Grueneich 2013-2014


1st 6 weeks:

Acting...What is it? And how do we study it?

Character Analysis

Duet Performances

Play Talks and Class Librarian

Explore: Audition by Michael Shurtleff

2nd 6 weeks:

A look at Improv and Theatre Games as a Tool

Improvisational Scene/writing

Musical Auditions/Monologue Selection

Stage Makeup

Shading and Highlight

Old Age

Special Effects


Explore: The Sanford Meisner Approach

3rd 6 weeks:

Evoking a Visceral performance (Put it in your Body!)

Tune Up Your Instrument—physical acting

Scenes Performance.

OAP Auditions/Auditions

Explore: Konstantin Stanislavski: An Actor Prepares

4th 6 weeks

Stage Combat hand to hand

Stage Combat Fencing 101

Voice: Breathing and Projections

Anatomy of your vocal tools

Explore: Konstantin Stanislavski: An Actor Prepares

Class Play Auditions

5th 6 weeks

Class Play Prep

Class Play Rehearsals

6th 6 weeks

Class Play Performance

Student Direct Performances

Final Thoughts/ Where are you now as an actor?

TEKS for Course:

Chapter 117.64 to 117.68 of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills


Students must contact the teacher and download assignments to get work missed while absent. Parent contact with the teacher requesting make-up work is also acceptable. See student handbook for further makeup work procedures.

Late Work:

Assignments turned in after predetermined due dates are considered “late;” unless there are extenuating circumstances or excused absences.) Students will receive a ten point grade reduction on late assignments. Students have 5 days from due date to turn late assignments. After the 5 days students will receive a zero.

THEATRE ARTS TEST DAYS: Wednesdays and Fridays

However many projects may require several days to allow for student presentations or reports.

Course Objectives:

This course covers all basic fundamentals of performance, production and career drama. All students will learn basic acting skills as well as the following: relaxation and preparation, voice and diction, stage movement and pantomime and improvisation skills. Students will gain the ability to do the following: analyze and interpret scripts and characters; understand dramatic structure; understand theatre history; recognize the interdependence of all theatrical elements, attend live theatre events; practice theater etiquette and analyze and evaluate live theatre performances.


Each student will be evaluated on his/her achievement of the course objectives by the following means:

the instructor’s observation of successful participation in and contribution to the daily functioning of the learning community

 formal critiques of monologue and scene performances which will be followed by additional performances that will measure the degree of incorporation of said critiques into the student’s work

the content and construction of formally written documents

Each 6 six students must attend a live theatrical performance. To receive credit the student must turn in a ticket stub, program and a 5 paragraph type-written critique (see handout) WITHIN 10 CALENDAR DAYS of seeing the production. If a student is unable to attend a live performance, they must read a full-length, published play – approved by the instructor - and turn in a typed written play analysis of the piece. (See handout). NO SHAKESPEARE, OR ONLINE PLAY SCRIPTS MAY BE USED FOR THIS ASSIGNMENTAll performances must be fully memorized and well rehearsed.


60% Major Grades: Performances, Quizzes, Projects, Tests,Play talks, Rehearsal/ Production Hours, Written Assignments, Play Attendance/Critiques

(Critique form will be handed out and posted online)

Major Grades each 6 weeks

20% Performances and Tests

10% Play talks

10% Rehearsal/ Production Hours

10% Written Work

10% Outside Play Attendance/critique

40%Minor Grades: Daily Rehearsals, Class Discussions, Daily activities/participation

YOU WILL be responsible for your own crew hours sheets! You must get your hours sheets signed by Mr. Grueneich everyday that you work on a show. Blank Hours Sheets will be placed in folders on the wall in the scene shop. Update Hour Sheet Every Friday for Grade Input. You must have 20 hours minimum each six weeks.

The last Wednesday of each six week is the last day written work may be turned in for late credit. Play critiques will be turned in the 5th Wednesday of each six weeks. See dates on last page.

YOU WILL be required to audition for All KCHS Theatre Dept. Productions! You must also attend Strike for each show. Participation in shows and on crews is essential to making this drama dept. successful. This is why you are in this class and it is part of your grade!

Class Supplies:

Pen and Pencils

Three ring binder


Wide or College Ruled Paper

Tracing Paper

Graph Paper

(By Second Six weeks) Student Stage Makeup Kit – cream based-- (can be purchased at Danny’s Trix and Kix,Performing Arts Supply, or Frankels Costumes) They run about $60.....student will use the kits for the next 4 years,

Ben Nye makes these kits

Mehron makes a student makeup kit too.

Facial cleansers

Towels, baby wipes

Theatre Production 1 (D) Mr. Grueneich

Office Phone: (832) 484 5361Email:

Box Office: (832) 484 5165

Conference Period: 12:42pm – 1:30pm

Teacher Website: http:

Department Website/Ticket Info:

Please have parents sign and return. This page will be kept in your notebook at all times.

Your son/daughter ______is enrolled in Theatre Production I (D). Entry to this class was by audition only. He/She will be involved in a variety of acting exercises and Theatrical Production activities.

Having read all the syllabus documentation:

I, (Parent Signature)______

Understand the nature and expectations of Mr. Grueneich’s Theatre Arts Production I (D) class. This encompasses the evaluation and assessment, grade determination, late work policies; Make up procedure, Re-test/Re-teach, and Play attendance and critique requirements.

Play Critique Due Dates:

1st Six Weeks: September 25

2nd Six Weeks: November 6

3rd Six Weeks: January 8

4th Six Weeks: February 19

5th Six Weeks: April 9

6th Six Weeks: May 27

KCHS Theatre Dept Production Dates:

Greater Tuna: Oct. 24, 25, 26, 28, 29

School Previews 23

All Shows are at 7pm in the Auditorium

There will also be a 2pm matinee performance Oct 26.

Strike Nov. 6

Technical Crew Head Interviews August 27

Auditions for Greater Tuna are August 28, Callback Auditions 29

Rehearsals begin Aug30

2013-2014 Musical

The Drowsy Chaperone: January 30, 31, Feb. 1, 3, 4

All shows are 7pm in the KCHS Auditorium

February 1 there will be 2pm and 7pm performances

Strike Feb 5 & 6

Technical Crew Head Interviews: October 11 @ 3pm

Auditions (singing and dancing): October 13 -14

Callback Auditions: October 15

Rehearsals Begin Nov. 18

School Previews Jan. 29

UIL One Act Play Competition-

Title of Play TBA

Contest and Public Performance Dates: TBA

Technical Crew Head Interviews: TBA

Auditions: TBA

Callbacks Auditions: TBA