Dogs-a-Jammin’ Office Use Only:
Client Travel Itinerary Mailed Check #: ______Brought Check #: ______
425-788-WOOF (9663) tel Mailed Deposit $: ____ Brought Deposit $: ____
425-788- BARK (2275) fax Received by: ______Received by: ______
Checked in bag: ______
Owners Name/s: / Dog/s:Drop off DATE: / * Exact Drop off TIME:
Pick up DATE: / * Exact Pick up TIME:
Pick Up & Drop Off Times: Monday – Friday between 7am – 845am or between 4pm –7pm(6pm for drop off’s)
Saturday between 7am – 845am or 4 pm sharp & Sunday 830-845 am or between 4pm –7pm(6pm for drop off’s)
Traveling to: / By: / Plane; Airline: / Boat/Cruise; Line: / CarWhere can we reach you if necessary, name of hotel: / Phone #
How to reach you: / Cell# 1: / Cell# 2: / Email Address:
Emergency Contact: / Best Number To Reach Them:
Boarding Rates: $45 per day for one dog & $70 per day for two dogs. Examples of how we charge:
Drop off Monday during our morning time slot - pick up Friday during our morning time slot = 4 days
Drop off Monday during our evening time slot - pick up Friday during our evening time slot = 4 days
Drop off Monday during our morning time slot - pick up Friday during our evening time slot = 4 days + 1 day care day
Drop off Monday during our evening time slot - pick up Friday during our morning time slot = 4 days
*The boarding rate for Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day is doubled.*
All reservations must be made with a 50% deposit mailed in within 5 days of booking. During the following times of the year the 50% deposit required to book a reservation is non-refundable: Winter Break, Spring Breaks, Memorial Day Weekend, Fourth of July Week, Labor Day Weekend, Thanksgiving Week & Christmas – New Years. All other times of the year: If you cancel within 8 days’ notice, the deposit is refundable; if you cancel 7 days’ notice or less, the deposit is non-refundable.
Yes / or / No / My dog/s are in good health and have had no contagious illnesses within the last 30 days.Yes / or / No / My dog/s have exercise restrictions Name of Dog/s
Yes / or / No / My dog/s have allergies Name of dog: / Allergy:
Yes / or / No / My dog is allowed to have a taste of the Pet Pantry Stew which we put on all the dogs food as a tiny treat. It contains, chicken or turkey with veggies. .
Food: In order to keep your dog’s digestive system happy, please label your dog/s food and bring in large zip lock bags or small plastic containers for the amount needed plus a little extra. All Medications and Vitamins must be labeled with directions and amounts.
Feeding, Medication and/or Vitamin Instructions: We feed twice a day; early morning and late afternoon and a late snack.
Name of Pet / Food Amount AM / Medication/Vitamin Name & Directions AM / Food Amount PM / Medication/Vitamin Name & Directions PMI agree to and accept all conditions in the Boarding/DayCare Service Contract in which I have already signed and is listed on the website,
Client SignatureDate
□Please let us know if your address, work place, vet info, or any phone numbers have changed and list on back.