Advent Pioneer Books
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Advent Pioneer Books
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Spirit of Prophecy Deluxe Mp3 Library, 38 Mp3 Audio Books, plus the KJV Bible, Narrated by Steven Johnston
SOPDCD: Spirit of Prophecy Library on 7 mp3 CDs (38 mp3 Audio Books) / $59.99
SOPDHD: Spirit of Prophecy Deluxe Library on an 8 GB micro SDHC card (38 mp3 Audio Books) / $59.99
SOPDFlash: Spirit of Prophecy Deluxe Library on an 8 GB USB thumb drive(38 mp3 Audio Books) / $59.99
Adventist Pioneer Mp3 Library, 23 Mp3 Audio Books of the Adventist Pioneers
PWCDDeluxe:23 mp3 Audio Books of the Adventist Pioneers on 12 Mp3 CDs / $125.00
PWSDeluxe:23 mp3 Audio Books of the Adventist Pioneers on one 8 GB Micro SDHC card / $125.00
PWThumbDeluxe:23 mp3 Audio Books of the Adventist Pioneers on one 8 GB USB Thumb Drive / $125.00
Spirit of Prophecy Ultimate Mp3 Library: 38 Mp3 Audio Books, plus the KJV Bible, Plus 23 Adventist Pioneer mp3 Audio Books
SOPPWCDUltimate: 38 Spirit of Prophecy and 23 Pioneer mp3 Audio Books, plus the King James Version of the Bible on 21 mp3 CDs / $165.00
SOPPWSDUltimate: 38 Spirit of Prophecy and 23 Pioneer mp3 Audio Books, plus the King James Version of the Bible on a 16 GB micro SDHC card / $165.00
SOPPWThumbUltimate:38 Spirit of Prophecy and 23 Pioneer mp3 Audio Books, plus the King James Version of the Bible on a 16 GB micro USB Flash Drive / $165.00
Individual Spirit of Prophecy Mp3 Audio Disks
SOP1: MP3 Disk 1: Acts of the Apostles, Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, Prophets and Kings, Patriarchs and Prophets, The Sanctified Life / $9.99
SOP2: Disk 2: The Desire of Ages, The Great Controversy / $9.99
SOP3: Disk 3: Christ Our Savior, Christ’s Object Lessons, Great Controversy 1884 Edition, Education, Ministry of Healing, Redemption, Steps to Christ (High Quality) / $9.99
SOP4: Disk 4: Spiritual Gifts-Books 1-4, Christian Service, Early Writings, Healthful Living, Sketches from the Life of Paul, Life Sketches, A Word to the Little Flock / $9.99
SOP5: Disk 5: Testimonies for the Church, Volumes 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 / $9.99
SOP6: Disk 6: Testimonies for the Church, Volumes 4, 5, 6, 9 and Counsels on Health / $9.99
SOP7: Disk 7: Fundamentals of Christian Education, Gospel Workers, Testimonies to Ministers, and Steps to Christ (Low Quality) / $9.99
Adventist Pioneer Mp3 Audio Books (Individual Books)
Lessons on Faith by A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner mp3 CD / $15.00
The Consecrated Way, by A. T. Jones mp3 CD / $15.00
Guide to Christian Perfection, by Charles Fitch mp3 CD / $15.00
Christ and His Righteousness, by Ellet J. Waggoner mp3 CD / $15.00
The Glad Tidings, by Ellet J. Waggoner mp3 CD / $15.00
The Story of the Seer of Patmos, by Stephen N. Haskell mp3CD / $15.00
Life Incidents, by James Springer White (2) mp3 CDs / $19.00
Bible Studies on the Book of Romans, by Ellet J. Waggoner mp3 CD / $15.00
Waggoner on the Gospel of John, by Ellet J. Waggoner mp3 CD / $15.00
The Story of Daniel the Prophet, by Stephen N. Haskell mp3 CD / $15.00
Studies in the Book of Hebrews, by Ellet J. Waggoner mp3 CD / $15.00
The Cross and It's Shadow, by Stephen N. Haskell mp3 CD / $15.00
A Solemn Appeal, Edited by Elder James White mp3 CD / $15.00
History of the Waldenses, by J. A. Wylie mp3 CD / $15.00
Last Day Tokens, by J. N. Loughborough mp3 CD / $15.00
Studies in the Book of Galatians, by Alonzo T. Jones mp3 CD / $15.00
The Papacy, by James Wylie / $15.00
1889 Camp Meeting Sermons, by A. T. Jones, Ellen White and Others / $15.00
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