Avalon Independent School District

Student Evaluation of the Gifted and Talented Program

We are interested in your opinions concerning the Gifted and Talented Program in our school district. Please answer the following questions based on your participation in the program.

Number of years in the program: ______

1. Do you understand the process by which you were chosen for this program? YES NO

2. Do you have a copy of the GT Plan outlining the details of the program? YES NO

  1. How would you rate your learning in the gifted program?

_____ More than in regular program

_____ About the same as in regular program

_____ Less than in the regular program

_____ I don’t know

  1. How do you feel about what you are asked to do in the GT program?

_____ I think the work is too hard.

_____ The work is challenging, but I can do it.

_____ The work is about right.

_____ The work is too easy.

_____ There is no difference in any of my work assigned.

  1. How has the GT program encouraged you to do independent work?

_____ Very often

_____ Often

_____ Sometimes

_____ Not much

_____ Not at all

  1. How has academic counseling been provided?

_____ Very often

_____ Often

_____ Sometimes

_____ Not much

_____ Not at all

  1. How has the GT program provided you with opportunities to do work not usually done at your grade level?

_____ Very often

_____ Often

_____ Sometimes

_____ Not much

_____ Not at all

8. Have the teachers encouraged you to work on projects of your own choosing?

_____ Very often

_____ Often

_____ Sometimes

_____ Not much

_____ Not at all

9. Have teachers encouraged you to go beyond the facts and get into ideas and theories?

_____ Very often

_____ Often

_____ Sometimes

_____ Not much

_____ Not at all

10. Do you feel the GT program has met your academic needs?

_____ Very often

_____ Often

_____ Sometimes

_____ Not much

_____ Not at all

11. I like a class that follows a textbook very closely.

_____ Strongly agree

_____ Agree

_____ Disagree

_____ Strongly disagree

12. I complete assignments only when the teacher tells me they are due at a specific time.

_____ Strongly agree

_____ Agree

_____ Disagree

_____ Strongly disagree

13. When a teacher gives me an assignment, I like to be shown examples of how it should look when it is


_____ Strongly agree

_____ Agree

_____ Disagree

_____ Strongly disagree

14. I like to be able to do assignments my own way.

_____ Strongly agree

_____ Agree

_____ Disagree

_____ Strongly disagree

15. I need very little help from my teacher in planning my work.

_____ Strongly agree

_____ Agree

_____ Disagree

_____ Strongly disagree

16. I understand why I make the grades I make.

_____ Strongly agree

_____ Agree

_____ Disagree

_____ Strongly disagree

17. I am able to work on my own.

_____ Strongly agree

_____ Agree

_____ Disagree

_____ Strongly disagree

18. I believe that I am receiving an education that will prepare me for college.

Explain your answer: ______



19. What do you enjoy most about your classes?



20. Name one thing you would change about the GT program. Give examples or suggestions.



Circle your grade: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12