2016-2017AFTERsCareInformation & Registration

Grades 3-8

AFTERs CARE: Grades 3-8 (3:20 PM–6:00 PM)

AFTERsCare is a multi-dimensional after-school program that provides general after-school care with snack provided, as well as supervised study hall and optional enrichment programs.

All IDS students should be registered with AFTER Care. There is no charge for this and should the need arise for your child to attend AFTERs as a Drop-In, staff will have all the information.

If your 3rd-8th grader is new to IDS, he/she may try out a no cost one-hour AFTER Care visit. This is space available dependent, so you must call ahead to Ruthann Montgomery in the IDS office to make arrangements.

AFTERsCare Tuition

Pre-registered Students:

Students who are pre-registered and attend on a specified day are guaranteed a spot on that day at a rate of $8.50/hour, or portion there of to the closest 15 minute increment.

Pre-registered students may pre-payin one payment by August 30thor in 3 installments of August 1st, December 1st and March 1st as seen below at a 5% discounted price, otherwise charges are billed monthly.

Days/Week Total Cost Pre-pay @ 5% Disc. Pre-pay, 3 installments 5% Disc.

5 Days/ Week: $3609.09 $3428.64 $1142.88

4 Days/Week: $2887.27 $2742.91 $914.30

3 Days/Week: $1732.36 $1645.74 $548.58

2 Days/Week: $1443.64 $1371.46 $457.15

1 Day/Week: $721.82 $685.73 $228.58

With both the pre-pay discount options please note that all applicable fees are nonrefundable regardless of attendance. Exceptions are made for snow days and days missed due to religious observance

AFTERsDrop-In Attendance:

Same dayDrop-In care is offeredif space is available at a charge of $9.65/hour (or portion there of to the closest 15 minute increment.) AFTERsCare has a 17:1 student/teacher ratio. You must contact Ruthann Montgomery or Kate T.inthe IDS office as soon as possible once need is known, to confirm availability. If your child is not picked up by the end of car pool, he/she will be sent to AFTERs Care at the Drop-In rate with a minimum one hour charge and must be signed out at AFTERs.

Late Charges: Any child signed out after6:00 PM is charged$9.65/15 minutes late, regardless of calling ahead. The late fee applies to all students whether pre-paid, pre-registered or Drop-In. If needed, AFTERs Staff can be reached via their extension Big AFTERs: 1211 Little AFTERs: 1207

Please complete the AFTERs CareRegistration on the following page and submit tothe IDSoffice, along with any special enrichment program registrations for AFTERsEnrichment &/or MAPA.

There is no need for general contact information as that is part of the IDS data-base.

Visit Beyond the Classroom,IDS+ (IDS Plus) for the current AFTERs & MAPA enrichment program listings and schedules.

2016-2017IDS+AFTERsCARE: Grades 3-8Registration

Please submit one registration/student

Student Name:(print) ______Grade: _____

Parent Name: (print) ______

Student Enrollment for AFTERsCare:

Pre-registering your child for AFTERs Care guarantees a space for your child. By signing this agreement below, you are enrolling your child named above, on the following basis.

For staffing purposes please check and complete the appropriate spaces below:

I am pre-registering my child to attend AFTERs Care on:

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday

I expect my

childto attend:


Pick-Up Time:

No School-Care Survey:

In order to help us plan for & staff programming accordingly, please check all that apply.

I need to register my child for No-School Care (any/all days) during:

September 23
Durham Fair Day / November 21-22
Mon. & Tues. of Thanksgiving Week / February 21-24
Tues.-Fri. of
Feb. Break Week / April 10-13
Mon. –Thurs. of April Break Week

** Please note: this is not a formal sign up. Full Payments ($48.20/half day & $96.50/full day) are due 1 week prior to care days in order to hold your child’s place & should accompany an email or written notification of registration. ***

Rules & Expectations:

All families agree to accept and comply with the rules and expectations outlined in the IDS Family Handbook. Students whose parents are chronically tardy in picking them up might lose the privilege of attending AFTERs Care. AFTERs Care reserves the right to release any student from its program when the particular needs of the student conflict with the needs of the program at large or when a student does not respect and obey the behavior expectations outlined in the IDS Family Handbook.

Emergency Care

You authorize the IDS+ AFTERs Care program to act in the place of the parents/guardians of the student should any emergency treatment be needed during the time the student is enrolled in AFTERs Care. It is understood that AFTERs Care staff and hospital authorities will make every effort to contact the parent/guardian before acting on this authorization. You further agree to notify the IDS+ AFTERs Care Program in the event of any changes in your emergency information.


Signature of Parent/Guardian Date