Wellbeing Strategic Lead/Healthwatch Chair - Georgie Bigg
- SEAP - Susan Robinson
- CEO Friends - Mark Ellis
- Age UK CEO - Mandy Averill
- CEO Crossroads - Christine Holland
At the meeting the following Q3 evidence was reviewed;
- CQC review in December
- Council led QoIO
- Internal CQC monitoring
- PALs
- Exit cards
- Friends and family test
- Complements and complaints
- Local inpatient survey
- Twitter feeds
- Media reports
- NHS choices
Attendees agreed to review current level of progress with the Patient Experience Strategy and consider next steps for this and the 2014.15 Quality Account. Members agreed to feedback additional thoughts to GH for further discussion at the meeting in February.
Quarter 3 report from Quality of Interaction Observations
Report received and reviewed by the Council.
Council support for internal CQC style monitoring.
PL has worked with SB to pilot the approach. Council volunteers requested to take forward.
7. / For Information and Update on Actions Required by the Council
- MB provided an update from the last Board meeting. The Trust is doing particularly well in ED with respect to the 4 hour wait.
- JC gave an update following a visit to ED where the children’s play area has been improved, nurse practioners have been moved to an area to enable better triage on arrival.
- PL fed back from her first Quality and Governance Committee – an enjoyable and informative experience. No particular trends to report.
- PLACE – MB requested volunteers for forthcoming review.
- Council representation is required for the Equality and Diversity Committee following Patsy’s resignation.
- Letter received from Deb Parsons - IB confirmed that she had supported the review of the Stroke Ward Quality Mark update.
- Future items for open forum;
- Red Cross role in discharge
- A&E representative re: Change in process
Thursday 27 February 2014 – 6.00pm
Executive Boardroom